Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The First Significant Deployment of Aviation Security Technology Since the 1970s

If you weren’t watching C-SPAN today, you missed Kip's testimony before the Committee on Homeland Security's Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The Congressional Hearing was centered on how the Transportation Security Administration will continue to enhance security for all modes of transportation.

Kip announced the purchase of 580 AT X-rays (in addition to the 250 we’ve already planned to deploy). While technology isn't the only answer, this is the first significant deployment of proven aviation security technology since the 1970s. This equipment is part of the Checkpoint Evolution and will greatly strengthen our Layers of Security while also streamlining the process for passengers making things a little faster.

The AT X-rays allow TSOs to view multiple views of the item in the X-ray which will reduce the amount of bag checks and allow the lines to move faster while improving the quality of security. The AT X-rays are upgradeable so they can evolve with any future threats. Once we deploy these 580 machines, nearly half of the lanes at our checkpoints will have this new technology.

Millimeter wave will allow our TSOs to view a noninvasive image of a passenger revealing any items that were not divested. These images are friendly enough to post in a preschool. Heck, it could even make the cover of Reader’s Digest and not offend anybody. Privacy and security go hand in hand, so the millimeter wave must pass muster with the public. It’s important to keep the public safe, but it’s equally important to protect the public’s privacy. The millimeter wave is currently in use at the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. More than 90 percent of passengers have elected to undergo screening with this technology instead of being subjected to a pat-down.
TSA EoS Blog Team