NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

Some 4,000 scientists report about 1,500 peer-reviewed publications per year powered by the NERSC Center, making it the U.S. Department of Energy's most scientifically productive supercomputing user facility. Over 500 different applications are run at the center in order to serve scientific needs that range from peering into the heart of an atom, to modelling the materials and molecular reactions behind biofuels, solar cells, and fuel cells, up to exploring how stars form, evolve, and die in hopes of tapping nuclear fusion for clean energy. Learn more by browsing the following list of publications, sorted by allocation year.


2011 Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

On their Allocation Year 2012 ERCAP Request Forms Principal Investigators reported 1,770 refereed publications (published or in press) - as well as 93 publications submitted to refereed journals - for the preceding 12 months, based on using, at least in part, NERSC resources. Read More »

2010 Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

On their Allocation Year 2011 ERCAP Request Forms Principal Investigators reported 1,528 refereed publications (published or in press) - as well as 262 publications submitted to refereed journals - for the preceding 12 months, based on using, at least in part, NERSC resources. Read More »

2009 Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

On their Allocation Year 2010 ERCAP Request Forms Principal Investigators reported 1,407 refereed publications (published or in press) - as well as 239 publications submitted to refereed journals - for the preceding 12 months, based on using, at least in part, NERSC resources. Read More »

2008 Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

On their Allocation Year 2009 Request Forms Principal Investigators reported 1,487 refereed publications (published or submitted) for the preceding 12 months, based on using, at least in part, NERSC resources. Read More »

2007 Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

On their Allocation Year 2008 Request Forms Principal Investigators reported 1,464 refereed publications (published or submitted) for the preceding 12 months, based on using, at least in part, NERSC resources. Read More »

2006 Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

On their Allocation Year 2007 Request Forms Principal Investigators reported 1,437 refereed publications (published or submitted) for the preceding 12 months, based on using, at least in part, NERSC resources. Read More »

2005 Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

On their Allocation Year 2006 Request Forms Principal Investigators reported 1,448 refereed publications (published or submitted) for the preceding 12 months, based on using, at least in part, NERSC resources. Read More »

2004 Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

On their Allocation Year 2005 Request Forms Principal Investigators reported 1,270 refereed publications (published or submitted) for the preceding 12 months, based on using, at least in part, NERSC resources. Read More »

2003 Publications Resulting from the Use of NERSC Resources

On their Allocation Year 2004 Request Forms Principal Investigators reported 936 refereed publications (published or submitted) for the preceding 12 months, based on using, at least in part, NERSC resources. Read More »