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ARM Climate Research Facility

ARM Climate Research Facility
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on ARM Climate Research FacilitySee All
    • Completely spent.. But hope I managed to help some folks along using ARM Climate Research Facility data this week. Seeing the difficulty they are having brings home the need for new and better radar software...
      33 · August 16 at 4:26pm
    • Jason Shafer
       Hello, I wanted to alert you to a special session on 7 January 2013 - coinciding with the Fourth Conference on Weather, Climate, and the New Energy Economy - in Austin, Texas. One of the most important topics in energy meteorology today revolves around medium to long-range weather forecasting (i.e. time scales of 2-weeks to 3-months). The AMS Energy Committee has joined with the 25th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, the 11th Conference on Artificial and Computational Intelligence and its Applications to the Environmental Sciences, and the Symposium on Prediction of the Madden-Julian Oscillation to present "Medium-range, Sub-seasonal and Seasonal-scale Forecast Techniques and Modeling for Energy Demand." We invite you to participate as we advance the discourse on long-range weather forecasting and explore research methods developed by various researchers around the world. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me, as I am on the planning committee for this conference. More information in the call for papers below. Note that we've recently extended the deadline for abstract submission!! The new deadline is August 8th. You can submit an abstract through the following link:
      1 · July 30 at 1:33pm
      July 15 at 9:46am
  2. JOB OPPORTUNITIES: ARM radar data product developer and several new postdoc positions have been shared on our website this week. Checkout it out at
    Photo: JOB OPPORTUNITIES: ARM radar data product developer and several new postdoc positions have been shared on our website this week. Checkout it out at
  3. “The true legacy of 9/11 will not be one of fear or hate or division. It will be a safer world; a stronger nation; and a people more united than ever before.” –President Obama during the September 11th Observance Ceremony at the Pentagon Memorial, Sept. 11, 2012:
    Photo: “The true legacy of 9/11 will not be one of fear or hate or division. It will be a safer world; a stronger nation; and a people more united than ever before.” –President Obama during the September 11th Observance Ceremony at the Pentagon Memorial, Sept. 11, 2012:
  4. VALIDATION: ARM user Chris Bretherton, University of Washington, is lead author on a new report advocating for better U.S. climate models. "... designing the next generation of models will require us to move toward unification and work more closely with the user, academic, and international communities." We agree--that's why ARM data and facilities are available to the global research community!
    Better climate models needed in U.S. – report
    Photo: Better climate models needed in U.S. – report
  5. IN NASA NEWS: NASA scientists participating in ARM's Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) mission used instruments mounted inside the NASA King Air B200 aircraft to study natural and man-made particles generated from northeastern areas of the United States. NASA was with DOE during this year's aerial summer intensive observation period. "There has been a history of successful collaboration between DOE and NASA," says Larry Berg, TCAP lead scientist.
  6. TIMING IS EVERYTHING: New data set available for the Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study featured in last week's Science Magazine. The Aerosol Modeling Testbed collected and organized a wide range of ARM and operational data into a single data set for modelers or any scientist wishing to analyze data from CARES.
  7. The new issue of Science includes an article about results from our Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study and the California Nexus 2010.
  8. DID YOU KNOW? The American Meteorological Society updated their statement on climate change. This statement provides a brief overview of how and why global climate has changed in recent decades and will continue to change in the future. Be sure to check it out.
  9. 2012 ARM CRICKET TEAM: Our team of developers from across the United States were at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory this week for their annual meeting. After the first full day of discussions, everyone met at the park for a picnic dinner and some cricket.
    Photo: 2012 ARM CRICKET TEAM: Our team of developers from across the United States were at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory this week for their annual meeting. After the first full day of discussions, everyone met at the park for a picnic dinner and some cricket.
  10. CLOSE UP – TCAP: In late July, the Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) officially kicked off with an opening ceremony at the Highlands Center Cape Cod National Seashore. Program director Wanda Ferrell described this event “…a rousing success” for project partners and stakeholders alike. See event pics of the mobile facility tours and more in this article.

Earlier in September

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Earlier in 2012