Dead Tired European Action Day


IFALPA is a non-political, non-profit making organisation which represents over 100,000 airline pilots represented by over 100 Member Associations from around the world. The Federation seeks to achieve its objectives through the activities of its component groups - elected Officers, appointed Representatives, its expert Committees and the Secretariat.

Our new site takes advantage of a number of innovations in website architecture and includes a number of interactive search and contact databases. It also allows pilots who are current members of one of IFALPA's Member Associations to access private areas of the site where they can learn more about the work of the Federation and the ways that they can become involved in that work as well as opportunities for professional development and training. To get a password to enter the member's area could not be easier, just click here and follow the instructions. We've also added features for members of the media, In our Media pages as well as our latest press releases you'll find background information about the Federation, additional information about its policies as IFALPA's structure and Biographies and a photo library.

We hope that you find this site interesting and informative. In addition to the information which will give you a better understanding of IFALPA, our work, our aims and our commitment to achieving the highest standards of air safety world wide, you will also find information about the many other services we offer to pilots and the industry as a whole.


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