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Kingston Ash Release

Area Resident Information

December 14, 2012

Middle Embayment
As of December 9, 2012, 75% of ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment. This percentage is slightly lower than last week due to a recalculation of material removed. The previous numbers included rock removed with the ash, and the new numbers reflect the adjusted amounts minus the rock.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Work on the Perimeter Wall Stabilization continues with jet-grouting work on Segment 7, and initial construction work on Segment 2 at 94% complete, and initial construction work on Segment 3 has begun.

River System Action Memorandum
The public comment period on the Action Memorandum which began November 9, ended December 8, 2012.


December 7, 2012

Middle Embayment
As of December 3, 2012, 75.9% of ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Work on the Perimeter Wall Stabilization continues with jet-grouting work on Segment 7, 35% complete, initial construction work on Segment 2 at 90% complete, and initial construction work on Segment 3 has started.

River System Action Memorandum
The public comment period on the Action Memorandum, which began November 9, will run until December 8, 2012.


November 30, 2012

Middle Embayment
As of November 25, 2012, 75% of ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Work on the Perimeter Wall Stabilization continues with jet-grouting work on Segment 7, and initial construction work on Segment 2. Segment 2 is more than 87% complete.

River System Action Memorandum
The public comment period on the Action Memorandum, which began November 9, will run until December 8, 2012.

Work continues on excavating the Middle Embayment. More than 75% of the ash has now been removed. The water in the certified clean section of the Middle Embayment is from a natural spring in the area and rain water.


November 19, 2012

Middle Embayment
As of November 11, 2012, 74.5% of ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  
Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

  • Work on the PWS continues with jet grouting on Segment 7, and initial construction of Segment 2. Phase 1 buttress work along segments 1 & 8 is complete.
  • Buttressing of the intermediary dike between the stilling pond and segment 3 began this week.  Work is scheduled to last through December. 

Thanksgiving Holiday
Limited work will occur over the Thanksgiving holiday.  The site will be off on Thursday and Friday, with limited work taking place Saturday.  Email updates will resume next week.


November 9, 2012

Middle Embayment
As of October 28, 2012, 73.7% of ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.         

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

  • Work on the PWS continues with jet grouting on Segment 7, and initial construction of Segment 2. Phase 1 buttress work along Segments 1 & 8 are complete.
  • Buttressing of the intermediary dike between the stilling pond and PWS Segment 3 will begin next week.  Work is scheduled to last through December.   

TVA Releases River System Action Memorandum
TVA released the EPA approved River System Action Memorandum November 7, 2012, outlining the preferred alternative, Monitored Natural Recovery to address the remaining ash in the river system.  The selected alternative relies on natural river processes and long-term monitoring.  The Action Memorandum is available here.

TVA Public Meeting to discuss the River System Action Memorandum
TVA hosted a Public Meeting November 8, 2012, in the Roane County High School Auditorium, to discuss the River System Action Memorandum.  The meeting PowerPoint presentation,  transcript and video will be posted, once they become available, at


November 2, 2012

Middle Embayment

  • As of October 28, 2012, 72.6% of ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.
  • Clay and rock mounds have been constructed in the clean portion of the Middle Embayment to serve as fish habitat once the area is filled with water.  The structures will be three feet below winter pool water levels.

The photos below show clay and rock mounds being constructed in the clean portion of the Middle Embayment which will serve as fish habitat once the Middle Embayment is filled with water.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Work on the Perimeter Wall Stabilization continues with touch-up work on Segment 7, and initial construction on Segment 2. The buttress work along Segment 8 is nearing completion.


Public Meeting November 8, 2012
TVA will host a public meeting, with participation from the U.S. EPA and TDEC, on November 8, 2012, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Roane County High School Auditorium. The meeting will include a presentation on the Action Memorandum describing the chosen alternative to address residual ash in the river system, and a question and answer session. The agenda for the meeting is:

5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
An open house featuring representatives from the various agencies involved with the recovery project.

6:00 - 6:45 p.m.
A briefing on the recovery and the Action Memorandum.

6:45 - 7:00 p.m.
A question and answer session.

Project personnel and agency representatives will be available following the meeting to provide information and answer questions.


October 26, 2012

Middle Embayment

As of October 21, 2012, 71.6% of ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.

Workers continue to work in the Middle Embayment, where more than two-thirds of the ash has been removed.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

Work on the Perimeter Wall Stabilization continues with touch-up work on Segment 7, and initial construction of Segment 2. The buttress work along Segment 8 is nearing completion. Overall, the initial construction of the PWS is 50% complete.

Work continues on Segment 2 of the PWS. As of this week Segment 2 is 60% complete.

September Monthly Status Report

The September Monthly Status Report is now available on the Kingston Ash Recovery web page. The report can be found here.



October 19, 2012

Middle Embayment

As of October 14, 2012, 70.7% of ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

Work on the Perimeter Wall Stabilization continues with touch-up work on Segment 7, and initial construction of Segment 2. Buttress work along Segment 8 also continues.

Jacobs Engineering Wins Major Safety Award

Jacobs Engineering’s TVA Kingston Team has been chosen as the Jacobs 2012 President’s Beyond Zero Excellence Award winner for Construction Management. The award is based on safety performance throughout the fiscal year. The TVA Kingston Team was chosen over Jacobs’ projects from around the world.

Workers use flowable-fill concrete equipment to reinforce new drain piping on the main dredge cell at the Kingston Ash Recovery Project. The drain will eventually direct natural rainwater flow from the capped dredge cell into the Emory River, as part of the final Dredge Cell Closure Plan.


October 12, 2012

Middle Embayment

As of October 7, 69.9% of ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  The Middle Embayment haul road is now complete, and will allow workers to finish the Perimeter Wall Stabilization Segment 8 buttress.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

Work on the Perimeter Wall Stabilization continues with repair work on Segment 7, and initial construction work on Segment 2. The initial installation of the PWS is 46% complete.



September 14, 2012

River System Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA)

The River System EE/CA was released on August 10, 2012, and was scheduled for a 30-day public comment period that was to end September 10, 2012. In response to requests from the public the comment period has been extended for 30 days to October 10, 2012.  A Fact Sheet, other supporting documents and an email address where comments can be submitted can be accessed on our website here.  A newspaper announcement of the extension of the public comment period was published in the Roane County News last week.

Monthly Report

The Monthly Report for August is attached. Each month, a status report is compiled to document the progress of the Kingston recovery effort. Past reports are available for review here.

Middle Embayment

As of September 9, 2012, 64.9% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment. 

Perimeter Wall Stabilization

Work on the Perimeter Wall Stabilization continues. Repair work on Segment 7, and work on Segment 2 is ongoing. Work on Segments 1 and 8 is complete.

Tree Cutting on Lakeshore Drive

Workers are on Lakeshore Drive cutting invasive species of trees as part of the Restoration Phase of the Kingston Ash Recovery Project. Native species of trees will be planted as the work progresses. The photo shows a worker using a pole saw to cut limbs from the tree prior to cutting it down.



September 7, 2012

One Lane to be Closed on Swan Pond Circle Road
One lane of Swan Pond Circle Road near Berkshire will be closed Friday morning, September 7, 2012, so workers can make repairs around a natural gas shut off valve. Flaggers will be present to direct traffic.  We apologize for any inconvenience, and ask that you please be aware of the workers and other traffic in this area.

Middle Embayment
As of August 26 , 2012,  63.7% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  The aerial photograph below of the Middle Embayment taken on August 15, 2012.waqll

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Initial construction of Segment 2 continues and is approximately 20% complete and buttressing along Segment 8 of the PWS continues.


August 31, 2012

River System Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA)
The River System EE/CA was released on August 10, 2012, and was scheduled for a 30-day public comment period that was to end September 10, 2012. In response to requests from the public the comment period has been extended for 30 days to October 10, 2012.  A Fact Sheet, other supporting documents and an email address where comments can be submitted can be accessed on our website here.  A newspaper announcement of the extension of the public comment period is scheduled to be published in the Roane County News next week.

Middle Embayment
As of August 26, 2012, 62.5% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  The photograph on the left shows Buttress Toe Road sampling prior to rock placement in the Middle Embayment.  The photograph on the right shows Segment 1 Buttress Toe Road ash removal.  Swan Pond Circle Road can be seen in the background.


Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

Initial construction of Segment 2 of the PWS continues and buttressing along Segment 8 is underway.  The photograph below shows workers applying the buttress material to Segment 8. Sections of the buttress walls can also be seen in the photo.



August 24, 2012

Excavation and Hauling

As of August 19, 2012, 61.3% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  This photograph, taken on August 17 by the TVA tower camera, shows construction of the Segment 8 buttress toe road that runs through the Middle Embayment. 


Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS) 
Initial construction of Segment 2 of the PWS is continuing. 

River System Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA)
The River System Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis was released August 10, 2012, and is now in the 30-day public comment period that is scheduled to end September 10, 2012.  A public meeting was held August 21, 2012, to discuss the EE/CA. The event took place at the Roane County High School Auditorium and was well attended by members of the community and various media outlets were represented.  In addition, a number of presentations have been made over the last few weeks to some Roane County civic organizations, the last of which took place Thursday afternoon.


August 17, 2012

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Construction of the PWS continues. Initial construction of Segment 7 is complete and work on Segment 2 is ongoing.  Two rigs will be dedicated to Segment 2 to speed up its construction.

River System Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA)
The River System EE/CA was released for public review and comment on August 11, 2012.  The 30-day public comment period is scheduled to end on September 10, 2012.  A number of presentations have been provided to local civic organizations to brief their members on the EE/CA.  A public meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 21, 2012, at 5:30 p.m., in the Roane County High School auditorium.  The meeting will include a presentation by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Remedial Project Manager, on the Phase 3 removal alternatives outlined in the EE/CA.  Also present at the meeting will be representatives of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Excavation and Stacking
As of August 12, 2012, 59.9% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  This photograph, taken on August 15, 2012, shows the progress in the Middle Embayment in the foreground, as well as the water-filled North Embayment in the background.


July Monthly Report
The Monthly Report for July, 2012, is attached for your information.  You can also access it on our website here.


August 10, 2012

Excavation and Hauling
As of August 5, 2012, 59% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  The photograph below shows excavators removing ash from the Middle Embayment and in the background the new haul road being constructed to haul borrow material to the dredge cell when it is ready for closure.


Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Initial construction is nearing completion on Segment 7.  Initial construction of Segment 2 is ongoing.  In all, the PWS is 38% complete as of July 31.

River System EE/CA Newspaper Ads
Attached for your information are two ads that will be published in the local newpapers on Friday, August 10, announcing the public meeting on August 21, 2012, at Roane County High School, and the public comment period on the River System Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis that will begin on August 11 and continue through September 10, 2012.   The River System EE/CA describes the alternatives, including long-term monitoring, to address residual ash in the river system.

EE/CA Public Meeting Ad

EE/CA Press Release


July 27, 2012

Excavation and Hauling
As of July 22, 2012, 57% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment. 

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Work on the Perimeter Wall Stabilization continues.  A new jet-grouting method for the PWS is being tested in a section of the Middle Embayment.  This photograph shows workers conducting a test of the method.  If the jet-grouting method is successful, it will be implemented on Segment 7 of the PWS.

Middle Embayment

Water Flow to the Middle Embayment Clean Water Ditch
Water flow to the Middle Embayment Clean Water Ditch (adjacent to Swan Pond Circle Road) could be restored as early as next week.  The ditch is used to isolate clean water from areas where work is being performed.  A large pump that re-routed clean water flowing from Church Slough around the middle embayment to the Emory River is no longer needed and will be removed.


July 20, 2012

Excavation and Hauling
As of July 15, 2012, 56.4% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  This photograph taken July 5, 2012, shows the start of clay placement along a segment of the clean water ditch, east of the haul road underpass. 

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Work continues on Segment 7 of the PWS.  Work on Segment 2 is scheduled to begin in early August.

View from the Overlook
The photograph below is the view from the recovery project overlook that shows how the work is progressing on the central dredge cell.

Kingston Ash Recovery Project Monthly Report

The Monthly Report for June, 2012, is now available on our website here


July 13, 2012

Excavation and Hauling

At the end of reporting period July 9, 2012, 58% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  The photograph below on the left shows areas of the Middle Embayment, the new clean haul road and where native sediment has been reached.  The one on the right is another angle of the newly completed clean haul road and the clean water ditch.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

As of July 8, 2012, the PWS was approximately 38% complete.  Work on Segment 7 continues and initial production is now 82% complete.  Initial production on Segments 1 and 8 is complete.  Work on Segment 2 is planned to begin in August, 2012. 

Work Continues to Close Residential Wells and Cisterns

Work continues to close 11 residential wells and two cisterns on properties from which structures were removed and is expected to take about two weeks to complete.  These closures will eliminate a potential source for groundwater contamination (i.e. dumping of trash or household chemicals). A grouting machine and drill rig along with a water truck will be used for this work, which is being done according to TDEC requirements. 


June 29, 2012

Excavation and Hauling
As of June 24, 2012, 57% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment. 

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Work on Segment 7 of the Perimeter Wall Stabilization continues and is now 77% complete.  Initial production on Segments 1 and 8 is complete.  Work on Segment 2 is planned to begin in August, 2012. 

July 4 Holiday
Except for essential operations, Kingston Ash Recovery Project site personnel will not be working during the July 4 holiday beginning Wednesday, July 4, through Sunday, July 8, 2012, resuming work on Monday, July 9.


June 21, 2012

Excavation and Hauling
As of June 17, 2012, 52.4% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  This photograph shows excavation in the eastern portion of the Middle Embayment.


Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
Work continues on Segment 7.  As of June 16, 2012, the PWS was 36.5% complete. Workers have installed ten 60-foot deep siphon wells to help with de-watering in Segment 7.  The photograph below shows one of the siphon wells.    

60-foot well complete.jpg


June 15, 2012

Recovery Project Monthly Report

The project report for the month of May is now available here.

Excavation and Hauling

As of June 10, 2012, 51.7% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment. 

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

The PWS was 36.2% complete as of June 9, 2012.

Middle Embayment

Travelers along Swan Pond Circle Road will see lots of work being performed in the Middle Embayment.  As shown in this photograph, workers are placing clay in the clean sections of the embayment to construct a haul road that will be used to transport onsite borrow materials in support of ongoing site activities.
Mid Embayment Haul Road #1.jpg

June 8, 2012

Recovery Project Awarded Zero Accident Award
The Kingston Ash Recovery Project was awarded the Zero Accident Award by the Jacobs Engineering Beyond Zero Executive Committee for the project’s excellent safety record in 2011.

Workshop Six Held on June 7, 2012
The last in the series of six workshops hosted by TVA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was held on Thursday, June 7, at the Roane State Community College and was attended by13 community members.  The Workshops have provided information to the public on the River System Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis Report (EE/CA) which will be released for public comment later this summer.  The draft EE/CA will contain proposed alternatives about how to treat the remaining ash in the Emory River and long-term monitoring. 

The release of the draft EE/CA to the public will be followed by a 30-day public comment period, and a public meeting to provide information to the public and answer questions about the draft report.  After public input is received and considered, a final decision will be rendered.

Excavation and Hauling
As of June 3, 2012, 50.8% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment. 

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
As of June 2, 2012 the PWS was 35.4% complete.

Flexterra Applied to Central Dredge Cell
This photograph shows workers at the recovery project applying Flexterra to the Central Dredge Cell. The Flexterra promotes the growth of grass and acts as a dust suppressant, which is very important during the dry summer months.

Flextera Application.jpg

June 1, 2012

911 Memorial Dedicated at Kingston Fossil Plant

Kingston Fossil Plant, Kingston Ash Recovery Project employees, local dignitaries, military members, police and firefighters were on hand Tuesday for the dedication ceremony of the 911 Memorial at the Kingston Fossil Plant. The memorial is fashioned from a 10,000 pound piece of steel from the World Trade Center and located at the public recreation area south of the plant. It is dedicated to the events of Sept. 11, 2001, and to the armed forces.

911 Memorial Dedication.jpg911 Memorial.jpg

Workshop Six

The last in the series of six workshops will be held on Thursday, June 7, 2012, at Roane State Community College in the Walden Ridge Dining Room, at 6:30 p.m.
The workshop will include information requested by the CAG about the human health risk assessments as well as the “Evaluation of Removal Alternatives.”  Craig Zeller of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will present the information.  The public is invited to the Workshop.  The college is located at 276 Patton Lane, Harriman, Tennessee.  The slide presentations from the workshops are all available for viewing here.

Kingston Ash Recovery Project Website Updated

A number of updated photographs have been added to our website.  Check them out at

Excavation and Hauling

As of May 27, 2012, 49.9% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment. 

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

As of May 26, 2012, the PWS was 35% complete.  Workers continue to take confirmation core samples of the PWS in Segment 8 to ensure the slurry mix is hardening to the necessary strength.


May 25, 2012

Kiosk Updated

The Kiosk located at the TVA Overlook off Swan Pond Road has been updated with information about the progress of the clean up.  The information highlights restoration of the North Embayment/Berkshire Slough, the Middle and Swan Pond Embayments, and on plans for recreation areas and green space, the Perimeter Wall Stabilization project, and the gypsum dry stack area.  It also describes where the ash that is removed from the Middle Embayment is being dried before stacking it in the reinforced dredge cell for permanent storage.

Workshop Six

The sixth in a series of workshops will be held on Thursday, June 7, 2012, at Roane State Community College in the Walden Ridge Dining Room, at 6:30 p.m.

The subject of the workshop is the “Evaluation of Removal Alternatives,” to be presented by Craig Zeller of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  At the request of the CAG, at the start of the workshop, information will be provided on the results of human health risk assessments. The college is located at 276 Patton Lane, Harriman, Tennessee. 

Excavation and Hauling

As of May 20, 2012, 48.7% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.  The area near the intersection of Swan Pond Road and Swan Pond Circle has been excavated down to natural sediment.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

As of May 19, 2012, the PWS was 35% complete.  The photograph below shows workers taking confirmation core samples of the PWS in Segment 8.  The samples are taken to ensure the slurry mix is hardening to the necessary strength.

Memorial Day Holiday

The site will be shut down for the Memorial Day holiday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  Those on site this weekend will be doing minor maintenance work.
Have a safe Memorial Day weekend.


May 18, 2012

Workshop Five 

The fifth workshop, in the series of six, about the River System Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis (EE/CA) Report was held last evening at Roane State Community College. The workshop provided information on the “Human Health Risk Assessment and the Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment,” and was attended by 11 members of the public.  Last night’s slide presentation and those from past workshops are available for viewing here.

The Human Health Risk Assessment research done for the EE/CA confirms reports previously released by the Tennessee Department of Health and ORAU

The final workshop, on the “Evaluation of Removal Alternatives,” will take place on June 7, 2012, at the College, 276 Patton Lane, Harriman, Tennessee, at 6:30 p.m. and will last about an hour.   The River System EE/CA Report will be released for public comment this summer.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

As of May 12, 2012, the PWS was 34% complete.  Segment 7 construction is ongoing and is estimated to be completed by mid- to late June.  Preparations are underway to begin work on Segment 2 after Segment 7 is completed.

Excavation and Hauling

A substantial amount of ash, about 47.5%, has been removed from the Middle Embayment and native sediment has been reached in some areas as shown in the photos below. 



Middle Embayment Sampling

Soil sampling is occurring in areas of the middle embayment where native sediment has been reached.  The sampling is to confirm ash has been removed to satisfactory levels within these areas. 

Tree Cutting

Dead tree removal along Swan Pond Circle Road and Emory River Road was completed last week.   


May 11, 2012

Road Work

Paving along Swan Pond Circle Road was completed Tuesday, May 8, 2012. 

Tree Cutting

Dead tree removal along Swan Pond Circle Road was completed Tuesday, May 8.  Work to remove additional trees identified on Emory River Road is ongoing and, dependent on the weather, should be complete May 12, 2012.

Excavation and Hauling

As of May 6, 2012, 46% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

As of May 5, 2012, the PWS was 33% complete.  The aerial photograph below shows the new buttress on Segment 1 of the PWS.  The wall and shear walls can also be seen.

Buttress Aerial.jpg

May 4, 2012

Routine Water Sampling Change

The Environmental Protection Agency, and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, have agreed to allow TVA to reduce the routine water sampling in the Settling Basin and Stilling Pond at the Kingston Ash Recovery Project to once a month rather than once a week. Samples will still be taken on a weekly basis in the Clean Water Ditch. Each location will be tested for total suspended solids and ash-related metal constituents.  Sampling will continue at the Stilling Pond until closure of the Dredge Cell and ash pond are complete. Automated sampling at the Swan Pond Embayment will continue to be triggered by rainfall of equal to, or greater than, a half an inch in a 24-hour period.

Since the removal of ash from the North Embayment, there has been a reduction in the concentration of ash-related material entering the Emory River from the Swan Pond Embayment, and incidents of exceeding water standards have decreased.

The Non-Time-Critical Removal Action Surface Water Monitoring Plan can be read in its entirety at A hard copy is also available at the Kingston Library

Tree Trimming/Cutting

Tree trimming/cutting along Swan Pond Circle Road began on Wednesday and should be completed by close of business Friday, May 4.

Road Work

Road repairs on Swan Pond Circle Road are scheduled to begin next Tuesday, May 8.  As usual with this type of work, it is weather dependent.


The fourth of six workshops was held at Roane State Community College on Thursday, May 3. Data from birds, turtles, frogs, mammals and plants was presented. The dates and subjects for the remaining workshops are as follows:

May 17, 2012: Workshop 5 – Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment (E.S.) process.  Please note that this session will take place in the Faculty Dining Room at Roane State.

June 7, 2012: Workshop 6 - Evaluation of Removal Alternatives

Presentation slides will be available on our website at

Excavation and Hauling

As of April 29, 2012, 45% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization

As of April 28, 2012, the Perimeter Wall Stabilization was 33% complete.


May 1, 2012

Routine Water Sampling Change
The Environmental Protection Agency, and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, have agreed to allow TVA to reduce the routine water sampling in the Settling Basin and Stilling Pond at the Kingston Ash Recovery Project to once a month rather than once a week. Samples will still be taken on a weekly basis in the Clean Water Ditch. Each location will be tested for total suspended solids and ash-related metal constituents.  Sampling will continue at the Stilling Pond until closure of the Dredge Cell and ash pond are complete. Automated sampling at the Swan Pond Embayment will continue to be triggered by rainfall of equal to, or greater than, a half an inch in a 24-hour period.

Since the removal of ash from the North Embayment, there has been a reduction in the concentration of ash-related material entering the Emory River from the Swan Pond Embayment, and incidents of exceeding water standards have decreased.

The Non-Time-Critical Removal Action Surface Water Monitoring Plan can be read in its entirety at A hard copy is also available at the Kingston Library

Tree Trimming/Cutting
Tree trimming/cutting was supposed to begin last week on Swan Pond Circle Road, but due to the contractors needing safety training, it was moved to this week. It should begin Wednesday or Thursday.

Road Work
We are awaiting a work start date from the County and will provide the info once we have it.

Monthly Emergency Notification System Test (Chemical Alert)
The monthly test of the Emergency Notification System alert at the Kingston Fossil Plant is scheduled to be performed Thursday, May 3, 2012, at approximately 11:30 a.m. and will last 3 to 5 minutes.  Nearby residents or motorist in the area may be able to hear the siren but it is only a test. 


April 27, 2012

Swan Pond Circle Road Repairs

TVA received an estimate from Roane County to perform road repairs on Swan Pond Circle Road this week, and is awaiting notification from the County about the start date for the work.

Workshop 4

The fourth in the series of six workshops will be held next Thursday, May 3, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at Roane State Community College.  Data from birds, turtles, frogs, mammals and plants will be presented.  The workshop will be held in the Walden Ridge Dining Room located next to the bookstore off the cafeteria.  All interested members of the public are invited to attend the workshops.  Information presented at each workshop can be found on the TVA Kingston website at

Excavation and Hauling

As of April 22, 2012, 44% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

As of April 21, 2012, the PWS was 32% complete.  Construction of Segment 8 of the PWS was completed last week and work continues on Segment 7. 


April 25, 2012

A tree trimming/cutting contractor will begin work tomorrow, April 26, to remove dead limbs/trees alongside Swan Pond Circle Road.  The work will take approximately 3 days to complete.  One lane of Swan Pond Circle Road will be closed while work is ongoing and there will be periods of time when both lanes will need to be closed as they remove and cut branches and trees which may be a safety risk if they were to fall on power lines or roads. Please be cautious as you drive through areas where work is taking place.


April 20, 2012

Monthly Report

The Kingston Ash Recovery Project Monthly Report for March is available on our website here

KIOSK Now at Overlook

The new information kiosk showing the progress made at the cleanup site is now in place at the Kingston Ash Recovery Project Overlook off of Swan Pond Road. The information in the kiosk will be updated periodically as work progresses. A sign identifying the overlook has been placed along the white fence at its entrance off of Swan Pond Road near the project trailers.

Overlook Kiosk #1.jpg

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

Segment 8 (shown below) of the PWS is nearing completion.  Work is continuing on Segment 7.  The next segment to be constructed is Segment 2.  As of April 14 the PWS was 32% complete.


Excavation and Hauling

As of April 15, 2012, 43% of the ash had been removed from the Middle Embayment.

TVA/EPA Workshops

The third of six public workshops to discuss the upcoming Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) was held on April 19, 2012, at Roane State Community College. Information was presented on aquatics results: sediment toxicity tests, mayflies, snails and fish.  

In the next workshop on May 3, 2012, data will be presented from birds, turtles, mammals, and plants.  As before, this workshop will be held at Roane State Community College, 276 Patton Lane, Harriman, TN 37748 at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the Walden Ridge Dining Room off the main cafeteria.  Signs will be placed in the cafeteria directing attendees to the location.

Presentations can be found on our website at the next day following each workshop. 


April 13, 2012

This week, we’re sending some recent photos that encompass the work being done at the Kingston Ash Recovery Project. The usual information on ash removal and perimeter wall progress is also included.

The photo below shows excavation in the Middle Embayment in the foreground, and work continuing on Segment 8 of the Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS) in the background. As of April 8, 2012, 42% of the ash was removed from the Middle Embayment. As of April 10, 2012, approximately 31% of the PWS was completed. Work will continue on Segments 7 & 8.
Mid Embayment & Wall 4-10-12.jpg


Below, work is progressing on the buttress being applied to portions of Segment 1 of the PWS. The buttressed section of Segment 1 will be next to the water when the Middle Embayment is refilled. In the background, ash is being stacked in the dredge cell which will be closed and capped.
Buttress & Dredge Cell.jpg


Below, looking across the East Embayment is the Lakeshore Drive area that will become a green space/recreational area.
East Embayment & Lakeshore.jpg


This view from the overlook shows the ash stacking in the central dredge cell. A kiosk is being installed at the overlook that will show an aerial view of the Kingston Ash Recovery Project with descriptions of various areas around the site, as well as current work being done.

Dredge Cell Stacking #1 3-2-12.jpg


April 6, 2012

Kiosk Highlighting Recovery Efforts to be Installed at Overlook Area
TVA will install a kiosk at the overlook located on the hill across from the recovery project site that will contain updates on the progress of work at the site.  The overlook is an area designated for interested members of the public to view the ongoing restoration efforts at the site.  A sign at the road indicating the location of the overlook area will also be installed.

Excavation and Hauling
As of April 1, 2012, 41.5% of the ash in the middle embayment had been removed.

Public Workshops
The second of six public workshops to discuss the upcoming Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) was held April 5, 2012, at Roane State Community College. The next workshop in the series of six, titled, “Presentation of data from fish, birds and frogs,” is scheduled for April 19, 2012, at Roane State Community College.  The slides will be available on the TVA website ( following each workshop. 

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
As of March 31, 2012, the PWS was 30% complete.  Work on segments 7 and 8 continues.  In addition, TVA is reinforcing the PWS by applying a buttress between the shear walls on parts of Segment 1A. In the photo on the left, workers clear between the shear walls so the buttress can be put in place. The photo on the right shows the buttress in place between portions of the shear wall.


Shear Wall buttress prep #2.jpgShear Wall buttress #3.jpg


Easter Weekend
Limited work will be conducted at the recovery project site during Easter weekend.  Normal work will resume on Monday, April 9. 


March 30, 2012

Excavation and Hauling

As of March 25, 2012, 31.7% of the ash in the middle embayment had been removed.

Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

As of March 24, 2012, the PWS was 28% complete. Work on segments 7 & 8 continues.

Structure Removal

The last of the structures on TVA purchased property have been removed making structure removal work 100% complete.  General clean-up, final inspections and any punch list items, over seeding where needed, and removal of some silt fences will continue on some properties next week. 

Road Patching

Patching of some areas along Swan Pond Circle Road (between Swan Pond Road and Lakeshore Drive) is expected to occur in a couple of weeks.  The work is on the contractor's list, and we will communicate the exact dates when we have them.


The second of six workshops will be held at Roane State Community College, 276 Patton Lane, Harriman, Tennessee, on Thursday, April 5, 2012, at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., in the Walden Ridge Dining Room.  The subject of the upcoming Workshop is “Nature and extent of residual ash in the River System & Fate/Transport Modeling.”  The dates and subjects for the remaining workshops are as follows:

    • April 19, 2012: Workshop 3 - Presentation of data from fish, birds and frogs
    • May 3, 2012: Workshop 4 - Presentation of data from benthic macro-invertebrates, turtles, mammals, and plants
    • May 17, 2012: Workshop 5 - Ecological Risk Assessment process and development of General Response Actions
    • June 7, 2012: Workshop 6 - Evaluation of Removal Alternatives  


    March 23, 2012

    Excavation and Hauling

    As of March 18, 2012, 31% of the ash in the middle embayment had been removed.

    Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

    As of March 17, 2012, the PWS was 27% complete. Work on segments 7 & 8 continues.

    Structure Removal

    Removal began on the last of the structures on TVA purchased property this week. Weather may prohibit completion until early next week, but following that, structure removal will be 100% complete.  We appreciate the patience of the Roane County Community while this work was being performed.  Work will continue on some properties to cap and close wells.


    The first of six public workshops to discuss the upcoming river Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) was held at Roane State Community College on March 15, 2012.  The next Workshop will be held at the same location in the Walden Ridge Dining Room, at 6:30 p.m., on April 5, 2012. See the TVA Kingston Webpage for the complete schedule and topics.

    Monthly Report

    The project’s monthly report for February has been posted to the recovery website and can be viewed here.

    Tree Swallow Birdhouse Installation and Monitoring to Begin

    Tree Swallow nest boxes will be installed at three dams – Fort Loudoun, Tellico, Melton Hill, and at the Kingston Park and several areas along the river around the Kingston Fossil Plant.  Virginia Tech will begin monitoring Tree Swallow nesting statistics, such as clutch size and survival rates, beginning March 26, 2012.  Permits have been obtained to also harvest a small percentage of the eggs and hatchlings to monitor the levels of constituents of concern in the species


    March 16, 2012

    Excavation and Hauling
    For the week ending March 11, 2012, 509,748 CY of ash, or 31%, has been removed from the Middle Embayment. 

    Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
    Construction of Segments 7 and 8 is progressing. The total cumulative length of the wall as of March 10, 2012, is 15,185 linear feet.

    Structure Removal
    As of March 14, 2012, 87 structures have been completely removed from TVA purchased property making the structure removal 98.9% complete. The structure removal project is projected to be complete by the end of March.

    Trees Marked on Lakeshore Drive
    Some trees on Lakeshore Drive have been marked for removal:

      • Orange paint or flag: Trees/shrubs are to be removed and discarded.  Most of these are non-native or invasive species.
      • Green/blue paint or flag: Trees/shrubs are to be saved and stockpiled for shoreline stabilization (large trees with root ball intact) and fish habitat structures (shrub, tree canopies, etc---essentially brush piles weighted down and placed in specific, strategic locations in the water of the Lakeshore Emory River and East Embayment areas. Most of these trees and shrubs are non-native species; some are marked because of overcrowding or large trees that are diseased and pose a threat in a public use area (split trunks, widow-maker limbs, etc).
      • TVA’s current focus is to remove the orange flagged species.


      March 9, 2012

      Excavation and Hauling
      For the week ending March 4, 2012, TVA removed 6,941 CY of ash from the Middle Embayment, placed 3,030 CY in the dredge cell, 9,797 CY in ash pond and 1,773 CY in the lateral expansion.  To date, 501,684 CY of ash, or 30%, has been removed from the Middle Embayment.

      Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
      To date, approximately 30% of 11,500 feet around the PWS has been completed  The photograph attached shows work that began on segment 8 this week.   Segment 8, is the smallest of the segments.  The graphic (also attached) shows work completed or work in progress on Segments 1, 7 and 8 as of March 2.  

      Structure Removal
      Two additional structures on TVA purchased property (173 Lakeshore Drive and 206 Swan Pond Circle Road) have been added to the removal schedule. Currently, structure removal is 97.7% complete and should be finished, along with final inspections, by the end of March, 2012.


      March 1, 2012

      Excavation and Hauling
      For the week of February 20 through February 26, 2012, TVA removed 10,217 CY of ash from the Middle Embayment. To date, 494,743 CY of ash, or 30%, has been removed from the Middle Embayment. 

      Structure Removal
      As of February 29, 2012, 85 structures had been completely removed from TVA purchased property making the structure removal 98.8% complete.  One additional structure located at 206 Lakeshore Drive has been added to the removal list.  The CAG meeting scheduled for March 8, 2012, will still be held at this address.  TVA will work with the CAG to find another suitable location for future meetings. 

      Perimeter Wall Stabilization
      Installation of Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS) Segment 1 is complete. As work on Segment 7 of the PWS continues, segment 8 construction is scheduled to begin Monday, March 5, 2012.  Heavy equipment will be in place very near Swan Pond Road and gradually move east, away from the roadway.

      TVA would like to remind everyone who travels along Swan Pond Road near the worksite to be aware of the ongoing work, to drive safely, and be careful not to be distracted by the heavy equipment working in close proximity to the road. No traffic delays are expected.



      February 28, 2012

      New Sampling Location for the Clean Water Ditch/Middle Embayment Area
      Progress in the middle embayment has translated into the need to remove the road that crosses the clean water ditch in the middle embayment area between the Settling Basin Effluent and the Embayment Auto Sampler.  This means we will also need to remove the existing sampling platform next to the culverts.

      TVA proposes moving the sampling location as indicated on the attached photograph, and collecting grab samples and ISCO samples representative of the embayment from the proposed new location in the future. 

      Proposed Middle Embayment Sampling Location


      Workshop Dates and Location
      The schedule and locations for the CAG workshops in preparation for the issuance of the Phase 3 River System EE/CA Report for public comment are as follows:

      • Workshop 1 - Overview of the scope of the River System Sampling & Analysis Plan (SAP) (March 15, Speaker, Craig Zeller, EPA)

      • Workshop 2- Nature and extent of residual ash in the River System & Fate/Transport Modeling (April 5, Speakers, Craig Zeller and Dr. Steve Scott, EPA Modeler)

      • Workshop 3 - Presentation of data from fish, birds and frogs (April 19, Speaker TBD)

      • Workshop 4 - Presentation of data from benthic macro-invertebrates, turtles, mammals, and plants (May 3, Speaker TBD)

      • Workshop 5 - Ecological Risk Assessment process and development of General Response Actions (May 17, Speakers, Craig Zeller & Dan Jones, Arcadis)

      • Workshop 6 - Evaluation of Removal Alternatives (June 7, Speaker, Craig Zeller))

      The workshops are scheduled for one hour and will be held at Roane State Community College in Harriman at 6:30 p.m. on the above dates.  The room to be used is the Walden Ridge Dining Room located next to the bookstore off the cafeteria, except for May 17 when it will take place in the Faculty Dining Room.  Directions to the cafeteria are located at the entrance to the College.  Signs will be placed in the cafeteria to direct attendees to the appropriate room.

      February 23, 2012

      Excavation and Hauling
      To date, 484,994 total cubic yards of ash, approximately 30%, have been removed from the middle embayment.  Middle embayment work will continue through late this year.

      Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
      Minor repairs in Segment 1 are close to completion and good progress has been made on Segment 7 this week.  Work on Segment 8 will begin within the next two weeks.  The total cumulative length of the wall to date is approximately 13,311 linear feet.

      Structure Removal
      As of Thursday, February 23, 2012, 81 structures had been completely removed on TVA purchased property making the structure removal work 95% complete.  Next week the work will be focused on wrapping up the last few removals at 194 and 1305 Swan Pond Circle Road, and 178 and 173 Lakeshore Drive. 


      February 16, 2012

      Excavation and Hauling
      To date, 461,473 total cubic yards of ash, or 29%, have been removed from the middle embayment.  Work will continue in the middle embayment through late this year.

      Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
      Continuing to work on minor repairs in segment 1.  Segment 7 work continues.  The total cumulative length of the wall to date is approximately 13,062 linear feet.

      Structure Removal
      As of Wednesday, February 15, 2012, 76 structures had been completely removed on TVA purchased property making the structure removal work 89% complete.  Weather permitting, structure removal will continue at 1435 and 412 Swan Pond Circle Road this week and barns located adjacent to 411 Swan Pond Circle Road, this week and next.  Next week work will be underway on structures at 201, 151 and 194 Swan Pond Circle Road, also weather dependent.  Structure removal on Lakeshore Drive is complete, with the exception of 173 and 178 Lakeshore, which are scheduled to be removed at the end of February.


      February 14, 2012

      Emergency Sirens to be Tested
      The TVA Kingston Fossil Plant will conduct a brief test of its emergency sirens at the plant on Thursday, February 16, about 12:30 p.m. EST.  The sirens may be loud enough to be heard outside the plant boundaries.  This is only a test.  The sirens are used to notify plant personnel in the event of a chemical release at the plant.  TVA routinely conducts training and drills at Kingston and other fossil plants where chemicals are stored, to ensure proper procedures are followed if a spill or release of the materials were to occur onsite.  TVA also works with local Emergency Services personnel. Notice of the test should appear in the Roane County News.


      February 6, 2012

      Structure Removal to Resume on Swan Pond Circle Road
      Utilities have now been disconnected on TVA purchased property at 460, 411, and 412 Swan Pond Circle Road and structure removal will begin soon.  Pending completion of asbestos abatement, crews could begin structure removal at 435 and 1435 Swan Pond Circle Road as early as this week.


      February 2, 2012

      Excavation and Hauling
      To date, the total cubic yards of ash removed from the middle embayment is 450,616.  The middle embayment is about 37% complete. Work will continue in the middle embayment through late this year.

      Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
      Installation of the final sections of wall in Segment 1 of the PWS is complete and only a few repairs remain.  Work on Segment 7, the second of eight segments to be constructed, began this week.

      Structure Removal
      So far 69 structures have been completely removed on TVA purchased property making the structure removal 83% complete.  Asbestos abatement will begin next week at 435 Swan Pond Circle Road and 1435 Swan Pond Circle Road.  Work will continue on Lakeshore Drive next week.

      Pumps to be Installed in Church Slough to Control the Water Level
      A water pump being used by GeoCon for construction of the Perimeter Wall Stabilization is being relocated from the east side of the site to the Church Slough due to work in the area.  An additional pump will be installed at the Church Slough within the next few weeks to keep the water level at an elevation of about 738 feet. The controlled water level will expedite ash removal from the middle embayment.


      January 27, 2012

      Excavation and Hauling

      To date, the total cubic yards of ash removed from the middle embayment is 444,190, making the middle embayment about 37% complete. Work will continue in the middle embayment through late this year.

      Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

      Work continued on Segment 1 of the Perimeter Wall Stabilization, with 12,112 linear feet, or 15% complete, as of January 21, 2012.  There are eight segments of the wall to be constructed.

      Structure Removal

      So far 65 structures have been completely removed on TVA purchased property making the structure removal 78% complete. Asbestos abatement is scheduled to begin February 6 on the last two structures, both located on Swan Pond Circle Road. Structure removal work this week will be primarily on Lakeshore Drive. 


      January 19, 2012

      Excavation and Hauling
      For the week ending January 15, 2012, TVA removed 11,012 CY of ash from the Middle Embayment, 2,564 CY from the settling basin, placed 828 CY in the dredge cell and 16,418 CY in the ash pond.

      Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)
      Work continues on Segment 1 of the PWS with 11,814 linear feet completed as of January 15, 2012.  There are eight segments to be constructed.

      Structure Removal
      To date, 62 structures on TVA purchased property have been completely removed making the work 75% complete.  This includes the ten structures located on Lakeshore Drive and Swan Pond Circle Road that were recently added to the removal list. 

      Clean Haul Road Installation Completed
      A clean haul road has been installed for the construction of Dike 3 that runs parallel to T-2 Dike south, ending at Dike C.  The new road will eliminate the need for heavy equipment being used for the dike construction to use public roads.


      January 13, 2012

      Excavation and Hauling

      For the week ending January 8, 2012, TVA removed 10,451 CY of ash from the Middle Embayment, placed 5,053 CY in the lateral expansion and 12,837 CY in the ash pond.

      Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

      Work continued on Segment 1 of the PWS, with 11,716 linear feet completed as of January 6, 2012.  There are eight segments to be constructed.

      Structure Removal

      To date 48 structures have been completely removed on TVA purchased property making the removal work 66% complete. Last week we reported that the work was 70% complete, however additional structures along Swan Pond Circle Road and Lakeshore Drive have now been added to the removal list.

      December 8th Public Meeting Transcript Now Available

      The transcript, along with the video and presentation, of the December 8, 2011, Public Meeting are now on the website at here.  


      January 6, 2012

      Evacuation and Hauling

      For the week ending January 1, 2012, TVA removed 11,558 CY of ash from the Middle Embayment, placed 1,026 CY in the Dredge Cell, 3,533 CY in the lateral expansion, and 11,840 CY in the ash pond.

      Perimeter Wall Stabilization (PWS)

      Work continued on segment 1 of the PWS, with 11,680 linear feet completed as of December 31, 2011.  There are eight segments of the wall to be constructed.

      Structure Removal

      Forty-three structures on TVA purchased property have been removed.  The removal work is nearly 70% complete.

      December Monthly Report

      December 2011’s monthly report is now available here.

      December 8th Public Meeting Video Now Available

      Video of the December 8, 2011, Public Meeting is now on the website at here. The official transcript of the public meeting will be posted as soon as it becomes available.  


      Click Here to See Resident Information Updates Prior to 2012