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The U.S. Mission to the European Union (USEU) seeks highly motivated students for several internship opportunities. Interns at USEU serve as full-time and respected members of the Mission team, allowing them to gain a comprehensive understanding of major issues in the transatlantic relationship and acquire first-hand practical experience of the diplomatic work of the U.S. government.

Both U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens may apply to intern at USEU, but only U.S. citizens are eligible for certain internships.  A security clearance must be obtained for certain internships. While internships are unpaid, we offer a rewarding experience in an excellent working environment.

USEU is situated in the heart of Brussels and enjoys convenient access to public transportation. For insight into the activities of our Mission’s interns, visit the USEU Intern blog on Facebook.

Internship Opportunities

  • Commercial Affairs Intern
  • Economic Affairs Intern
  • Excutive Office/Legal Affairs Intern
  • Political Affairs Intern
  • Public Diplomacy Intern
  • U.S.-European Media Hub Intern


Commercial Affairs Intern

The U.S. Commercial Service at the U.S. Mission to the European Union (CSEU) is an overseas office of the U.S. Department of Commerce. CSEU’s mission is to promote U.S. business interests in the EU through advocacy, information dissemination, and cooperation with other Commercial Service posts throughout Europe and the world.  CSEU plays an important role in connecting U.S. companies with international buyers, providing them with market intelligence, trade counseling, business matchmaking, and advocacy/commercial diplomacy support. Typically, interns may be asked to: assist in the preparation of short, topical reports covering policy developments in the EU that are of interest to U.S. exporters; research and respond to incoming business inquiries from American firms about EU legislation/regulations; assist with planning/ organization associated with high-level visitors and other events taking place during the internship; attend office and Mission staff meetings and external conferences.

How To Apply

Both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens are encouraged to applyFor more information about the internship and on the application procedure, please click here.

Economic Affairs Intern

The European Union (EU) is the United States’ largest trading partner and our largest investment partner. Together the U.S. and EU account for 55% of the world’s GDP and nearly 40% of global trade. The U.S government works closely with the various institutions that make up the European Union to facilitate and expand transatlantic trade and investment.  We also coordinate closely – through the Transatlantic Economic Framework and numerous other channels – on critical issues including climate change, energy security, regulatory cooperation, sanctions, and multilateral trade negotiations.

The Economic Section at the U.S. Mission to the EU is one of the sections responsible for this day-to-day coordination with EU institutions. We also work closely with our embassies in the 27 EU countries. While policy decisions are increasingly taken in Brussels, they are still very much made by the governments of the member states.  The section is likewise in regular contact with virtually every U.S. government agency, from the Consumer Product Safety Commission to the Federal Reserve.

The main duties of Economic Affairs (ECON) intern include: attending meetings and events, both in-house and at EU institutions, and reporting on them; performing research on economic issues; assisting with official visits; and drafting cables and other written reports. ECON interns typically enjoy a high degree of freedom to work on issues of personal interest that lie within the ECON portfolio, while balancing section needs and priorities.

How to Apply

This internship is open to U.S. citizens only. Please apply here and clearly mention in your statement of purpose that you wish to intern in the Economic section of USEU.

Executive Office/Legal Affairs Intern

The  U.S. Ambassador, Deputy Chief of Mission, and Legal Counselor are located in the Executive Office (EXEC). This intern will have first-hand exposure to the workings of USEU at the highest level on a range of key policy and legal issues.  Specific duties, under the supervision of the Staff Assistant, are likely to include preparing briefing materials for the Ambassador, performing research and assisting in the preparation of the Ambassador’s public remarks, and helping represent the U.S. government at public events.

This intern also works directly with the Mission’s legal counselor, tracking and analyzing cases in the European Court of Justice with a nexus to U.S. policy, as well as observing and reporting on other legal developments relating to the EU institutions. Applicants from U.S. law schools are encouraged to apply. 

How to Apply

This internship is open to U.S. Citizens only. Please apply here and clearly mention in your statement of purpose that you wish to intern in the Executive Office of USEU.

Political Affairs Intern

The Political Section at USEU is responsible for the relationship between the U.S. and the EU regarding foreign affairs and a range of inter-institutional matters. The U.S. coordinates closely with the EU on foreign affairs, which spans an array of topics including but not limited to the Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Caucasus, international development, food security, immigration and border security, data protection, counter-terrorism, visa policy, and EU enlargement.

There are two internship opportunities in the political section:

  1. Political Affairs Intern – General: Typical duties include: conducting research on relevant political issues in the EU; drafting reports and updating background notes; writing and editing short briefing papers; scheduling and preparing meetings for visitors, including officials from the EU institutions, U.S. government, and NGO representatives; accompanying officer visits to EU institutions; and managing small projects as needed.
  2. Political Affairs Intern - Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM): The PRM intern’s responsibilities will mirror those of the general intern, but with a focus on population, refugees and migration issues.

How to Apply

These internships are open to U.S. citizens only. Please apply here and clearly mention in your statement of purpose that you wish to intern in the Political section of USEU.

Public Diplomacy Intern

The Public Affairs (PA) Office directs the Mission’s communications programs and public diplomacy efforts, which aim to build understanding between our governments and people and lead to a stronger transatlantic relationship.  The section informs and engages European audiences in discussions about U.S. policies, U.S. society, and U.S.-EU cooperation on a global agenda.  

The Public Diplomacy intern interacts with every section of the Mission - including the Ambassador and other senior officials - across a wide range of policy areas. The intern gains considerable insight into how the Mission functions as a whole and into the role of public diplomacy in informing EU audiences about U.S. policies.

Typical duties for a PD intern include: assisting with planning and organization of press and cultural events with senior U.S. officials; setting up events for outreach to interns in the EU institutions; preparing daily news briefs; monitoring media for breaking news and developments; writing media analyses; researching topics related to the U.S.-EU relationship; updating the USEU Intern Blog; helping to manage our social media channels; participating in internal and external meetings; keeping informed on developments across a wide range of policy areas; and updating the Mission’s contact database. In addition, PD interns can expect to be involved in special projects. Recent interns have assisted with the high-level visits of the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security, the Attorney General and other senior Obama administration officials. 

How to Apply

Both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens are encouraged to apply

  • U.S. Citizens should apply here. Please clearly mention in your statement of purpose that you wish to intern in the Public Affairs section of USEU.
  • Non-U.S. citizens should apply for the Public Diplomacy Internship when it is advertised here.

U.S.-European Media Hub Intern

The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Public Affairs operates a regional Media Hub in Brussels that also has internship positions available.  Typically, the Hub intern’s duties include writing and editing daily media analysis; assisting with broadcast interviews and press events; researching European media outlets; video editing; video filming; assisting with daily social media management.

How to Apply

Both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens are encouraged to apply. 

  • U.S. Citizens should apply here. Please clearly mention in your statement of purpose that you wish to intern in the U.S.-European Media Hub at the Tri-Missions Brussels.