
U.S. Congressman Bill Posey


What? My Tax Dollars Were Spent on That?

While much of Washington is consumed with the important debate over taxes, too many have forgotten that Washington’s biggest problem is it’s addiction to spending money it does not have. 

As soon as the current debate over taxes is resolved, the focus will and should turn to spending.  Many in Washington – including many special interests, lobbyists, and federal bureaucrats - think that there is nowhere else for Washington to cut spending. Before you buy their arguments, please take a few minutes to scan over some of the items HERE or HERE (excel file) or HERE (.pdf) where your money was wasted. 



Related Documents:

Press Releases - House Passes Bill to Require Plan to Balance the Budget 2.6.2013

Press Releases - Congressman Posey’s Statement on Taxes and Spending 1.1.2013

More Documents...

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What? My Tax Dollars Were Spent on That?