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Pinning Ceremonies

To: The Families and Friends of the "TEAMWORK" Battalion!

     After you complete Basic Combat Training (BCT), you're ready for the next step. Advanced Individual Training (AIT) is where you will learn the skills to perform your Army job.

     At one of many diverse AIT schools, you'll receive hands-on training and field instruction to make you an expert in that specific career field. You'll also gain the discipline and work ethic to help you no matter what path you take in life.

     Over 6,000 Soldiers come through the ranks of the TEAMWORK! Battalion each year to receive their Advanced Individual Training (AIT) in one of the seven Artillery Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) and two Ordnance MOSs:

  • 13B (Cannon Crewmember) - 5 weeks
  • 13D (Fire Control Systems Specialist) - 7 weeks
  • 13F (Fire Support Specialist) - 6weeks
  • 13M (Multiple Launch Rocket System Crewmember) - 4weeks
  • 13P (MLRS Automated Tactical Data System Specialist) - 7 weeks
  • 13R (Fire Finder Radar Operator) – 8 weeks
  • 13T (Field Artillery Meteorological / Survey Crewmember) - 10 weeks
  • 94M (Radar Repairer) - 33 weeks
  • 94S (Patriot System Repairer) – 33 weeks

     If you have any questions please feel free to contact your respective unit during duty hours (0900-1700 CST).

  • A Battery: (580) 442-5247 (For 13D, 13M, 13P, 13R, 94S and 94M Students)
  • B Battery: (580) 442-8335 (For 13F and 13T Students)
  • C Battery: (580) 442-4169 (For 13B Students)
  • D Battery: (580) 442-4570

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does advanced individual training (AIT) consist of?

    Soldiers in AIT learn skills concerning their military occupational skill (MOS). An MOS defines a Soldier's primary skill in the Army. MOSs are: 13B - Cannoneer Crewman, 13D - Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems Specialist, 13F Support Specialist, 13M - Multiple Launch Rocket System Crewmember, 13P - Multiple Launch Rocket System Operations & Fire Direction Specialist, 13R - Field Artillery Firefinder Radar Operator, 13T - Field Artillery Surveyor/ Meteorological Crewmember, 94M - Radar Repairer and 94S – Patriot System Repairer. During AIT, Soldiers continue the "soldierization" process, with an increasing emphasis on individual responsibilities. MOS instructors and drill sergeants continue each Soldier's military education through training on advance rifle marksmanship, combatives, physical fitness, the Army Values, attention to detail, learning to cope with stress, and Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills.

  • Where do AIT Soldiers live while training?

    Soldiers in the first two phases of AIT (Phases IV and V of initial entry training) or Soldiers who have not attained the training standard live in four-Six man rooms. Soldiers who attain training standards and are in training 21 weeks or longer (Phase V+) live in two-man rooms. Soldiers who are already MOS trained (MOS-T) and are entering AIT for an additional MOS also live in two man rooms. Soldiers training in MOS 94M and MOS 94S live in two-man rooms or, if accompanied, are authorized off-post quarters. Female Soldiers live separately from male Soldiers.

  • How long is AIT?

    Each MOS AIT course has different course lengths.

    13B (Cannon Crewmember) - Five(5) weeks

    13D (Fire Control Systems Specialist) - Seven(7) weeks

    13F (Fire Support Specialist) - Six(6) weeks

    13M (Multiple Launch Rocket System Crewmember) - Four(4) weeks

    13P (MLRS Automated Tactical Data System Specialist) - Seven(7) weeks

    13R (Fire Finder Radar Operator) - Eight(8) weeks

    13T (Field Artillery Surveyor/Meteorological Crewmember) - Eleven(11) weeks

    94M (Radar Repairer) - 33 weeks

    94S (Patriot Repairer)- 33 Weeks

  • Can my parents pick me up after graduation?

    Yes however if you are a national guard or reserve Soldier, transportation arrangements will be made for you to your home of record. Therefore you must inform the PLT Sergeant as soon as you know your parents or spouse is coming to pick you up. Travel arrangements are made 3 days prior to the Soldiers graduation; without prior notification the Soldier will be required to take government arranged transportation.

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  • Can I get a tattoo?

    TRADOC Regulation 350-6 dictates that IET recruit tattoo/brand policies apply to all Active Army, United States Army Reserve, and Army National Guard Soldiers whether non-prior service or prior service. As the" Soldierization" process continues, Soldiers gain knowledge of regulations and acceptable behaviors therefore it is strongly discourage for any Soldier in an IET status to obtain a physical marking (Branding or Tattoo) which may prohibit him/her from further military service.

  • Can I use supplement?

    No the Battalion Commanders Policy Letter #11 strictly prohibits the use of weight training or dietary supplements

  • What is the policy for cell phones/ are they allowed?

    Yes however the Commanders, with the advice of their platoon sergeants, determine if an IET student continues to demonstrate the maturity to use a cellular telephone, PDA, or similar device. Use of these devices is a privilege that the Soldier's Battery-level commander may deny. No cell phone use will be permitted during any time Soldiers are involved in a training event.

  • Can I get an off post pass for the weekend I graduate BCT?

    Soldiers who have family members that attend BCT graduation and will be staying in the Lawton/Fort Sill area for the weekend may be granted a weekend pass. Only Soldiers with immediate family members (Father, Mother, grandparents and/or Spouse) will be able to sign the Soldier out for a weekend pass following BCT graduation. Fiancées, boyfriends or girlfriends will not be permitted to sign the Soldier out.

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  • How long before the Soldier arrives from BCT will family members be able to take the Soldier on pass?

    On the day of BCT Graduation Soldiers must complete out-processing from the BCT unit, transfer all military equipment, personnel gear and documentation to the gaining unit (AIT). Upon arrival Soldiers will complete in-processing with the "Teamwork" Battalion in BLDG 2437 and be assigned to the respective Battery according to their MOS (Military Occupational Specialty). Once assigned to the subordinate Battery, Soldiers are escorted by Cadre members to various locations with their gear. Once Soldiers arrive at their respective Battery they will be required to in-process. This in-processing is lengthy and time consuming which entails issue of living space, wall locker, bed linen, introduction to the Battalion Commanders Policy letters and multiple other actions to ensure the Soldiers Safety and accountability. Family members should be prepared to wait between 4-6 hours for the Soldier to be fully in-processed into the new unit. Soldiers will be permitted to call family members once they are complete and authorized for release.

  • What is the difference between basic combat training (BCT) and advanced individual training (AIT)?

    Soldiers in AIT learn skills concerning their military occupational skill (MOS). An MOS defines a Soldier's primary skill in the Army. MOSs are: 13B - Cannoneer Crewman, 13D - Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems Specialist, 13F Support Specialist, 13M - Multiple Launch Rocket System Crewmember, 13P - Multiple Launch Rocket System Operations & Fire Direction Specialist, 13R - Field Artillery Firefinder Radar Operator, 13S - Field Artillery Surveyor, 13 W - Field Artillery Meteorological Crewmember, 94M - Radar Repairer.

    During AIT, Soldiers continue the "soldierization" process, with an increasing emphasis on individual responsibilities. MOS instructors and drill sergeants continue each Soldier's military education through training on advance rifle marksmanship, combatives, physical fitness, the Army Values, attention to detail, learning to cope with stress, and Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills.

  • What are the graduation requirements for AIT?

    Soldiers must pass all of the academic requirements for his MOS, score 60-points on each event on the Army Physical Readiness Test events, show proficiency in Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills, complete Advanced Rifle Marksmanship refresher training, meet the minimum physical and mental requirements for service, and most importantly, demonstrate a willingness to live the Army Values.

  • What items should a Soldier bring to AIT?

    Soldiers in AIT Phases IV and V should bring their military issue of clothing and retained equipment, shaving and hygiene materials, towels and washcloths, and two sets of casual civilian clothing. In addition, Soldiers in Phase V+ or MOS-T Soldiers may bring items for their off-post or two-man rooms such as small televisions, computers, or similar items and my bring privately owned vehicles (POVs).

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  • What items should a Soldier not bring to AIT?

    Soldiers should not bring knives, guns, drugs (except authorized prescription drugs) or drug paraphernalia, martial arts weapons, pornography, possible inhalants, weight training or health supplements, alcohol, tobacco, televisions or computers (except as noted above for Phase V+ and MOS-T Soldiers), or items valued in excess of $200.

  • Do Soldiers receive passes or leave while attending AIT? Can I visit my Soldier or can my Soldier travel to visit me?

    Depending on the training schedule and a Soldier's demonstrated performance and maturity, a commander may grant leave or either an on-post or an off-post pass. Some passes may be overnight passes. Never assume that you will be able to visit a Soldier or have a Soldier visit without first discussing the Soldier's training schedule with him. Although commanders may grant both passes and leave, both are contingent on the training schedule. AIT trains on most Saturdays. Additionally, commanders may grant leave for emergencies. You should contact the American Red Cross when such an emergency exists. Although the American Red Cross does not grant leave, the message they provide allows the commander to make decisions based on the nature of the emergency. Finally, when Soldier's graduate from AIT and does not have a scheduled follow-on course, each may take up to 10 days of leave before reporting to his U.S-based assignment or 14 days leave for assignments overseas or in Alaska or Hawaii.

  • What is the Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program (HRAP) and who is eligible for participation? How does a Soldier volunteer for HRAP?

    HRAP allows qualified, highly motivated, and example-setting Soldiers an opportunity to assist a U.S. Army recruiter in or near his hometown following successful graduation. To qualify, a Soldier must be an IET volunteer and:

    Hold a high school diploma or GED equivalent or have completed 15 hours of college
    Reside within 50 miles of the assigned recruiting station.
    Provide transportation to the recruiting station.
    Must not be under suspension of favorable personnel actions as an HRAP participant.
    Be nominated by the chain of command and approved by the battalion commander.

  • How will I communicate with my family and how will they communicate with me while I am attending AIT?

    Two-way communication between families and Soldiers exists through various methods. The U.S. Postal Service and similar mail delivery services deliver both letters and packages Monday - Friday of each week (not including Federal Holidays). Each Soldier, when not in class or other training, is authorized access to the internet within local restrictions. The Army's "portal", known as Army Knowledge Online (AKO) is the primary means of internet communication for Soldiers throughout the world. All Soldiers should forward their .com email address to their AKO email address, as local restrictions prevent Soldiers from accessing .com email sites using U.S. Army computers. In addition, commanders may authorize Soldiers demonstrating maturity and meeting the training standard the use of cellular telephones when they are not actively training.

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  • Can I bring a spouse, fiancé, friend with me to live in Lawton while I'm in training?

    The Army does not authorize Soldiers in the first two phases of AIT (Phase IV and V) accompanied travel. Soldiers in Phase V+ and MOS-T Soldiers with appropriate authorization for accompanied travel may bring their families. The Government does not provide authorization for friend or fiancé travel. Regardless of authorization, the AIT training schedule is robust, and time for visits is limited. Commanders may, based on a Soldier's demonstrated level of maturity and adherence to standards, direct a Soldier to move into the open bay billets for the duration of training, even if the Soldier is accompanied. All Soldiers residing off-post must contact the Fort Sill Housing Office for living arrangements.

  • Where can I find information about AIT graduation?

    Your Solider is the best source of information concerning his or her graduation, travel and leave plans, and follow-on assignments. Additionally, each battery web page lists a telephone number that you may call for the latest information concerning graduations.


The following commercial accommodations are all within 15 minutes of the Fort Sill Military Reservation. Ensure you make reservations, because it is expected to be crowded this time of year.


When making flight reservations, please keep in mind travel time to the airports (approximately 1.5 hours to Oklahoma City, and 20 minutes to Lawton Regional Airport), as well as additional time for the heightened security checks and airline check-in (approximately 1 hour at Oklahoma City / Will Rogers World Airport and 1 hour at Lawton Regional Airport). Please also note that you will encounter $3.25 in highway tolls when traveling on I44 (one way) from Oklahoma City. Please contact us with any questions about the above mentioned information or any questions you may have. Travel Safe!

Car Rental

The following commercial accommodations are all within 15 minutes of the Fort Sill Military Reservation. Ensure you make reservations, because it is expected to be crowded this time of year.

Additional Cabs / Transportaion in Lawton here:Transportation in Lawton, Oklahoma

Graduation Driving Directions: click to enlarge

Ait Directions
(Click Course # to veiw PDF)



041-13B10 CANNON CREWMEMBER(5 weeks, 4 days)
250-13D10 FA TACTICAL DATA SYS SPECIALIST(7 weeks, 1 day)
121-94M10 RADAR REPAIRER - PHASE 2(33 weeks, 4 days)
121-94S10 PH2 PATRIOT MISSILE SYSTEM REPAIRER - PHASE 2(38 weeks, 4 days)
Pinning Ceremonies