Instrument Handbooks

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Instrument Full Name Instrument Short Name Date Last Updated
50-MHz Radar Wind Profiler (Retired) 50RWP 2004
915-MHz Radar Wind Profiler 915RWP 2012
Aerosol Observing System AOS 2011
ARM Mobile Facility Surface Meteorology AMFMET 2011
ARM Surface Meteorology Systems MET 2011
Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer AERI 2005
Atqasuk Meteorological Station (Retired) AMET 2005
Balloon-Borne Sounding System SONDE 2011
Barrow Meteorological Station BMET 2005
Belfort Laser Ceilometer (Retired) BLC 2005
Broadband Radiometer Station BRS N/A
Broadband Heating Rate Profile BBHRP N/A
Carbon Dioxide Flux Measurement Systems CO2FLX 2005
Carbon Monoxide Mixing Ratio System CO 2011
Chilled Mirror Dew Point Hygrometer CM 2005
Cimel Sunphotometer CSPHOT 2011
Disdrometer and Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge DISDROMETER 2009
Doppler Lidar DL 2012
Eddy Correlation Flux Measurement System ECOR 2011
Energy Balance Bowen Ratio Station EBBR 2011
G-Band (183 GHz) Vapor Radiometer GVR 2011
G-Band Vapor Radiometer Profiler GVRP 2010
Ground Radiometers on Stand for Upwelling Radiation (Draft) GNDRAD 2004
Infrared Thermometer IRT 2006
Micropulse Lidar MPL 2012
Microwave Radiometer MWR 2006
Microwave Radiometer-High Frequency MWRHF 2011
Microwave Radiometer Profiler (Draft) MWRP 2002
Millimeter Wavelength Cloud Radar MMCR 2005
Multifilter Radiometer MFR 2011
Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer MFRSR 2011
Narrow Field of View Zenith Radiometer NFOV 2008
Normal Incidence Multifilter Radiometer NIMFR 2011
Precision Gas System PGS 2005
Radiometer Calibration Facility (Draft) RCF 2004
Raman Lidar RL 2009
Rotating Shadowband Spectroradiometer RSS 2006
Shortwave Spectroradiometer SWS 2007
Sky Radiometers on Stand for Downwelling Radiation (Draft) SKYRAD 2007
Soil Water and Temperatures System SWATS 2005
Solar and Infrared Radiation Station SIRS 2005
Surface Energy Balance System SEBS 2011
Surface and Tower Meteorological Instrumentation at Atqasuk (Retired) METTWR2H 2006
Surface and Tower Meteorological Instrumentation at Barrow METTWR4H 2008
Surface and Tower Meteorological Instrumentation at NSA METTWR 2006
Surface Meteorological Instruments for TWP SMET 2008
Surface Meteorological Observing System SMOS 2008
Surface Temperature and Humidity Reference System for Sondes SURTHREF 2011
Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer/Aerodynamic Particle Sizer TDMA 2010
Temperature, Humidity, Wind and Pressure Sensors THWAPS 2011
Time-Lapsed Cloud Video (Retired) TLCV N/A
Total Precipitation Sensor TPS 2011
Total Sky Imager TSI 2005
Tower Camera TWRCAM 2005
Tower Temperature and Humidity Sensors TWR 2010
Vaisala Ceilometer VCEIL 2012
W-Band (95 GHz) ARM Cloud Radar WACR 2006
Whole-Sky Imager (WSI) (Retired) WSI 2005
Ka-Band ARM Zenith Radar KAZR 2012
Microwave Radiometer - 3 Channel Handbook MWR3C 2012
W-Band ARM Scanning Cloud Radar W-SACR 2012
Ka-Band ARM Scanning Cloud Radar KA-SACR 2012
X-Band ARM Scanning Cloud Radar X-SACR 2012
X-Band ARM Scanning Precipitation Radar X-SAPR 2012
C-Band ARM Scanning Precipitation Radar C-SAPR 2012
Photoacoustic Soot Spectrometer PASS 2013