  ______________                          |                                     |                              February 5, 2013
 |              |                         |        MAJOR SHIPPERS REPORT        |
 | CANADA       |                         |    U.S. General Imports By Country  |
 |______________|                         |  Data through 12/2012 in Million $  |

                           Calendar Years       Year-to-Date                 Year-Endings                             YE 12/2012
 Ctrl, Cat, Product        2010      2011    12/2011   12/2012  % Change   12/2011   10/2012   11/2012   12/2012  % Change % Share

       0 Total          1404.259  1446.905  1446.905  1411.677     -2.43  1446.905  1418.082  1413.007  1411.677     -2.43    1.40
       1 Apparel         501.524   506.062   506.062   514.807      1.73   506.062   515.312   513.411   514.807      1.73    0.67
       2 Non-Apparel     902.736   940.843   940.843   896.870     -4.67   940.843   902.770   899.596   896.870     -4.67    3.72
      11 Yarns           304.379   306.210   306.210   252.506    -17.54   306.210   256.050   252.566   252.506    -17.54   17.41
      12 Fabrics         411.135   429.372   429.372   428.292     -0.25   429.372   432.240   430.969   428.292     -0.25    7.47
      14 Made Ups / Mis  187.221   205.261   205.261   216.072      5.27   205.261   214.480   216.061   216.072      5.27    1.28
      30 Cotton Product  126.968   128.946   128.946   132.033      2.39   128.946   132.499   132.115   132.033      2.39    0.26
      31 Cotton Apparel   79.210    78.856    78.856    75.387     -4.40    78.856    76.305    75.408    75.387     -4.40    0.18
      32 Cot Non-Appare   47.758    50.091    50.091    56.646     13.09    50.091    56.195    56.707    56.646     13.09    0.66
      40 Wool Products   146.918   151.785   151.785   158.810      4.63   151.785   161.957   160.878   158.810      4.63    3.35
      41 Wool Apparel    122.476   126.630   126.630   131.600      3.92   126.630   133.898   133.454   131.600      3.92    3.54
      42 Wool Non-Appar   24.442    25.155    25.155    27.211      8.17    25.155    28.058    27.423    27.211      8.17    2.64
      60 MMF Products   1121.926  1157.232  1157.232  1110.969     -4.00  1157.232  1113.622  1110.142  1110.969     -4.00    2.53
      61 MMF Apparel     295.106   295.814   295.814   301.939      2.07   295.814   299.139   298.618   301.939      2.07    1.01
      62 MMF Non-Appare  826.820   861.417   861.417   809.030     -6.08   861.417   814.483   811.525   809.030     -6.08    5.78
      80 S and V Produc    8.448     8.942     8.942     9.864     10.32     8.942    10.004     9.872     9.864     10.32    0.55
      81 S and V Appare    4.732     4.762     4.762     5.881     23.49     4.762     5.970     5.930     5.881     23.49    0.44
      82 S and V Non-Ap    3.716     4.180     4.180     3.984     -4.69     4.180     4.034     3.941     3.984     -4.69    0.87

Cotton or Man-Made Fiber:
     200 Yarns / Sew Th   38.025    41.152    41.152    42.342      2.89    41.152    43.043    41.328    42.342      2.89   20.08
     201 Specialty Yarn    8.931    10.115    10.115    10.950      8.26    10.115    11.629    11.329    10.950      8.26    4.51
     219 Duck Fabric       4.484     4.553     4.553     1.342    -70.52     4.553     1.967     1.670     1.342    -70.52    2.87
     220 Spec. Weave, F    9.914     8.965     8.965     8.705     -2.91     8.965     8.274     8.792     8.705     -2.91    4.87
     222 Knit Fabric      32.605    33.287    33.287    38.199     14.76    33.287    37.764    38.890    38.199     14.76    5.86
     223 Non-Woven Fabr   92.319   100.881   100.881   116.255     15.24   100.881   111.752   114.106   116.255     15.24   11.47
     224 Pile/Tufted Fa    5.061     5.481     5.481     6.785     23.78     5.481     6.619     6.658     6.785     23.78    2.21
     226 Cheesecloth,Ba    4.283     1.951     1.951     0.041    -97.91     1.951     0.009     0.009     0.041    -97.91    0.09
     229 Special Fabric  129.689   134.483   134.483   128.039     -4.79   134.483   134.595   131.859   128.039     -4.79   10.40

     300 Carded Cot. Ya    0.664     0.814     0.814     0.811     -0.27     0.814     0.859     0.869     0.811     -0.27    1.56
     333 Suit-Typ Coat,    1.041     1.136     1.136     1.143      0.65     1.136     0.970     1.046     1.143      0.65    0.97
     335 W/G Cot. Coats    3.688     3.044     3.044     3.033     -0.36     3.044     3.217     3.115     3.033     -0.36    0.27
     339 W/G Knit Blous   12.883    11.407    11.407     7.984    -30.00    11.407     8.431     8.178     7.984    -30.00    0.12
     348 W/G Slacks, et    8.688     5.609     5.609     4.821    -14.05     5.609     4.956     4.918     4.821    -14.05    0.07
     359 Oth. Cot. App.   20.092    21.982    21.982    21.457     -2.39    21.982    21.975    21.393    21.457     -2.39    2.03
     363 Pile Towels       8.859     9.245     9.245    14.167     53.24     9.245    13.351    13.869    14.167     53.24    0.97
     369 Oth. Cot. Manu   15.384    12.090    12.090    15.739     30.18    12.090    15.186    15.633    15.739     30.18    0.48

     400 Wool Yarns       12.632    13.120    13.120    16.650     26.90    13.120    16.930    16.515    16.650     26.90   11.28
     410 Wool Woven Fab    6.728     6.707     6.707     5.641    -15.90     6.707     6.151     5.902     5.641    -15.90    5.17
     414 Oth Wool Fabri    3.459     3.245     3.245     3.510      8.14     3.245     3.411     3.446     3.510      8.14    4.61
     433 Suit-Typ Ct,MB   43.194    48.782    48.782    51.336      5.24    48.782    53.140    52.559    51.336      5.24   12.01
     434 Oth. Coats, M/    1.551     1.748     1.748     1.582     -9.52     1.748     1.715     1.663     1.582     -9.52    0.80
     435 W/G Coats, Woo    7.226     6.614     6.614     5.968     -9.76     6.614     5.953     5.924     5.968     -9.76    1.27
     438 K Shirts,Blous    0.457     0.500     0.500     2.158    332.09     0.500     1.741     1.738     2.158    332.09    0.52
     440 NK Shirts,Blou    0.128     0.108     0.108     0.181     68.20     0.108     0.174     0.178     0.181     68.20    1.36
     443 Wool Suits,M/B   39.065    40.010    40.010    42.076      5.16    40.010    41.574    42.755    42.076      5.16    7.95
     445 Wool Sweater,M    0.208     0.260     0.260     0.319     22.40     0.260     0.315     0.301     0.319     22.40    0.16
     447 Wool Trousers,   23.511    21.384    21.384    22.079      3.25    21.384    22.834    22.378    22.079      3.25    7.34
     459 Oth.Wool Appar    4.167     4.239     4.239     3.318    -21.73     4.239     3.843     3.366     3.318    -21.73    1.04

Man-Made Fiber:
     600 Text Fil Yarn   212.793   206.067   206.067   145.341    -29.47   206.067   147.216   146.157   145.341    -29.47   45.81
     604 Yarn>85% Synth   16.519    18.413    18.413    16.205    -11.99    18.413    16.269    16.314    16.205    -11.99   14.73
     606 N-Text Fil Yrn    8.981    10.303    10.303    12.796     24.19    10.303    12.516    12.741    12.796     24.19    6.79
     607 Oth Stpl Fib Y    4.051     4.778     4.778     6.585     37.82     4.778     6.754     6.472     6.585     37.82   16.01
     617 MMF Twill/Sate    3.224     3.044     3.044     0.428    -85.96     3.044     0.502     0.446     0.428    -85.96    1.51
     618 Wov Artif Fila    7.090     5.523     5.523     5.343     -3.27     5.523     5.219     5.358     5.343     -3.27   15.85
     619 Poly Fil Fab      7.979     9.635     9.635     8.388    -12.95     9.635     8.577     8.412     8.388    -12.95    4.20
     620 Oth Synth Fila   60.808    65.261    65.261    59.718     -8.49    65.261    61.094    59.631    59.718     -8.49   11.38
     621 Impression Fab    1.315     1.719     1.719     2.932     70.55     1.719     2.617     2.738     2.932     70.55   40.16
     622 Glass Fabric     16.010    17.422    17.422    16.942     -2.76    17.422    16.444    16.431    16.942     -2.76   13.58
     628 Twl/Satn/Stp/F    0.705     1.852     1.852     1.827     -1.37     1.852     2.232     2.005     1.827     -1.37    6.35
     629 Oth Stap/Fil F   19.405    18.468    18.468    18.784      1.71    18.468    19.020    18.907    18.784      1.71   18.99
     632 Hosiery          11.574    11.959    11.959    11.180     -6.51    11.959    11.876    11.561    11.180     -6.51    1.13
     635 Coats, W/G       27.638    25.215    25.215    22.262    -11.71    25.215    22.403    22.280    22.262    -11.71    1.22
     636 Dresses          21.649    27.023    27.023    27.714      2.56    27.023    27.790    27.728    27.714      2.56    0.91
     638 Knit Shirts, M   23.511    22.209    22.209    20.475     -7.81    22.209    21.815    20.423    20.475     -7.81    0.79
     639 Knit Blouses,W   54.127    51.798    51.798    54.052      4.35    51.798    55.117    54.487    54.052      4.35    1.45
     642 Skirts           10.568    11.711    11.711     9.675    -17.39    11.711    10.191     9.865     9.675    -17.39    1.58
     648 Slacks,etc. WG   28.907    31.589    31.589    36.685     16.13    31.589    34.155    34.614    36.685     16.13    1.94
     659 Oth. MMF App.    61.588    60.582    60.582    60.554     -0.05    60.582    59.099    59.596    60.554     -0.05    1.63
     665 Floor Covering   98.397   113.478   113.478   122.921      8.32   113.478   121.120   122.986   122.921      8.32   11.84
     666 Other Furnishi   19.911    19.171    19.171    18.836     -1.74    19.171    19.005    18.951    18.836     -1.74    0.60
     669 Other MMF Manu   34.308    39.523    39.523    33.627    -14.92    39.523    34.923    33.899    33.627    -14.92    2.92

Silk and Vegetable Fiber:
     859 Oth. S/V Appar    1.077     1.336     1.336     1.547     15.83     1.336     1.708     1.593     1.547     15.83    0.82
     899 Other S/V Manu    3.304     3.389     3.389     3.591      5.96     3.389     3.577     3.530     3.591      5.96    1.88