Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

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Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program Opt-Out Lists

Transaction Account Guarantee Program
As required by the Final Rule implementing the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program (the TLG Program), the FDIC is publishing on its Web site a list of the eligible insured depository institutions that have opted out of the original Transaction Account Guarantee Program, scheduled to terminate on December 31, 2009.

Please note that there are many valid reasons why an entity may have chosen to opt out of the TLG Program. Entities must make individual decisions based upon their business needs, including the costs of the Program as well as the benefits of participation. The decision to opt out in no way signals anything, either positively or negatively, about the financial health of the entity. Depositors and investors may ask any of the entities on either of these lists for a further explanation concerning the entity's decision to opt out of the TLG Program.

List of Institutions Opting Out of the Original Transaction Account Guarantee Program - Excel (Excel help)

Note regarding entities that exercised their One-Time Opportunity to Opt Out of the first Transaction Account Guarantee (TAG) Program extension period (covering January 1 through June 30, 2010):
On August 26, 2009, the FDIC extended the TAG Program through June 30, 2010 and modified the fee structure for the Program. Institutions currently participating in the TAG Program that wished to opt out of the TAG extension period had until Monday, November 2, 2009, to do so. Any election to opt out was effective on January 1, 2010. Any institution that opted out during this extension period continued in the TAG program through December 31, 2009. Below is a list of the eligible insured depository institutions participating in the original TAG Program that opted out of the first TAG Program extension.

List of Institutions Opting Out of the First TAG Program Extension - Excel (Excel help)

Note regarding entities that exercised their One-Time Opportunity to Opt Out of the second Transaction Account Guarantee (TAG) Program extension period (covering July 1, 2010 through at least December 31, 2010):
On April 13, 2010, the FDIC extended the TAG Program through at least December 31, 2010 and reduced the maximum interest rate limit for NOW accounts guaranteed under the TAG Program to 0.25 percent, effective July 1, 2010. The Interim Rule also gives the FDIC's Board of Directors the authority to grant an additional 12-month extension of the Program, through December 31, 2011, without further rulemaking. Institutions currently participating in the TAG Program that wished to opt out of the TAG extension period had until Friday, April 30, 2010, to do so. Any election to opt out will be effective on July 1, 2010. Any institution currently participating in the TAG Program that opted out will continue in the TAG program through June 30, 2010. Below is a list of the eligible insured depository institutions participating in the original TAG Program and the first extension that have opted out of the second TAG Program extension.

List of Institutions Opting Out of the Second TAG Program Extension - Excel (Excel help)

Debt Guarantee Program
The final rule implementing the TLG Program also requires that the FDIC publish on its Web site a list of the eligible entities that opted out of the debt guarantee program. (Entities that participated in the debt guarantee program can no longer issue FDIC-guaranteed debt, except on an emergency basis with the prior approval of the FDIC, since the last date for guaranteed issuance has passed.) Below is a list of the eligible entities that opted out of the debt guarantee program.

List of Eligible Entities that Opted Out of the Debt Guarantee Program - Excel (Excel help)

Last Updated 5/07/2010 tlgp@fdic.gov