  ______________                          |                                     |                              February 5, 2013
 |              |                         |        MAJOR SHIPPERS REPORT        |
 | N ZEAL       |                         |    U.S. General Imports By Country  |
 |______________|                         |  Data through 12/2012 in Million $  |

                           Calendar Years       Year-to-Date                 Year-Endings                             YE 12/2012
 Ctrl, Cat, Product        2010      2011    12/2011   12/2012  % Change   12/2011   10/2012   11/2012   12/2012  % Change % Share

       0 Total            20.092    26.884    26.884    28.452      5.83    26.884    26.145    27.795    28.452      5.83    0.03
       1 Apparel           0.745     1.030     1.030     0.978     -5.11     1.030     1.019     1.010     0.978     -5.11    0.00
       2 Non-Apparel      19.346    25.854    25.854    27.474      6.27    25.854    25.127    26.785    27.474      6.27    0.11
      11 Yarns             8.871    12.976    12.976    13.009      0.25    12.976    12.401    12.567    13.009      0.25    0.90
      12 Fabrics           8.940    10.949    10.949    11.293      3.14    10.949    10.692    11.195    11.293      3.14    0.20
      14 Made Ups / Mis    1.536     1.929     1.929     3.173     64.50     1.929     2.034     3.023     3.173     64.50    0.02
      30 Cotton Product    1.021     0.654     0.654     1.884    187.92     0.654     1.768     1.784     1.884    187.92    0.00
      31 Cotton Apparel    0.234     0.230     0.230     0.183    -20.32     0.230     0.191     0.192     0.183    -20.32    0.00
      32 Cot Non-Appare    0.787     0.424     0.424     1.700    300.99     0.424     1.578     1.592     1.700    300.99    0.02
      40 Wool Products    13.057    17.789    17.789    17.998      1.17    17.789    16.329    17.397    17.998      1.17    0.38
      41 Wool Apparel      0.313     0.284     0.284     0.207    -27.22     0.284     0.218     0.205     0.207    -27.22    0.01
      42 Wool Non-Appar   12.743    17.505    17.505    17.791      1.63    17.505    16.111    17.192    17.791      1.63    1.73
      60 MMF Products      5.917     8.306     8.306     8.517      2.54     8.306     7.993     8.553     8.517      2.54    0.02
      61 MMF Apparel       0.164     0.477     0.477     0.564     18.26     0.477     0.590     0.586     0.564     18.26    0.00
      62 MMF Non-Appare    5.752     7.830     7.830     7.954      1.59     7.830     7.403     7.967     7.954      1.59    0.06
      80 S and V Produc    0.097     0.135     0.135     0.053    -60.70     0.135     0.054     0.060     0.053    -60.70    0.00
      81 S and V Appare    0.034     0.039     0.039     0.024    -39.48     0.039     0.020     0.026     0.024    -39.48    0.00
      82 S and V Non-Ap    0.063     0.096     0.096     0.029    -69.44     0.096     0.035     0.034     0.029    -69.44    0.01

Cotton or Man-Made Fiber:
     201 Specialty Yarn    1.359     1.703     1.703     1.612     -5.36     1.703     1.608     1.609     1.612     -5.36    0.66
     229 Special Fabric    4.431     5.480     5.480     7.151     30.49     5.480     6.429     7.029     7.151     30.49    0.58

     400 Wool Yarns        7.507    11.251    11.251    11.369      1.05    11.251    10.767    10.939    11.369      1.05    7.70
     414 Oth Wool Fabri    3.984     4.802     4.802     3.731    -22.31     4.802     3.793     3.742     3.731    -22.31    4.91