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First Lady Encourages Wyoming Communities to Talk about Literacy

posted Jan 25, 2013, 1:35 AM by Tony Lewis
Wyoming’s First Lady Carol Mead and the University of Wyoming Literacy Research Center and Clinic (LRCC) are offering a new program to communities across Wyoming to promote literacy. The program is called Community Literacy Forums. The forums are intended to promote literacy initiatives in the state, foster broader community conversations about literacy, and let community groups learn about the resources available through the UW LRCC.

“You do not have to be a literacy expert to know that learning to read is essential to success in school and in life,” said Mrs. Mead.  “To the extent that we can foster reading readiness in our pre-K children and encourage reading among our K-12 students, we are securing their futures as lifetime learners and productive citizens.”

Mrs. Mead and faculty at the UW LRCC hope that the Community Literacy Forums will be the first step in developing partnerships to support literacy initiatives, establishing a baseline of existing literacy initiatives, and exploring potential gaps of literacy support and services.

“One of the purposes of the LRCC is to extend the expertise of our faculty throughout the state,” said Dr. Kay Persichitte, Dean of the UW College of Education.  “We hope that communities will take us up on our offer to roll up our sleeves and discuss with them ways to enhance literacy that make sense for them at the local level.”

Mrs. Mead and the UW LRCC will participate in several Community Literacy Forums this spring and summer.  Communities interested in hosting a forum can make a request to Dr. Kay Persichitte at the UW College of Education. (307) 766-3145 or kpersi@uwyo.edu