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Working at DOE

A look inside DOE's working environment

Only Here…Will you Define the Future of Energy

The people of DOE are engaged in a wide range of challenging and innovative work – from participating in groundbreaking international initiatives like the Global Nuclear Partnership, to solar power demonstration projects, to projects that convert captured carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial sources into fuel, plastics, and fertilizers. Only here can the diversity of activities throughout our organization make for an exciting and dynamic work environment. And the diversity carries over to the makeup of the DOE workforce, with men and women from a variety of backgrounds and a wide range of expertise.

We offer unsurpassed geographical variety – from our headquarters in Washington, DC, we support large-scale operations throughout the nation, including locations in the Midwest, the South, the Southwest, and the Pacific Northwest. Many DOE team members find the lifestyle and recreational aspects of our locations to be significant work-life advantages.

Take for example the Richland Field Office in the Tri-Cities area of Washington State – just a short distance from skiing, boating, hiking and more. In addition, sites like Richland offer you the opportunity to work alongside some of the best minds in the nation. Did you know that Forbes named Tri-Cities one of the top geekiest cities in the United States?   

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