APS Physics in the News

News stories based on work in APS journals or programs.
Gray arrow  APS in the News

Member Quotes and Comments

APS members interviewed in various media
Gray arrow   Members in the Media

APS Physics Blogs

Physics Frontline Blog
Writings at the intersection of physics with science policy.

Physics Buzz
Science discussions at high school and undergraduate level

Virtual Press Rooms

APS virtual press rooms offer news from the Meetings, including highlighted papers, images, and videos. Journalists can access all these features without actually attending a Meeting.
Gray arrow  March Meeting Galleries
Gray arrow  Gallery of Fluid Motion
Gray arrow  All Virtual Press Rooms

APS Updates - Press Releases

February 13, 2013 - APS Applauds President Obama’s support of R&D in State of the Union Address
December 5, 2012 - Sequestration Would Hurt Science and Engineering Careers, Harm Economic Growth
October 15, 2012 - Award for Improving Undergraduate Physics Education Recipients

What's New in Physics?

Physics Research

Through expert commentaries and synopses, Physics highlights exceptional papers from APS Physical Review journals.

Open Access Physics
Physical Review X (PRX) is an APS's online journal. PRX is completely open access yet its highly selective peer-review process maintains the standards of all APS journals.

APS Media Contacts

James Riordon
Head of Media Relations
Email: riordon@aps.org 
Phone: (301) 209-3238
Fax: (301) 209-3264

Tawanda W. Johnson
Press Secretary
Email: tjohnson@aps.org 
Phone: (202) 662-8702
Fax: (202) 662-8711