Home About Us Visiting Scholars National Research Council Research Associateship Program

National Research Council Research Associateship Program

Through the National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateship Program, IWR sponsors postdoctoral and senior research awards to conduct relevant research for one to two years at one of IWR's locations. Fellowships are given for the purpose of conducting research (chosen by the doctoral level scientists and engineers) to apply their special knowledge and research talents to areas that are of interest to them and to the host laboratories and centers.  Applications are taken throughout the year with evaluation panels convened by NRC every three months.  For more information about research opportunities through the RAP program see www.nationalacademies.org/rap/  You are leaving a Federal Government web site. Click this icon for more information..

National Research Council Research Associateship Program Visiting Scholars

2010 – 2011: Dr. Charles J. Vörösmarty

2010 – 2011: Dr. Aleix Serrat-Capdevila

2009 – 2010: Dr. Guillermo Mendoza

2008 – 2010: Dr. Michael Deegan

2007 – 2010: Dr. Stacy Langsdale

2006 – 2007: Dr. Jason Giovannettone

2006 – 2007: Dr. Pete Rogers

How to Apply

For the National Research Council Research Associateship Program, applications are taken throughout the year with evaluation panels convened by NRC every three months.

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