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State Partnership Program (SPP)

Established in July 1993, the State Partnership Program (SPP) between Illinois and Poland was one of the first three SPP relationships initiated between the National Guard and the former Soviet Eastern Block countries.  The partnership has matured from military-to-military exchanges to broad-based civilian exchanges, activities and events.

Illinois Air National Guard Mobile Training Teams conducted familiarization flights with Polish Air Force Pilots on the F-16 airplane during the over 60 military to military events that supported the defense modernization of the Polish Air Force into a world class organization.

Illinois Army National Guardsman familiarized hundreds of Polish Land Force Non-commissioned officers on the professional development process supporting Polish Land Forces defense transformation. 

Illinois Army National Guardsman familiarized hundreds of Polish Land Forces soldiers on the concept of lanes training during Peace Keeping Operations unit level exchanges supporting Poland's capacity to conduct peace and stability operations. 

The Polish military has the opportunity to observe and even use U.S. technology, equipment, and training methods during the SPP exchanges.  Many decisions to purchase U.S. equipment are based on knowledge gained while executing the event.  The interoperability between Polish forces and U.S. and other NATO forces increases with each event.

The strong partnership continues to positively impact the relationship between the Polish and U.S. people.  Personal and professional friendships emerge from each exchange beyond the government into the grass roots. 

NCO professional development will remain a high priority and we anticipate a high level of cooperation between the ILNG and Polish Land Forces.