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Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 05-13

A Report of the Stock Assessment Workshop (SAW) Northern and Southern Demersal Working Groups:Assessment of 19 Northeast groundfish stocks through 2004: 2005 Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting (2005 GARM), Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 15-19 August 2005

Ralph K. Mayo and Mark Terceiro, editors
National Marine Fisheries Serv., 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543

Web version posted September 13, 2005

Citation: Mayo RK, Terceiro M, editors. 2005. Assessment of 19 Northeast groundfish stocks through 2004. 2005 Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting (2005 GARM), Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 15-19 August 2005. U.S. Dep. Commer., Northeast Fish. Sci. Cent. Ref. Doc. 05-13; 499 p.

Information Quality Act Compliance: In accordance with section 515 of Public Law 106-554, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center completed both technical and policy reviews for this report. These predissemination reviews are on file at the NEFSC Editorial Office.

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Section 2. Stock Assessments
(3+ mb; individual species linked below)
  A. Georges Bank Atlantic cod
  B. Georges Bank haddock
  C. Georges Bank yellowtail flounder
  D. Southern New England - Mid-Atlantic yellowtail flounder
  E. Cape Cod - Gulf of Maine yellowtail flounder
  F. Gulf of Maine cod
    Erratum - 11/10/2005 - Page 2-163, Table F5a: Total landings for 2004 are 5,398 mt rather than 5,898 mt. Details on source of error and resulting revisions to 2004 F and SSB projections (page 2-155 in Section F) here.
  G. Witch flounder
  H. Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank American plaice
  I. Gulf of Maine winter flounder
  J. Southern New England / Mid-Atlantic winter flounder
  K. Georges Bank winter flounder
  L. Georges Bank - Gulf of Maine white hake
  M. Georges Bank - Gulf of Maine pollock
  N. Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank Acadian redfish
  O. Ocean Pout
  P. Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank windowpane flounder
  Q. Southern New England - Mid-Atlantic Bight windowpane flounder
  R. Gulf of Maine haddock
  S. Atlantic halibut
  I. Summary of Groundfish Management Measures
  II. Accuracy and Precision Exercises Associated with 2005 GARM Production Ageing
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