
Recent Posts

HHS Releases Inventory of Initiatives and Prevention Programs Aimed at Reducing HIV Infections among African Americans

Ronald Valdiserri

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released a report [PDF] describing findings of an interagency collaboration to identify, review, and assess the effectiveness of HHS-funded, discretionary initiatives and programs to reduce HIV infections among African Americans. The…

Keep it Brief: Tips for Writing Online

New Media | January 15, 2013 Read the full post
Man Using Tablet

These days many can publish a blog on any topic without prior writing experience or a degree in journalism or English. Even with credentials, online writing is different from technical and scientific writing. Based on an analysis  of 45,237 pageviews,…

Family Planning Providers Key in Fight Against HIV

Trends in HIV Testing in Title X Service Sites

The Title X Family Planning Program, administered by the HHS Office of Population Affairs (OPA), provides funding to more than 4,000 service delivery sites across the country to support voluntary, confidential, and low-cost education, counseling, testing, and related preventive health…

5 Years, 900 Blog Posts, 1 Million Page Views

New Media | January 8, 2013 Read the full post
Picture of redesigned

Today marks an important milestone for the blog. Five years ago today, we launched this blog with the intent of reaching audiences with information on how to use new media. In 2009, we extended our content to include Federal…

On the Road to an AIDS-Free Generation

Global | January 3, 2013 Read the full post
Cross-posted from DipNote U.S. Department of State Official Blog

2012 was an extraordinary year (PDF 707KB). As of September 30, 2012, PEPFAR directly supported lifesaving antiretroviral treatment (ART) for nearly 5.1 million people — a nearly three-fold increase since 2008. PEPFAR also supported drugs to prevent mother-to-child transmission for nearly…

Continuing to Move Forward on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

2013 NHAS Video Snapshot

As we enter a new year, I encourage you to listen to a conversation between Howard K. Koh, MD, MPH, Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Ronald O. Valdiserri, MD, MPH, Deputy…

Trends to Watch in 2013

New Media | January 1, 2013 Read the full post
Computer keyboard with 2013 key

As we anticipate the next big thing in the use of new media and emerging technologies to support HIV/AIDS and other health care efforts, we’ve asked experts and thought leaders across the Federal and private sectors to predict the trends…

‘Tis the season (and every season) for new media

New Media | December 25, 2012 Read the full post
This season and througout the year new media can help us move toward an AIDS-free generation.