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Creating a Weather-Ready Nation: When Seconds Count,
Communities are

Guideline 5: Community Preparedness*

skywarn logoPublic education is vital in preparing citizens to respond properly to weather threats. An educated public is more likely to take steps to receive weather warnings, recognize potentially threatening weather situations and act appropriately. The StormReady Program requires applicants to:

  • Conduct or facilitate safety talks for schools, hospitals, nursing homes and industries. The number of talks per year will be based on population. These may be a part of multi-hazard presentations affecting local communities/regions, such as flood, wildfire, tsunami
  • Conduct weather-related safety campaigns which publicize NOAA Weather Radios All Hazards where coverage exists. These may be a part of multi-hazard presentations affecting local communities/regions
  • Send EOC/WP staff to free NWS storm spotter training at least every other year. All jurisdictions larger than 40,000 people will need to host/co-host a spotter training session every year.

*This guideline may be satisfied by incorporating data/services provided by America's Weather Industry.

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Last Updated: April 5, 2012