  ______________                          |                                     |                              February 5, 2013
 |              |                         |        MAJOR SHIPPERS REPORT        |
 | _CAFTA       |                         |    U.S. General Imports By Country  |
 |______________|                         | Data through 12/2012 in Million SME |

                           Calendar Years       Year-to-Date                 Year-Endings                             YE 12/2012
 Ctrl, Cat, Product        2010      2011    12/2011   12/2012  % Change   12/2011   10/2012   11/2012   12/2012  % Change % Share

       0 Total          3194.160  3110.794  3110.794  3012.312     -3.17  3110.794  2974.975  2974.334  3012.312    -3.17    5.57
       1 Apparel        3088.405  2996.682  2996.682  2902.817     -3.13  2996.682  2864.734  2865.000  2902.817    -3.13   12.26
       2 Non-Apparel     105.755   114.113   114.113   109.496     -4.05   114.113   110.241   109.334   109.496    -4.05    0.36
      11 Yarns            22.075    18.579    18.579    20.538     10.54    18.579    19.662    19.731    20.538    10.54    0.75
      12 Fabrics          14.803    18.719    18.719    23.481     25.44    18.719    21.989    22.419    23.481    25.44    0.24
      14 Made Ups / Misc  68.877    76.815    76.815    65.477    -14.76    76.815    68.590    67.184    65.477   -14.76    0.37
      30 Cotton Products2149.240  1992.339  1992.339  1803.249     -9.49  1992.339  1788.947  1786.145  1803.249    -9.49    9.69
      31 Cotton Apparel 2134.323  1980.821  1980.821  1789.944     -9.64  1980.821  1776.295  1773.059  1789.944    -9.64   14.90
      32 Cot Non-Apparel  14.917    11.517    11.517    13.305     15.52    11.517    12.652    13.086    13.305    15.52    0.20
      40 Wool Products    10.852    12.195    12.195    11.482     -5.85    12.195    11.579    11.597    11.482    -5.85    3.78
      41 Wool Apparel     10.841    12.182    12.182    11.466     -5.87    12.182    11.567    11.586    11.466    -5.87    5.02
      42 Wool Non-Appare   0.010     0.013     0.013     0.016     18.99     0.013     0.012     0.012     0.016    18.99    0.02
      60 MMF Products   1032.463  1103.962  1103.962  1194.272      8.18  1103.962  1171.109  1173.350  1194.272     8.18    3.46
      61 MMF Apparel     942.167  1001.769  1001.769  1098.864      9.69  1001.769  1074.388  1077.924  1098.864     9.69    9.87
      62 MMF Non-Apparel  90.296   102.193   102.193    95.407     -6.64   102.193    96.721    95.426    95.407    -6.64    0.41
      80 S and V Product   1.606     2.299     2.299     3.310     43.98     2.299     3.340     3.241     3.310    43.98    0.50
      81 S and V Apparel   1.074     1.910     1.910     2.542     33.10     1.910     2.485     2.432     2.542    33.10    0.82
      82 S and V Non-App   0.532     0.388     0.388     0.767     97.47     0.388     0.855     0.810     0.767    97.47    0.22

Cotton or Man-Made Fiber:
     200 Yarns / Sew Thr   1.334     1.124     1.124     1.663     47.88     1.124     1.580     1.741     1.663    47.88    1.32
     201 Specialty Yarns  17.896    16.117    16.117    17.517      8.69    16.117    16.758    16.667    17.517     8.69    4.02
     220 Spec. Weave, Fa   0.242     0.131     0.131     1.252    853.77     0.131     1.140     1.221     1.252   853.77    1.01
     222 Knit Fabric       2.230     5.555     5.555     8.613     55.05     5.555     7.784     8.245     8.613    55.05    0.53
     223 Non-Woven Fabri   6.257     8.212     8.212     7.683     -6.45     8.212     7.439     7.179     7.683    -6.45    0.26
     226 Cheesecloth,Bat   0.642     0.641     0.641     1.041     62.45     0.641     1.128     1.041     1.041    62.45    0.74
     229 Special Fabric    1.212     1.356     1.356     1.688     24.53     1.356     1.307     1.682     1.688    24.53    0.07
     237 Playsuit,Sunsui   1.270     1.629     1.629     0.735    -54.90     1.629     0.718     0.734     0.735   -54.90    1.59
     239 Baby Garm / Acc  42.528    35.986    35.986    35.455     -1.48    35.986    34.803    34.693    35.455    -1.48    4.83

     331 Cot.Glove/Mitte   1.116     1.353     1.353     1.656     22.43     1.353     1.728     1.701     1.656    22.43    1.68
     332 Cotton Hosiery  335.969   305.000   305.000   252.008    -17.37   305.000   258.473   255.716   252.008   -17.37   44.15
     333 Suit-Typ Coat,M   0.099     0.097     0.097     0.138     42.20     0.097     0.108     0.124     0.138    42.20    0.97
     334 Oth. Coats, MB   10.574     7.893     7.893     5.391    -31.70     7.893     5.212     5.262     5.391   -31.70    1.96
     335 W/G Cot. Coats   20.013     8.124     8.124     6.754    -16.86     8.124     6.617     6.840     6.754   -16.86    1.85
     336 Cotton Dresses   14.094     8.609     8.609     5.723    -33.52     8.609     5.727     5.607     5.723   -33.52    1.01
     338 Knit Shirts,MB  415.561   421.047   421.047   377.059    -10.45   421.047   376.426   372.234   377.059   -10.45   35.20
     339 W/G Knit Blouse 295.770   274.046   274.046   263.128     -3.98   274.046   258.027   258.480   263.128    -3.98   23.09
     340 N-Knt Shirts,MB  33.223    37.106    37.106    34.888     -5.98    37.106    35.576    35.445    34.888    -5.98    5.38
     341 W/G N-Knt Blous   3.312     3.362     3.362     3.407      1.35     3.362     3.427     3.316     3.407     1.35    1.74
     342 Cotton Skirts     2.473     3.623     3.623     3.021    -16.61     3.623     3.330     3.194     3.021   -16.61    2.25
     347 Cot.M/B Trouser  84.012    83.205    83.205    71.852    -13.64    83.205    71.690    71.315    71.852   -13.64    6.82
     348 W/G Slacks, etc 107.756    97.981    97.981    88.879     -9.29    97.981    85.649    85.673    88.879    -9.29    5.50
     349 Bras, & other     0.452     0.463     0.463     0.488      5.35     0.463     0.449     0.472     0.488     5.35    1.63
     350 Dress. Gown etc   3.685    10.784    10.784     6.767    -37.25    10.784     6.576     6.505     6.767   -37.25    2.05
     351 Cot. Nghtwr/PJs   7.787     8.337     8.337     7.384    -11.43     8.337     8.088     7.688     7.384   -11.43    1.09
     352 Cotton Underwea 756.696   669.035   669.035   622.812     -6.91   669.035   611.247   615.804   622.812    -6.91   34.25
     359 Oth. Cot. App.    4.113     7.229     7.229     7.012     -3.00     7.229     6.718     6.617     7.012    -3.00    1.42
     363 Pile Towels       1.268     1.213     1.213     1.045    -13.91     1.213     1.062     1.029     1.045   -13.91    0.37
     369 Oth. Cot. Manuf   8.877     5.584     5.584     4.501    -19.40     5.584     4.576     4.640     4.501   -19.40    0.14

     433 Suit-Typ Ct,MB    0.216     0.551     0.551     0.666     20.93     0.551     0.775     0.746     0.666    20.93    3.52
     434 Oth. Coats, M/B   0.752     1.432     1.432     1.639     14.49     1.432     1.617     1.648     1.639    14.49    7.10
     435 W/G Coats, Wool   8.895     9.086     9.086     7.964    -12.36     9.086     8.009     7.978     7.964   -12.36   16.00
     436 Wool Dresses      0.123     0.057     0.057     0.092     60.44     0.057     0.104     0.096     0.092    60.44    0.77
     438 K Shirts,Blouse   0.008     0.038     0.038     0.028    -26.04     0.038     0.020     0.029     0.028   -26.04    0.10
     440 NK Shirts,Blous   0.022     0.034     0.034     0.122    255.24     0.034     0.120     0.117     0.122   255.24   10.97
     442 Wool Skirts       0.031     0.014     0.014     0.092    556.99     0.014     0.093     0.090     0.092   556.99    2.68
     443 Wool Suits,M/B    0.052     0.313     0.313     0.140    -55.19     0.313     0.106     0.130     0.140   -55.19    0.68
     446 Wool Sweater,WG   0.002     0.014     0.014     0.000    -97.85     0.014     0.013     0.000     0.000   -97.85    0.00
     447 Wool Trousers,M   0.486     0.407     0.407     0.538     32.08     0.407     0.508     0.550     0.538    32.08    3.30
     448 Wool Slacks,W/G   0.178     0.150     0.150     0.110    -26.75     0.150     0.123     0.114     0.110   -26.75    2.80

Man-Made Fiber:
     600 Text Fil Yarn     0.367     0.436     0.436     1.035    137.23     0.436     1.008     1.000     1.035   137.23    0.18
     620 Oth Synth Filam   0.883     1.054     1.054     1.223     16.06     1.054     1.145     1.134     1.223    16.06    0.11
     631 Gloves/Mittens    0.469     0.538     0.538     0.647     20.39     0.538     0.691     0.678     0.647    20.39    0.66
     632 Hosiery          17.697    32.936    32.936    36.379     10.45    32.936    39.531    37.055    36.379    10.45    5.46
     633 Suit-Typ Coat,M   1.150     1.491     1.491     2.070     38.87     1.491     1.964     2.028     2.070    38.87    9.10
     634 Other Coats, MB  26.692    32.668    32.668    33.762      3.35    32.668    32.456    33.054    33.762     3.35    9.01
     635 Coats, W/G       14.002    14.534    14.534    14.935      2.76    14.534    15.139    15.086    14.935     2.76    3.11
     636 Dresses          12.654    22.299    22.299    16.326    -26.79    22.299    17.238    17.004    16.326   -26.79    1.27
     638 Knit Shirts, MB 346.506   374.732   374.732   425.210     13.47   374.732   411.968   412.208   425.210    13.47   48.19
     639 Knit Blouses,WG  61.174    72.682    72.682   102.920     41.60    72.682    96.919    99.494   102.920    41.60   10.18
     640 N-K Shirts, MB   38.654    39.789    39.789    36.040     -9.42    39.789    36.467    36.381    36.040    -9.42   27.68
     641 N-K Blouses, WG   6.994     7.474     7.474     7.679      2.74     7.474     7.718     7.635     7.679     2.74    2.53
     642 Skirts            6.157     4.856     4.856     5.897     21.43     4.856     5.497     5.786     5.897    21.43    3.87
     643 MMF Suits, M/B    2.566     2.213     2.213     1.951    -11.83     2.213     1.998     1.968     1.951   -11.83   12.79
     644 MMF W/G Suits     1.167     0.159     0.159     0.776    389.17     0.159     0.544     0.619     0.776   389.17    4.18
     645 MMF M/B Sweater   0.082     0.124     0.124     0.241     94.89     0.124     0.229     0.217     0.241    94.89    2.23
     646 MMF Sweaters,WG   5.139     6.130     6.130     4.227    -31.04     6.130     4.322     4.304     4.227   -31.04    2.47
     647 Trousers,etc MB  81.887    79.939    79.939    93.524     16.99    79.939    94.088    93.962    93.524    16.99   19.20
     648 Slacks,etc. WG   58.826    59.940    59.940    69.936     16.68    59.940    67.363    68.425    69.936    16.68   15.70
     649 Bras/Ot Bod Sup  21.025    20.393    20.393    18.629     -8.65    20.393    18.171    18.391    18.629    -8.65   10.31
     650 Dress Gown,Robe   1.412     3.232     3.232     1.986    -38.56     3.232     2.396     2.237     1.986   -38.56    0.75
     651 Nightwear/PJs     5.133     6.294     6.294     6.377      1.31     6.294     7.489     6.952     6.377     1.31    0.90
     652 M-MF Underwear  126.682   102.045   102.045   108.485      6.31   102.045   101.595   103.747   108.485     6.31   14.58
     659 Oth. MMF App.    99.557   112.829   112.829   105.790     -6.24   112.829   105.810   105.817   105.790    -6.24    4.25
     666 Other Furnishin  33.641    38.040    38.040    22.255    -41.50    38.040    25.347    23.914    22.255   -41.50    0.33
     669 Other MMF Manuf  24.063    31.162    31.162    36.049     15.68    31.162    36.094    35.923    36.049    15.68    0.89

Silk and Vegetable Fiber:
     810 S/V Woven Fabri   0.257     0.334     0.334     0.551     65.07     0.334     0.627     0.582     0.551    65.07    1.58
     836 S/V Dresses       0.240     0.266     0.266     0.256     -3.63     0.266     0.262     0.259     0.256    -3.63    2.00
     838 S/V K Shirts/Bl   0.003     0.120     0.120     0.099    -18.05     0.120     0.093     0.098     0.099   -18.05    0.69
     847 S/V Trousers MB   0.141     0.367     0.367     0.152    -58.57     0.367     0.133     0.132     0.152   -58.57    0.15
     859 Oth. S/V Appare   0.498     0.798     0.798     1.805    126.28     0.798     1.765     1.709     1.805   126.28    1.74