  ______________                          |                                     |                              February 5, 2013
 |              |                         |        MAJOR SHIPPERS REPORT        |
 | PAKISTN      |                         |    U.S. General Imports By Country  |
 |______________|                         |  Data through 12/2012 in Million $  |

                           Calendar Years       Year-to-Date                 Year-Endings                             YE 12/2012
 Ctrl, Cat, Product        2010      2011    12/2011   12/2012  % Change   12/2011   10/2012   11/2012   12/2012  % Change % Share

       0 Total          3063.901  3357.191  3357.191  3009.926    -10.34  3357.191  2997.449  3024.612  3009.926    -10.34    2.98
       1 Apparel        1492.502  1654.894  1654.894  1471.832    -11.06  1654.894  1454.950  1477.494  1471.832    -11.06    1.92
       2 Non-Apparel    1571.399  1702.297  1702.297  1538.094     -9.65  1702.297  1542.499  1547.118  1538.094     -9.65    6.38
      11 Yarns            33.864    40.045    40.045    25.899    -35.33    40.045    25.573    25.911    25.899    -35.33    1.79
      12 Fabrics         107.642   153.420   153.420   133.462    -13.01   153.420   139.011   137.513   133.462    -13.01    2.33
      14 Made Ups / Mis 1429.892  1508.832  1508.832  1378.732     -8.62  1508.832  1377.915  1383.694  1378.732     -8.62    8.14
      30 Cotton Product 2882.353  3101.053  3101.053  2712.877    -12.52  3101.053  2705.916  2730.329  2712.877    -12.52    5.37
      31 Cotton Apparel 1420.703  1547.229  1547.229  1353.449    -12.52  1547.229  1338.342  1358.924  1353.449    -12.52    3.23
      32 Cot Non-Appare 1461.650  1553.823  1553.823  1359.428    -12.51  1553.823  1367.575  1371.404  1359.428    -12.51   15.73
      40 Wool Products    51.652    55.234    55.234    66.909     21.14    55.234    64.793    63.976    66.909     21.14    1.41
      41 Wool Apparel      0.416     0.938     0.938     0.761    -18.96     0.938     0.759     0.739     0.761    -18.96    0.02
      42 Wool Non-Appar   51.237    54.296    54.296    66.148     21.83    54.296    64.034    63.237    66.148     21.83    6.43
      60 MMF Products    126.356   198.599   198.599   227.299     14.45   198.599   223.818   227.605   227.299     14.45    0.52
      61 MMF Apparel      70.418   105.202   105.202   116.003     10.27   105.202   114.207   116.313   116.003     10.27    0.39
      62 MMF Non-Appare   55.938    93.397    93.397   111.296     19.16    93.397   109.611   111.292   111.296     19.16    0.80
      80 S and V Produc    3.540     2.305     2.305     2.841     23.28     2.305     2.922     2.702     2.841     23.28    0.16
      81 S and V Appare    0.966     1.524     1.524     1.620      6.31     1.524     1.642     1.517     1.620      6.31    0.12
      82 S and V Non-Ap    2.574     0.781     0.781     1.221     56.38     0.781     1.279     1.185     1.221     56.38    0.27

Cotton or Man-Made Fiber:
     218 Fab, Color Yar    2.027     2.108     2.108     2.413     14.46     2.108     2.483     2.482     2.413     14.46    2.01
     219 Duck Fabric       4.581     5.212     5.212     4.537    -12.95     5.212     4.527     4.532     4.537    -12.95    9.71
     220 Spec. Weave, F   11.618    12.427    12.427     9.095    -26.81    12.427     9.757     9.679     9.095    -26.81    5.08
     224 Pile/Tufted Fa    1.534     1.569     1.569     0.729    -53.57     1.569     0.842     0.812     0.729    -53.57    0.24
     226 Cheesecloth,Ba    1.380     1.377     1.377     1.664     20.90     1.377     1.717     1.720     1.664     20.90    3.63
     229 Special Fabric    0.279     0.839     0.839     1.162     38.48     0.839     1.145     1.155     1.162     38.48    0.09
     237 Playsuit,Sunsu    2.106     1.598     1.598     2.040     27.70     1.598     1.636     1.892     2.040     27.70    2.10
     239 Baby Garm / Ac   14.000    17.237    17.237    15.649     -9.22    17.237    15.937    15.856    15.649     -9.22    0.67

     300 Carded Cot. Ya   27.020    32.698    32.698    20.428    -37.53    32.698    20.145    20.739    20.428    -37.53   39.33
     301 Combed Cot. Ya    5.195     5.984     5.984     3.847    -35.71     5.984     3.723     3.557     3.847    -35.71    5.51
     313 Cotton Sheetin   30.417    47.448    47.448    47.118     -0.70    47.448    48.343    48.587    47.118     -0.70   14.75
     314 Poplin,Broadcl   16.020    24.087    24.087    15.655    -35.01    24.087    17.210    16.634    15.655    -35.01   17.42
     315 Printcloth Fab    7.709    12.011    12.011    12.920      7.57    12.011    14.598    13.465    12.920      7.57   27.06
     317 Twill Fabric     11.215    17.329    17.329    10.152    -41.42    17.329    10.782    10.356    10.152    -41.42   10.08
     326 Sateen Fabric    10.579    15.927    15.927    10.934    -31.35    15.927    11.910    11.299    10.934    -31.35   26.92
     331 Cot.Glove/Mitt    7.684    15.051    15.051    13.942     -7.37    15.051    14.391    13.921    13.942     -7.37   13.15
     332 Cotton Hosiery  156.544   130.585   130.585    98.574    -24.51   130.585   101.006   101.005    98.574    -24.51   12.46
     333 Suit-Typ Coat,    0.390     1.120     1.120     0.421    -62.39     1.120     0.406     0.400     0.421    -62.39    0.36
     334 Oth. Coats, MB   86.121   119.636   119.636    88.238    -26.24   119.636    88.817    89.002    88.238    -26.24    9.29
     335 W/G Cot. Coats   23.225    30.294    30.294    18.188    -39.96    30.294    19.841    18.401    18.188    -39.96    1.64
     336 Cotton Dresses    4.227     5.447     5.447     3.506    -35.64     5.447     3.821     3.646     3.506    -35.64    0.32
     338 Knit Shirts,MB  489.225   545.672   545.672   439.251    -19.50   545.672   446.829   446.182   439.251    -19.50    7.35
     339 W/G Knit Blous  113.798   109.591   109.591    87.833    -19.85   109.591    85.402    88.778    87.833    -19.85    1.29
     340 N-Knt Shirts,M   11.539    15.151    15.151    11.880    -21.59    15.151    12.302    11.833    11.880    -21.59    0.41
     341 W/G N-Knt Blou    9.173     9.393     9.393     7.672    -18.32     9.393     7.867     7.693     7.672    -18.32    0.66
     342 Cotton Skirts     2.204     2.190     2.190     3.208     46.44     2.190     3.423     3.387     3.208     46.44    0.64
     345 Cotton Sweater    3.597     2.102     2.102     2.078     -1.13     2.102     2.051     2.051     2.078     -1.13    0.26
     347 Cot.M/B Trouse  210.452   211.653   211.653   196.272     -7.27   211.653   186.721   193.787   196.272     -7.27    3.37
     348 W/G Slacks, et  135.334   160.722   160.722   221.672     37.92   160.722   207.524   217.913   221.672     37.92    3.30
     350 Dress. Gown et    7.418     8.137     8.137     5.522    -32.14     8.137     5.487     5.705     5.522    -32.14    1.66
     351 Cot. Nghtwr/PJ   26.913    30.837    30.837    25.337    -17.83    30.837    24.167    24.589    25.337    -17.83    3.42
     352 Cotton Underwe   72.348    80.888    80.888    58.280    -27.95    80.888    58.029    59.082    58.280    -27.95    2.23
     359 Oth. Cot. App.   44.366    50.062    50.062    53.951      7.77    50.062    52.707    53.852    53.951      7.77    5.10
     360 Pillowcases      69.087    67.901    67.901    54.083    -20.35    67.901    57.087    56.988    54.083    -20.35   16.24
     361 Cotton Sheets   314.605   318.500   318.500   263.786    -17.18   318.500   268.592   268.435   263.786    -17.18   18.54
     362 Bedsprds/Quilt  214.845   178.261   178.261   137.014    -23.14   178.261   138.142   137.637   137.014    -23.14   16.64
     363 Pile Towels     319.063   348.014   348.014   326.594     -6.15   348.014   319.450   323.490   326.594     -6.15   22.36
     369 Oth. Cot. Manu  416.029   463.031   463.031   438.598     -5.28   463.031   438.180   440.960   438.598     -5.28   13.31

     432 Wool Hosiery      0.204     0.300     0.300     0.229    -23.50     0.300     0.185     0.216     0.229    -23.50    0.81
     438 K Shirts,Blous    0.023     0.082     0.082     0.041    -50.03     0.082     0.042     0.041     0.041    -50.03    0.01
     440 NK Shirts,Blou    0.003     0.011     0.011     0.019     70.22     0.011     0.020     0.024     0.019     70.22    0.14
     465 Floor Covering   51.211    54.267    54.267    66.053     21.72    54.267    63.944    63.152    66.053     21.72    9.98

Man-Made Fiber:
     603 Yarn>85% artif    0.806     0.975     0.975     0.643    -34.04     0.975     0.712     0.676     0.643    -34.04    0.98
     613 MMF Sheeting F    1.135     1.564     1.564     3.093     97.85     1.564     2.675     3.252     3.093     97.85   24.07
     614 MMF Pop/Brdclt    2.901     2.269     2.269     2.278      0.41     2.269     2.008     2.349     2.278      0.41    6.78
     615 MMF Printcloth    0.697     0.640     0.640     1.269     98.47     0.640     0.799     1.213     1.269     98.47   53.57
     617 MMF Twill/Sate    2.292     3.094     3.094     5.620     81.60     3.094     5.072     5.322     5.620     81.60   19.85
     619 Poly Fil Fab      0.309     0.265     0.265     0.503     90.16     0.265     0.498     0.503     0.503     90.16    0.25
     625 Pop,Broad Stp/    0.975     0.778     0.778     1.167     50.01     0.778     1.159     1.135     1.167     50.01   15.21
     626 Printclth Stp/    0.401     1.983     1.983     1.092    -44.92     1.983     1.209     0.952     1.092    -44.92   48.30
     627 Sheeting Stap/    0.217     0.267     0.267     0.241     -9.71     0.267     0.251     0.250     0.241     -9.71    8.02
     629 Oth Stap/Fil F    0.087     0.721     0.721     0.667     -7.53     0.721     0.698     0.673     0.667     -7.53    0.67
     631 Gloves/Mittens   18.649    33.526    33.526    32.769     -2.26    33.526    33.308    33.291    32.769     -2.26    7.16
     632 Hosiery           6.166    16.795    16.795    22.213     32.26    16.795    21.864    22.510    22.213     32.26    2.24
     634 Other Coats, M    4.262     4.920     4.920     5.641     14.65     4.920     5.474     5.601     5.641     14.65    0.35
     635 Coats, W/G        1.720     1.636     1.636     2.042     24.79     1.636     1.954     2.027     2.042     24.79    0.11
     636 Dresses           1.231     1.460     1.460     1.941     32.99     1.460     1.880     1.962     1.941     32.99    0.06
     638 Knit Shirts, M    5.964     7.033     7.033     6.901     -1.88     7.033     6.276     6.826     6.901     -1.88    0.26
     639 Knit Blouses,W    1.731     4.799     4.799     3.247    -32.34     4.799     3.317     3.328     3.247    -32.34    0.09
     640 N-K Shirts, MB    0.652     0.944     0.944     2.061    118.26     0.944     2.064     1.981     2.061    118.26    0.45
     641 N-K Blouses, W    2.724     1.625     1.625     2.468     51.87     1.625     2.363     2.500     2.468     51.87    0.17
     647 Trousers,etc M    3.616     4.538     4.538     6.856     51.08     4.538     6.271     6.378     6.856     51.08    0.34
     648 Slacks,etc. WG    3.985     3.658     3.658     4.921     34.51     3.658     4.971     5.118     4.921     34.51    0.26
     650 Dress Gown,Rob    0.995     0.913     0.913     1.536     68.25     0.913     1.322     1.416     1.536     68.25    0.54
     651 Nightwear/PJs     0.526     0.698     0.698     2.568    267.99     0.698     2.094     2.396     2.568    267.99    0.37
     652 M-MF Underwear    1.152     1.166     1.166     1.460     25.27     1.166     1.316     1.457     1.460     25.27    0.15
     659 Oth. MMF App.    16.656    20.898    20.898    18.745    -10.30    20.898    19.156    18.902    18.745    -10.30    0.50
     666 Other Furnishi   40.835    76.419    76.419    88.826     16.24    76.419    88.716    89.320    88.826     16.24    2.82
     669 Other MMF Manu    0.598     0.481     0.481     0.623     29.57     0.481     0.613     0.586     0.623     29.57    0.05
     670 Flat Goods, et    1.048     1.318     1.318     1.894     43.64     1.318     1.909     1.908     1.894     43.64    0.06

Silk and Vegetable Fiber:
     831 Gloves Silk/Ve    0.177     0.414     0.414     0.183    -55.74     0.414     0.276     0.177     0.183    -55.74    1.83
     838 S/V K Shirts/B    0.056     0.172     0.172     0.294     70.89     0.172     0.235     0.263     0.294     70.89    0.19
     847 S/V Trousers M    0.331     0.299     0.299     0.295     -1.34     0.299     0.328     0.294     0.295     -1.34    0.06
     859 Oth. S/V Appar    0.223     0.264     0.264     0.393     49.07     0.264     0.390     0.378     0.393     49.07    0.21
     863 Towels Silk/Ve    0.023     0.048     0.048     0.070     47.17     0.048     0.070     0.070     0.070     47.17    0.83
     899 Other S/V Manu    2.416     0.539     0.539     1.062     97.08     0.539     1.088     1.024     1.062     97.08    0.56