Improving Reproductive Health in Nigeria (IRHIN)

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A patient being examined
A patient being examined at USAID supported Farida Yakubu Specialist Hospital, Gusau

Access to quality reproductive health and family planning services remain poor in Nigeria. The 2008 edition of the Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) found that only 9.7 percent of married women use a modern method of contraception, while 20% of women have an unmet need for family planning services. With access to information about methods to delay and space births, unmet need tends to increase as more women want to use contraception. Improving Reproductive Health in Nigeria (IRHIN) is a $16.5 million, five-year social marketing project with a mandate to increase modern contraceptive prevalence in Nigeria.

Improving Reproductive Health in Nigeria (IRHIN) Strategy

IRHIN works to increase demand for contraceptives and access to quality reproductive health services through private sector outlets.  Private medicine providers are often the first point of contact for clients seeking medical services and comodities.  In many parts of Nigeria, these providers are the only source for contraceptives.  To increase the quantity and quality of services provided, IRHIN trains these vendors in urban and rural areas to better counsel women on family planning.  The vendors can supply condoms and oral contraceptives and refer clients elsewhere for other methods.  IRHIN distributes oral contraceptives, injectables, intrauterine devices, and other commodities by sending agents throughout Nigeria to train providers and redistribute stocks of commodities in the private sector.  This addresses problems related to coverage and commodity availability, as well as low provider knowledge of available methods.

IRHIN improves the enabling environment for private sector provision of reproductive health services through targeted advocacy with key institutions, including faith-based groups, civil society organizations, and media establishments.  IRHIN works at national and community levels to address gender issues, cultural and religious barriers, and policies that restrict service provision and discourage private sector investment in reproductive health productsand services.  The project has developed jingles and dramas that are aired on over 50 radio stations, as well as developed and produced posters and banners targeted to improve inter-spousal communication on family planning and reproductive health.    IRHIN actively engages local leaders, community based distributors, male motivators, and peer educators to further ensure success of its activities.  IRHIN also facilitates participatory community meetings to foster support for family planning and conducts activities to encourage community-based behavioral change.


  • Project Name: Improving Reproductive Health in Nigeria (IRHIN)
  • Partners: Society for Family Health, Pathfinder International, and Population Services International
  • Annual Budget: $2,600,000
  •  Life of Activity: 2005 – 2011
  • Geographic Areas: Social Marketing - Nationwide; Clinical Services - Abia, Cross River, and Kaduna States