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Case: M/V Kuroshima Oil Spill, AK

Date of incident: November 26, 1997.

Location: Summer Bay, Unalaska Island.


Case status: Settled March 18, 2002. Restoration activities are under way.

Overview: On November 26, 1997, the M/V Kuroshima, a 368-foot frozen seafood freighter owned by the Kuroshima Shipping, S.A., located at Summer Bay on the Aleutian island of Unalaska, broke away from its anchorage during a severe storm and ran aground. The U.S. Coast Guard's Unified Command estimated that about 39,000 gallons of Bunker C fuel oil spilled from the freighter and affected approximately 3,500 feet of ocean shoreline, including about 1.6 miles of shoreline in Summer Bay Lake (ADEC Situation Reports nos. 2 and 5). Cleanup operations continued into June 1998.

For information on the response effort by the Unified Command, readers are directed to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation's Linking to a non-federal government web site.This link does not imply endorsement. web site. The site also contains a number of photographs and location maps.

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