***PRESS STATEMENT*** Rep. Rohrabacher Statement on the Debt Ceiling Vote

Sep 1, 2011 Issues: Economy

Washington, Aug 1, 2011 - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) issued the following statement on the bipartisan passage of the debt ceiling bill in the House of Representatives:

“Our country is in financial peril,” said Rohrabacher. “We needed to avert a crisis and that’s what this vote was all about.”

“ Unfortunately, this was not comprehensive fiscal reform that will change the way Congress does business,” continued Rohrabacher. “ In order to achieve something that substantial, Republicans would need the support of the presidency and the Senate, both of which are now under the control of Democrats who want to continue down the road of out of control spending, irresponsible budgeting and unsustainable accumulation of debt.

“The level of deficit spending under President Obama over the past two and a half years is dangerous and unacceptable. Running $1.5 trillion deficits per year over the past three years has increased our nation's debt by nearly $5 trillion. If we continue down this reckless path, the value of the dollar will collapse and our economy fall into a devastating crisis.

“While this particular plan is not a road map to long term fiscal sanity, it is a step in the right direction and will keep our economy from irreparable harm. This is the best Republicans could do with control of only one ½ of 1/3 of the government.

“In the short term, this will end the impending crisis to save our credibility throughout the world which is an accomplishment in itself; in the long term, we need a new President, a new Senate and diligence by the American people to save our country from financial ruin.”
