United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Public Health

Toxic Embedded Fragments

Pits left from roadside bomb 

Some Veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), and Operation New Dawn (OND) have retained toxic embedded fragments in their bodies after blast injuries sustained during military service.

These Veterans may be eligible for clinical care at the Toxic Embedded Fragment Surveillance Center at the Baltimore VA Medical Center.

Shrapnel is a common term to describe the toxic fragments from improvised explosive devices (IEDs), bombs, mines and shells. Some of the fragments may contain depleted uranium.

Health problems associated with toxic embedded fragments

Although health problems caused by toxic embedded fragments are not fully understood, generally fragments are harmful in two ways:

  1. Injury at the site of the fragment
  2. Chemicals from the fragment that travel through the bloodstream and can affect other parts of the body

Health concerns?

If you are concerned about toxic embedded fragments from injuries in military service, talk to your health care provider or local VA Environmental Health Coordinator.

Veterans not enrolled in the VA health care system, find out if you qualify for VA health care.

VA benefits

Veterans may be eligible for VA disability compensation benefits and health care benefits for health problems associated with toxic embedded fragments from injuries in military service.

OEF, OIF, and OND Veterans with embedded fragments may be eligible for clinical care at the Toxic Embedded Fragment Surveillance Center at the Baltimore VA Medical Center.

Veterans' dependents and survivors also may be eligible for benefits. Read Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors to learn more.

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