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The Global Combat Support System – Joint (GCSS-J) provides the warfighter with a single, end-to-end capability to manage and monitor personnel and equipment through the mobilization process.

GCSS-J, the Logistics' System of Record, provides a Joint Logistics Common Operational Picture (JLogCOP), ensuring the right personnel, equipment, supplies, and support are in the right place, at the right time, and in the right quantities across the full spectrum of military operations.

  • Any Box – the ability for end users to access GCSS-J capabilities via a web-browser. The primary browsers supported are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
  • Any User – the ability to access GCSS-J capabilities by anyone who has been given specific access privileges.
  • One Net – the availability of essential logistics warfighter functions from a single network and workstation with single sign-on (SSO) to all applications.
  • One Picture – the capability to integrate logistics information across all functional areas.
  • Quality Data – refers to global, near real-time, accurate, integrated information provided through a robust and reliable communications infrastructure.
  • Anywhere – refers to the ability of end-users to access the GCSS-J capabilities from any geographic location, where they have connectivity to the appropriate network.

The GCSS-J system is designed for both SIPRNet and NIPRNet environments, with different SSO and data source connections. The GCSS-J NIPRNet suites have many of the capabilities from the GCSS-J SIPRNet suites, and are connected to only data sources that have unclassified data. A SIPRNet user needs to have a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) hard tokens while a NIPRNet user needs to have Common Access Card (CAC). PKI or CAC is needed before a user can request a GCSS-J Account. To learn more details on GCSS-J SIPRNet/NIPRNet environment, please contact us at disa.meade.peo-c2c.list.gcss-crt@mail.mil.


Tools and Joint Capability Areas based on authoritative data sources.


  • Mapping - provides users a joint common operation picture
  • Reporting Tool – a web-based reporting application using authoritative data sources

Joint Capability Areas (JCA)

The GCSS-J JCA Environment is a collection of similar DoD capabilities functionally grouped to support capability analysis, strategy development, investment decision making, capability portfolio management, and capabilities-based force development and operational planning. The JCAs in GCSS-J are as follows:

  • 1.4  Health Readiness (coming in GCSS-J v7.4) provides a GCSS-J user the discovery of medical supplies and equipment.  Users can also gain visibility to hospitals and other medical facilities located at DoD instations worldwide.
  • 4.1  Deployment & Distribution provides a GCSS-J user with the ability to monitor force and supply movement.
  • 4.2  Supply provides a GCSS-J user with the ability to view WBs, perform logistical analysis; and (with the right permission) create or modify supply points, operations, and Joint Operational Areas/Region used for WB generation.
  • 4.3  Maintenance (coming in GCSS-J v7.4) provides a GCSS-J user the ability to access to maintenance and repair related supply information (e.g., tools, equipment and material), which includes access to Condition Codes for equipment.
  • 4.4  Logistic Services (coming in GCSS-J v7.4) provides a GCSS-J user the ability to run reports to locate supplies and equipment (from Asset Visibility data source).  
  • 4.5  Operations Contract Support (coming in GCSS-J v7.4) provides a GCCS-J user the ability to access the Fuels Contract map layers and reports.
  • 4.6  Engineering provides a GCSS-J user the ability to create engineering plans (SIPRNet only capability) by importing a JOPES OPlan or creating one from scratch.
  • 4.7  Installations Support (coming in GCSS-J v7.4) provides a GCSS-J user with the ability to access information for enduring bases and installations including the assets, programs, and services necessary to support US military forces.
  • 5.3  Planning provides a GCSS-J user (with valid JOPES credentials) access to several OPlan reports and the ability to visualize TPFDDs. (SIPRNet only capability).



GCSS-J is a software-intensive system designed to support the logistics needs of the joint community, providing interoperability, facilitating integration, and promoting data sharing across the spectrum of logistics. It provides end-to-end visibility of retail and unit level combat support capability up through national strategic level, facilitating information interoperability across and between combat support and C2 functions. GCSS-J provides the information technology capabilities required to move and sustain joint forces throughout the spectrum of military operations.