tva logoTennessee Valley Authority
Kingston Ash Release

General Administrative Record Documents Available for Public Review and Comment

The Tennessee Valley Authority is working with the Environmental Protection Agency to recover the site of the Kingston Fossil Plant ash spill. As part of that process, important site documents have been placed in the Administrative Record and are available for public review.  The Administrative Record includes documents that form the basis for the selection of the methods TVA is using to remove ash from the river and area east of Dike 2. Documents in the Administrative Record may include, but are not limited to, inspection reports, test results, the Action Memorandum, and work plans. All interested persons are encouraged to review the documents.

Site documents can be read and reviewed on this Web site or at the following locations:

TVA Outreach Center
509 N. Kentucky Street
Kingston, Tennessee
(865) 632-1700

Kingston Public Library
1004 Bradford Way
Kingston, Tennessee
(865) 376-9905

These same documents are available on computer disk at the following location:

Harriman Public Library
601 Walden Street
Harriman, Tennessee
(865) 882-3195

TVA conducts public comment periods to solicit public input on important site documents and the site recovery process.  To find out what public comment periods are in process and how to participate, please click here.

Index of General Documents in Adminstrative Record

Nbr Date Author Agency Title Pages
G1 01/10/2009 EPA Transfer of Lead Agency Authority 1
G2 01/12/2009 TDEC Commissioner's Order 15
G3 02/18/2009 TDEC Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Kingston Fossil Plant (KIF) - Commissioner's Order, Case No. OGC09-0001- Interim Scour Protection of Ash Pond Dike C in Affected Waters of the State and Notification to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 3
G4 03/02/2009 TVA Corrective Action Plan For The TVA Kingston Fossil Plant Ash Release 76
G5 04/02/2009 TVA Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioners Order, Case No. OGC09-0001 - Interim Drainage Plan and Controls - Ash Release Area 12
G6 04/03/2009 EPA RE: TVA Interim Drainage Plan and Controls 1
G7 04/03/2009 TN Division of Water Pollution Control Re KIF Interim Drainage Plan hml 1
G8 04/06/2009 EPA RE: KIF Interim Drainage Plan 4
G9 05/11/2009 EPA Administrative Order 33
G10 06/01/2009 TVA Report to Our Community - June 2009 10
G11 06/09/2009 TVA Settling Area Outlet Work Plan 4
G12 06/19/2009 TVA Swan Pond Road Construction Entrance Work Plan 3
G13 06/30/2009 TVA Site Storm Water Management Plan 82
G14 06/30/2009 Jacobs Site Wide Safety and Health Plan 319
G15 07/20/2009 TVA Piezometer 09-400 Abandonment Work  Plan 4
G16 08/14/2009 TVA Site Dust Control and Air Monitoring Plan 26
G17 08/20/2009 TVA Financial expenditure report, the public notice of availability of the administrative record and the statement regarding the schedule for development of other work plans 105
08/20/2009 TVA Construction Site Security Plan (Revised)  9
08/25/2009 TVA Approved Surface Water Monitoring Plan for the Emory, Clinch and Tennessee Rivers 86
G20 10/16/2009 TVA Draft Community Involvement Plan 79
G21 10/19/2009 TVA Work Plan for Vehicle Wheel Wash and Decontamination 5
G22 10/27/2009 TVA Approved Technical Assistance Plan and Draft RCCAG agreement 18
G23 11/30/2009 TVA Approved Data Management Plan 54


6/5/2010 TVA Approved Revised Site Wide Safety and Health Plan (Revised) 366


4/19/2010 TVA Notice in Change of Kingston Project Coordinator under the EPA Order 1


5/07/2010 TVA Letter Transmittal - Kathryn Nash signatory authority 1


5/07/2010 TVA Surface Water Data - Statement of Quality 1


5/07/2010 TVA Notice of Change of Signature - Transmittal Letter 1


8/09/2010 TVA Report to Geotechinical Exploration and Evaluation of Slope Stability; Northern Perimeter Dike; East Active Ash Pond; Allen Fossil Plant (ALF); Shelby County, Tennessee 319


8/09/2010 TVA Report to Geotechinical Exploration; Dry Fly Ash Stack and Gypsum Disposal Complex; Cumberland Fossil Plant (CUF); Stewart County, Tennessee 1,244


8/09/2010 TVA Report to Geotechinical Exploration and Slope Stability Evaluation; Ash Pond / Stilling Pond Complex; Gallatin Fossil Plant (GAF); Gallatin, Tennessee 611


8/09/2010 TVA Report to Geotechinical Exploration and Evaluation of Slope Stability; DuPont Road Dredge Cell, Johnsonville Fossil Plant (JOF); Humphreys County, Tennessee 175


8/09/2010 TVA Report to Geotechinical Exploration; Scrubber Sludge Complex; Paradise Fossil Plant (PAF); Muhlenberg County, Kentucky



8/09/2010 TVA Report to Geotechinical Exploration and Evaluation of Slope Stability; Ash Pond 1 & 2 and Consolidated Waste Dry Stack, Shawnee Fossil Plant; Paducah, Kentucky



8/13/2010 TVA Responsiveness Summary - Embayment_Dredge Cell Action Memorandum



8/26/2010 TVA Memorandum concerning vibecore samples from skimmer wall dock area



8/26/2010 TVA Community Involvement Plan



3/01/2011 TVA Work Zone Classification Change Notice



3/01/2011 TVA Concurrence for Completion of On River Cenosphere Recovery


G40 08/29/2011 TVA Draft Environmental Assessment-Kingston Fossil Plant Ash Recovery-Proposed Recreation Areas 72
G41 11/28/2011 TVA 10K report for the fiscal year ending September, 2011 200
G42 05/21/2012 TVA Financial report 10 q for period ending March 31, 2012 65



Page Updated November 7, 2012 2:43 PM

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