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Environment: title over image of the green banks of a creek and stone bridge    Protecting and enhancing the NIH environment   

Laboratory Chemical Move Procedures

After Institute’s move date is finalized, the institute move coordinator should call the Division of Environmental Protection at least 4 to 6 weeks for guidance. The institute move coordinator shall work with the institute’s acquisition personnel to procure a chemical relocation contractor.

GSA eLibrary-Waste Management Services

Contract award information for companies that provide waste management services which includes chemical moves

Important information to consider before and after your chemical moves:     

Ø       Share your excess chemicals that you don’t need or cannot use at your new location to reduce move cost and minimize waste generation.

Ø       For unwanted chemicals that cannot be shared call Chemical Waste Services at 301-496-4710 two to four weeks prior to the scheduled move date to request pick up service.

Ø       Do not carry chemical waste containers to new location. Call Chemical Waste Services for waste collection. Make sure that all waste containers are labeled properly

Ø       Make sure that cold rooms are working properly at the new location for storage of chemicals that required cold room storage.

Ø       Notify the Division of Environmental Protection’s Environmental Compliance Branch at 301-496-7775 of lab move for chemical clearance and decontamination.

Ø       Perform final laboratory walk through to make sure all chemicals have been removed.

Ø       Call Chemical Waste Services to request chemical waste containers and containment pans for your new location.


This page last updated on Dec 08, 2011