Important to Orange County

Congresswoman Sanchez understands that a modern, efficient transportation system will directly contribute to Orange County's economic growth and competitiveness. Orange County is part of the critical goods movement corridor to and from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which process 40% of all goods imported into the United States. Congresswoman Sanchez is committed to improving regional transportation infrastructure to ensure that our communities can withstand the increasing movement of goods in and out of these ports. To that end, Congresswoman Sanchez supports necessary rail grade separations and the Ports Clean Trucks Program to enhance community safety and shipping efficiency while reducing pollution.

Key Moments:

When Congresswoman Sanchez is at home in Orange County, some of the most important work she does is on behalf of our local schools. Since taking office, she has made multiple visits to each and every public school in the 46th Congressional District and has learned first-hand what Orange County's schools really need-more teachers, classrooms, and resources. Congresswoman Sanchez has worked to address these needs by providing students in her district with financial aid workshops, supporting vital after-school programs, developing strong relationships with school administrators, and helping local and state school officials navigate the federal government's education programs     

Key Moments:

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is committed to supporting initiatives to ensure families are able to avoid foreclosure and keep a roof over their heads.  With foreclosure rates at an all time high, Congresswoman Sanchez believes it is imperative that the government continue programs that aim to keep families in their homes.
Congresswoman Sanchez is particularly supportive of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) and Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP).  NSP provides funds to local communities to purchase foreclosed or abandoned properties, and HAMP provides financial incentives to mortgage servicers that provide loan modifications to troubled borrowers.
Bills to repeal these and other housing program initiatives to were passed in the House of Representatives with strong opposition from Congresswoman Sanchez.  In an effort to prevent the repeal of these key programs, Congresswoman Sanchez offered amendments to every bill to hold Members of Congress accountable for increased foreclosure rates. In fact, one of her amendments was added to the bill repealing HAMP, and was aimed at encouraging banks to work with homeowners to provide loan modifications for and assist homeowners and prospective homeowners with foreclosure prevention programs and information on loan modifications.
If you are struggling to keep your home and need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my office.