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In 2000, the Commission held its first commercial paging auction. In Auction 26, the FCC offered 2,499 Upper Band Major Economic Area ("MEA") licenses. In 2001, the Commission auctioned 14,000 lower band Economic Area ("EA") licenses and the 1,514 MEA licenses in Auction 40 that remained unsold from Auction 26. In 2003, the Commission auctioned 8,874 lower band EA licenses and 1,328 upper band MEA licenses that remained unsold from Auction 40. You can read more about the history of licensing commercial paging.

Licensing Process

  1. Spectrum Auction
    The FCC conducts a spectrum auction of one or more licenses.

  2. Filing Applications
    Once an auction is completed, the FCC issues a public notice announcing the winning high bidders and provides instructions regarding down payments on the licenses won as well as instructions for submitting a completed long-form Form 601 application(s) covering each license. Such applications must be filed electronically through the Universal Licensing System.

  3. Grant Announcements
    The FCC will then issue a public notice announcing grant of license.

  4. Construction/Coverage Requirements
    Once licensed, the FCC's rules require that paging licensees meet specific construction/coverage requirements.


Obtaining Spectrum

Currently, no additional paging auctions are scheduled. However, applicants interested in shared channels may apply for site-by-site authority. You may also be able to obtain a paging license(s) from a current paging licensee. Licensees may sell all or part of their licenses, subject to FCC approval, to other entities. You may also acquire a company, including its licenses.

Universal Licensing System
 Daily Transaction Files
 Online Filing
 License Search
Radio Service Codes
CD - Paging & Radiotelephone
CP - Part 22 VHF/UHF Paging (excluding 931 MHz)
CZ - Paging & Radiotelephone, Auctioned
GC - 929-931 MHz Bands, Auctioned
GS - Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz

Auctions and Winning Bidders
2/24/2000 - 3/2/2000
985 Licenses Won
10/30/2001 - 12/5/2001
5323 Licenses Won
5/13/2003 - 5/28/2003
2832 Licenses Won
6/15/2010 - 8/6/2010
4714 Licenses Won

Fee and Mailing Instructions (pdf)
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