DOD Electronic Journals

DOD and Military Electronic Journals

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title description
1663 Los Alamos science and technology magazine
ADA Magazine Online Published by the US Army Air Defense Artillery School
AFIA News Air Force Inspection Agency news, the primary action arm of the SECAF inspection system
AFIT news & events The Air Force Institute of Technology news archive
AFPS American Forces Press, U.S. Department of Defense
Air & Space Power Journal Home of Air & Space Power Journal, the US Air Force's professional journal in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, and Spanish
Air Combat Command News Air Force Headlines
Air Force Civil Engineer Magazine Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency magazine
Air Force Magazine Air Force Association's monthly journal on defense and aerospace developments
Air Force News Air Force News Service daily updates
Air Force Posture Statements Biannual strategic vision statements on issues facing the Air Force, its goals and initiatives
Air Force Speeches Senior Air Force leaders communicating the Air Force message
Air Force Times an Online Version Air Force news, pay, benefits, careers, entertainment, photos - Air Force Times Home
Air Land Sea Bulletin Air Land Sea Application (ALSA) is a joint organization chartered to rapidly respond to interoperability issues
Aircraft Survivability Journal Joint Aircraft Survivability Program Office (JASPO)
Airman Magazine Online Air Force's flagship publication
Approach Magazine Navy & Marine Corps aviation safety magazine
Armed Forces Journal AFJ: ideas, vision, leadership
Arms Control Today Monthly publication of the Arms Control Association
Army AL&T Army acquisition and logistics professional publication
Army Chaplaincy Provides news and information about the ministry
Army Communicator US Army Signal Regiment professional magazine
Army Lawyer Army JAG School law practice monthly magazine
Army Magazine Magazine of the Association of the US Army
Army Medicine News U.S. Army Medical Department News & information
Army News U.S. Army news front page
Army Space Journal Professional Journal on U.S. Army Space Operations
Army Sustainment Authoritative information on Army and defense logistics
Army Times an Online Version News, benefits, careers, entertainment, photos, and promotions
Asia-Pacific Defense FORUM Quarterly military journal for Asia and Pacific areas
AUSA News Association of the United States Army newspaper
CAC United States Army Combined Arms Center blog
Canadian Military Journal Official professional journal of the Canadian forces
CAT The Journal for Civil Aviation Training
CHIPS The Department of the Navy's Information Technology Magazine
China Brief Jamestown Foundation publication (BLOCKED ON .MIL)
China Defence Today Forum Chinese defense and military forum
Citizen Airman Official magazine of the Air Force Reserve
Coast Guard Magazine Magazine of the US Coast Guard
COMOPS Journal Analysis, commentary, news of strategic communication
CrossTalk Journal of defense software engineering, STSC
CSR Strategic Forum Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) Center for Strategic Research pamphlet
CTC Sentinel Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
Current News Early Bird Daily news items of interest to US Service members and DoD employees
DefenceTalk Global defense, aerospace, and military portal (BLOCKED ON .MIL)
Defense AR Journal Defense Acquisition Research Journal (DAU)
Defense AT&L Magazine A publication of the Defense Acquisition University
Defense Industry Daily A commercial web journal of military purchasing news
Defense News a Digital Edition Gannett Government Media Corporation top news
Defense Procurement News In-depth coverage of the defense procurement industry
Defense Speeches Speeches and testimonies by DoD leaders
Defense-Aerospace Military, defense, and aerospace news from newswire services, press releases and official reports News A defense and aerospace news portal
Dialogo: Forum of the Americas Professional military magazine published by US Southern Command.  English, Spanish, and Portuguese
DLA News Defense Logistics Agency news center
dvids Publications Defense video & imagery distribution system publications
East Asia Forum Economics, politics and public policy in East Asian and the Pacific
Engineer The Professional Bulletin of Army Engineers
Eurasia Daily Monitor Strategic realities in Eurasia (BLOCKED ON .MIL)
Flight Comment The Canadian Force flight safety magazine
Global Terrorism Analysis Analysis of the war on terror (BLOCKED ON .MIL)
GlobalSecurity Headlines news on SItrEP, military, WMD, intelligence, Homeland Security, and space (BLOCKED ON .MIL)
Government Executive An online version of Government Executive Magazine
Indian Defence Review IDR Analysis of national and international events, trends
Institute of Land Warfare Publications The Institute of Land Warfare of the Association of the US Army professional research papers, newsletters, background briefs, essays, and special reports
Iran Defense Forum An independent public forum, not associated nor related to any political or religious entity
Joint Force Quarterly National Defense University Press official edition
Leader Online Leader Magazine is the source for ROTC and JROTC life
Loglines Official Defense Logistics Agency magazine
The Long War Journal Reporting and analysis of the Long War (also known as the Global War on Terror)
Los Alamos News Los Alamos National Laboratory News Center news
Maple Leaf Monthly publication of the Canadian Forces
Marine Corps Times an Online Version News, pay, benefits, careers, entertainment, photos
Marines Magazine Official magazine of the US Marine Corps
Mech Naval Safety Center on aviation maintenance
Medical Surveillance Monthly Report (MSMR) An Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center monthly health related analyses of interest to the military
Militant Leadership Monitor Personalities behind the insurgency (BLOCKED ON .MIL)
Military Advanced Education Journal of higher learning for today's servicemember
Military Headlines daily news
Military Law Review The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School
Military Police The professional bulletin of the military Police corps
Military Report Pay and benefits news for the military community
Military Review Journal of the US Army Combined Arms Center published in five language editions
Military Times EDGE Military career news with service links
Military Training Technology MT2 News on military simulation and training
MS&T Magazine Military simulation and training industry news
NGA News Geospatial intelligence in support of national security
National Defense Magazine National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) business and technology magazine
National Guard Magazine National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS)
National Security Science LANL scientific and engineering annual edition
NATO Review Quarterly magazine on Atlantic issues
Naval Aviation News Flagship Publication of Naval Aviation
Naval History Magazine Published by USNI, the U.S. Naval Institute
Naval War College Review A forum for discussion of public policy matters of interest to the maritime services
Navy News Service Office of Naval Research (ONR) top stories
Navy Personnel Command News Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs news
Navy Supply Corps Newsletter Professional journal of the Navy Supply Corps
Navy Times an Online Version News, benefits, careers, entertainment, promotions
NCO Journal U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officers publication
NCOA Magazine Serving all five branches of the U. S. Armed Forces
NDU Press Publications National Defense University scholarship
North Caucasus Analysis News and analysis (BLOCKED ON .MIL)
Pakistan Defence Powered by World Defence (31 nation flag links on site)
Parameters United States Army War College quarterly
PRISM Center for Complex Operations security studies journal
Proceedings Magazine Official publication of the U.S. Naval Institute
PS Magazine Army monthly magazine on preventive maintenance
Quartermaster General's Newsletter A quarterly update to the U.S. Amy Quartermaster Corps
Reservist Magazine United States Coast Guard Reserve
Rising Sun Online newspaper Official website of USAG Japan
Sea Compass The Naval Safety Center magazine
SeaPower Magazine Navy League of the United States magazine and almanac
Shift Colors Newsletter for Navy retirees
Signal Online Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association magazine
Small Wars Journal Small Wars Foundation publication (BLOCKED ON .MIL)
Soldiers US Army's official magazine
Special Operations Technology Special Ops Magazine SOTECH online
Stand-To! A daily compendium of news, information and context for Army leaders
Stars and Stripes Independent authorized for publication U.S. military news
State Magazine US Department of State magazine
Strategic Studies Quarterly Air, space, and cyberspace power related ideas on strategy, international security and defense policy forum
SURVIAC Bulletin Newsletter published by the Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center
SURVIAC E-NEWS Weekly survivability/vulnerability information
Terrorism Monitor Global terrorism analysis (BLOCKED ON .MIL)
TNR Magazine The Navy Reservist monthly magazine
Today in DOD Department of Defense news
TORCH Safety magazine of Air Education and Training Command
Translog The journal of surface deployment and distribution
Unmanned Systems News Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International
Viewpoints US Air Force SECAF, CSAF, and Joint SECAF/CSAF views
VFW Checkpoint Veterans of Foreign Wars bimonthly publication
VFW Magazine Published monthly by the Veterans of Foreign Wars
War, Literature and the Arts Semiannual journal published by the English Department at the US Air Force Academy
Washington Technology Latest news for government contractors
Wingman Quarterly publication of the Air Force Safety Center
World Newspapers and Magazines An extensive directory maintained by

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