
Collaboration is the key to an effective HUD-VASH program.  Successful targeting and rapid lease-up requires collaboration between the local PHA, VAMC, and community based organizations.  Some examples of effective collaborative action include the following:

  • Case managers reaching out to emergency shelter and outreach workers to identify chronically homeless veterans for HUD-VASH
  • Case managers helping Veterans to complete all required PHA forms and start the housing search process prior to the initial eligibility/orientation meeting
  • PHAs issuing the Veteran a provisional voucher while awaiting confirmation that the Veteran is not on a lifetime sex offender registry
  • Case managers providing the Veteran and case manager with a pre-approved list of units that meet the PHA’s housing quality standards and rent reasonableness test
  • PHAs designating a staff person as the HUD-HUD-VASH expert who will serve as the point of contact with VA staff
  • PHAs providing VAMC case managers with their own workspace in the PHA’s office
  • PHAs can allow the use of the DD-214 to satisfy the Identification Requirements instead of requiring birth certificates and social security cards
  • Case Managers and PHAs should be in frequent communication on the status of Veterans’ application

These are just some of the more than 50 best practices in implementing HUD-VASH that were recently published in the HUD-VASH Best Practices guide.

Want more guidance on HUD-VASH? Learn about these topics:


Rapid Lease-up

Case Management


Resources and Effective Strategies from Our Partners