Technical Assistance

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Supportive School Discipline Webinar Series: Addressing Truancy-- Innovative Approaches to Systemically Increasing Attendance and Reducing Chronic Truancy

February 27, 4:00-5:30 pm ET

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What's New

HHS/Office of Adolescent Health Updates State-by-State Adolescent Mental Health Facts. The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Adolescent Health has recently updated its state summaries that focus on adolescent mental health. Each state page reports on positive social skills, depressive symptoms, depressive episodes and suicidal thoughts, attempts, and injuries.  Learn More

Training Products and Tools

Our schools and communities are contending with many factors that impact school climate, such as bullying, harassment, violence, and substance abuse. The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) develops a variety of culturally and linguistically competent products and tools to assist interested stakeholders in addressing these issues and to ensure that schools are safe and supportive environments for all students.

What can you do with the NCSSLE products and tools? You can utilize training toolkits during staff meetings, training events and conferences.  You also can review, use and repurpose archived presentations from webinars and face-to-face events.

Training Toolkits | Webinar Presentations | Face-to-Face Presentations

Training Toolkits

School Bus

Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment on Our Nation's School Buses. This training toolkit is made up of two modules to address bullying on school buses.  Specifically, it is designed to assist school bus drivers in cultivating meaningful relationships with students while creating a positive climate on the bus.

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Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment in Our Nation’s Classrooms. This training toolkit is made up of two modules to address bullying in classrooms.  Specifically, it is designed to assist teachers in cultivating meaningful relationships with students while creating a positive climate in the classroom.

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Get Smart, Get Help, Get Safe. This training toolkit will include one module designed for school staff to address teen dating violence.


Webinars. The Center hosts several series of Webinars on a wide variety of topics related to improving conditions for learning (e.g., preventing disruptive behaviors such as bullying, harassment and violence, and substance abuse). Archived webinar materials are available to be used as online self-guided, interactive training modules on safe and supportive schools that include general information and activities.

  • School Climate Series. Covers the continuum of topics influencing school climate, such as bullying, relationships, and substance abuse.
  • Survey Series. Reviews best practices for survey development, administration, and data analysis to measure school climate. Topics such as increasing family response rates and presenting data to stakeholders are covered to assist you in successfully measuring conditions for learning to address needs and strategically report data for optimal buy-in for your school climate initiatives. 
  • Implementation Series. Reviews best practices for the implementation of programmatic interventions, including programs, activities and strategies. Potential challenges of implementation (e.g., staff resistance, preparing school culture for change, etc.) are addressed and strategies for working around these issues are explored.
  • COMING SOON! Discussion Guides. Accompany webinars as professional development tools to translate webinar content into practice. These include summaries of the webinar content as well as activities to deepen learning.  They can be used as part of staff meetings or training events.


Face-to-Face Events. The Center also supports and provides in-person training to the State grantees, partner LEAs, participating schools, and nonparticipating states, LEAs and schools via the use of meetings. These trainings cover a wide range of topics related to improving school climate and conditions for learning (e.g., using school climate data, alternatives to suspensions and expulsions, link between academic achievement and climate). Archived training materials, such as PowerPoint presentations and related materials, are available for download.

  • 2012 OSHS National Conference. Explored five prevailing and emerging issues that influence conditions for learning – school discipline; gender-based violence; behavioral health; bullying; and school safety.
  • Supporting Good Discipline Practices in Schools Listening Sessions. Gathered feedback from a diverse range of individuals and relevant organizations, including family members and youth, to identify high-priority resources, tools, and training products needed to fill critical skills and knowledge gaps for key practitioners operating along the school-to-prison pipeline and build on best practices for improving discipline practice.
  • 2011 OSDFS National Conference. Featured sessions focused on youth alcohol and drug abuse prevention; bullying and cyber-bullying; violence prevention in schools; emergency management; health, mental health, and physical education; data collection; special populations; and emerging issues.
  • Building Positive School Climate: Strategies for Success. Provided Persistently Dangerous Schools grantees (1) research related to creating a safe and supportive schools environment; (2) tips on identifying effective school-based strategies for building supportive relationships; (3) easily transferrable positive youth development strategies; and (4) easily transferrable de-escalation and risk reduction skills and strategies.
  • 2011 School Climate Technical Assistance Symposium. Provided information and interactive activities related to: strategies that support a positive school climate, school climate measurement tools, administration and data analysis, sustaining effective interventions and programs, and developing state-level plans for improving measurement and programming.