White Papers

FS Share produced Asset-Based Finance: White Paper #1 to provide U.S. government program designers with a basis of techncial understanding on asset-based financing as an approach to meet the operation and expansion needs of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).  
This white paper was authored by Francois-Jude Pepin and reviewed by Roberto Toso and Melissa Scudo for Chemonics International Inc.
Mr. Pepin is a securities regulation expert with 20 years of experience in developed and emerging markets at developing and enhancing securities regulation and efficient clearing, settlement, and depository systems. As Chief of Party for the Egypt Financial Services Project, he created a dynamic private sector finance industry in Egypt by introducing mortgage finance, secured lending with a collateral registry, leasing, factoring and asset-backed securities. He also set the legal and regulatory framework of a commodity futures and financial derivatives market, established a model real property registration, and established the credit information bureau. Mr. Pepin served as both COP and securities settlement advisor for USAID-sponsored Egypt Capital Markets Development Project, overseeing the project's work with MCDR, the central securities depository and registry in Egypt. In Georgia, he managed the design, construction, and implementation of the first independent transfer agent. He initiated the dematerialized issue and transfer of treasury bills in Romania and the Philippines. Mr. Pepin assessed financial laws and the securities market and developed the framework of the central securities registry and depository for central banks and exchanges in Romania, Bulgaria, Palestine, Mauritius, Croatia, Slovenia, Cote d'Ivoire, Zambia, the Caribbean, Bhutan, Indonesia, and the Philippines. He previously served as general counsel and legal advisor to the regulated clearing and settlement agencies of Canadian exchanges and over-the-counter and financial derivatives markets.