  ______________                          |                                     |                              February 5, 2013
 |              |                         |        MAJOR SHIPPERS REPORT        |
 | CHINA T      |                         |    U.S. General Imports By Country  |
 |______________|                         | Data through 12/2012 in Million SME |

                           Calendar Years       Year-to-Date                 Year-Endings                             YE 12/2012
 Ctrl, Cat, Product        2010      2011    12/2011   12/2012  % Change   12/2011   10/2012   11/2012   12/2012  % Change % Share

       0 Total           843.919   782.273   782.273   821.812      5.05   782.273   832.358   815.042   821.812     5.05    1.52
       1 Apparel         171.862   142.761   142.761   132.201     -7.40   142.761   133.709   131.339   132.201    -7.40    0.56
       2 Non-Apparel     672.057   639.512   639.512   689.611      7.83   639.512   698.649   683.703   689.611     7.83    2.27
      11 Yarns           147.167   157.628   157.628   166.780      5.81   157.628   180.494   169.822   166.780     5.81    6.07
      12 Fabrics         403.731   387.051   387.051   423.968      9.54   387.051   421.658   417.138   423.968     9.54    4.35
      14 Made Ups / Misc 121.159    94.833    94.833    98.862      4.25    94.833    96.498    96.743    98.862     4.25    0.55
      30 Cotton Products  68.580    56.473    56.473    49.908    -11.63    56.473    51.586    49.772    49.908   -11.63    0.27
      31 Cotton Apparel   33.265    26.466    26.466    21.024    -20.56    26.466    21.697    21.317    21.024   -20.56    0.17
      32 Cot Non-Apparel  35.315    30.007    30.007    28.883     -3.74    30.007    29.889    28.455    28.883    -3.74    0.44
      40 Wool Products     0.555     0.624     0.624     0.471    -24.57     0.624     0.497     0.483     0.471   -24.57    0.15
      41 Wool Apparel      0.450     0.476     0.476     0.356    -25.15     0.476     0.389     0.373     0.356   -25.15    0.16
      42 Wool Non-Appare   0.104     0.148     0.148     0.114    -22.70     0.148     0.108     0.110     0.114   -22.70    0.15
      60 MMF Products    772.478   721.061   721.061   765.448      6.16   721.061   774.826   759.276   765.448     6.16    2.22
      61 MMF Apparel     137.174   114.745   114.745   108.977     -5.03   114.745   109.739   107.802   108.977    -5.03    0.98
      62 MMF Non-Apparel 635.304   606.316   606.316   656.471      8.27   606.316   665.087   651.473   656.471     8.27    2.81
      80 S and V Product   2.306     4.115     4.115     5.985     45.46     4.115     5.449     5.511     5.985    45.46    0.91
      81 S and V Apparel   0.973     1.074     1.074     1.843     71.68     1.074     1.885     1.847     1.843    71.68    0.60
      82 S and V Non-App   1.333     3.041     3.041     4.142     36.21     3.041     3.564     3.664     4.142    36.21    1.19

Cotton or Man-Made Fiber:
     200 Yarns / Sew Thr   0.699     0.794     0.794     1.509     89.93     0.794     1.406     1.495     1.509    89.93    1.20
     201 Specialty Yarns  89.887   116.073   116.073   105.296     -9.29   116.073   118.545   108.881   105.296    -9.29   24.19
     218 Fab, Color Yarn   1.954     1.787     1.787     1.344    -24.79     1.787     1.318     1.346     1.344   -24.79    3.66
     219 Duck Fabric       1.528     0.636     0.636     0.157    -75.28     0.636     0.156     0.157     0.157   -75.28    0.42
     220 Spec. Weave, Fa   3.299     3.510     3.510     2.401    -31.59     3.510     2.500     2.499     2.401   -31.59    1.93
     222 Knit Fabric      74.634    69.520    69.520    76.025      9.36    69.520    75.371    74.879    76.025     9.36    4.67
     223 Non-Woven Fabri  53.250    48.265    48.265    39.915    -17.30    48.265    42.009    40.806    39.915   -17.30    1.37
     224 Pile/Tufted Fab  12.131    10.417    10.417    11.200      7.52    10.417    11.253    11.098    11.200     7.52    6.92
     225 Blue Denim Fab.   4.043     3.419     3.419     3.089     -9.64     3.419     3.159     2.987     3.089    -9.64   11.64
     229 Special Fabric  173.375   166.550   166.550   191.436     14.94   166.550   187.908   185.528   191.436    14.94    7.81
     239 Baby Garm / Acc   1.157     0.943     0.943     0.884     -6.30     0.943     0.915     0.895     0.884    -6.30    0.12

     314 Poplin,Broadcl.   2.751     6.259     6.259     3.603    -42.43     6.259     3.890     3.616     3.603   -42.43    3.82
     317 Twill Fabric      5.769     2.666     2.666     5.590    109.69     2.666     5.843     5.484     5.590   109.69    7.89
     326 Sateen Fabric     0.986     0.311     0.311     0.284     -8.65     0.311     0.299     0.323     0.284    -8.65    0.98
     331 Cot.Glove/Mitte   0.875     1.610     1.610     2.023     25.65     1.610     1.860     1.845     2.023    25.65    2.06
     332 Cotton Hosiery    7.677     5.000     5.000     3.587    -28.26     5.000     3.890     3.684     3.587   -28.26    0.63
     335 W/G Cot. Coats    0.703     0.430     0.430     0.252    -41.49     0.430     0.230     0.231     0.252   -41.49    0.07
     339 W/G Knit Blouse   3.639     2.559     2.559     2.450     -4.27     2.559     2.372     2.431     2.450    -4.27    0.21
     340 N-Knt Shirts,MB   0.851     0.669     0.669     0.436    -34.90     0.669     0.553     0.501     0.436   -34.90    0.07
     345 Cotton Sweater    1.251     1.512     1.512     0.827    -45.31     1.512     1.066     0.807     0.827   -45.31    0.30
     348 W/G Slacks, etc   4.845     3.423     3.423     2.685    -21.55     3.423     2.633     2.761     2.685   -21.55    0.17
     350 Dress. Gown etc   0.096     0.270     0.270     0.116    -56.88     0.270     0.199     0.199     0.116   -56.88    0.04
     352 Cotton Underwea   3.285     2.164     2.164     2.406     11.20     2.164     2.517     2.557     2.406    11.20    0.13
     359 Oth. Cot. App.    6.320     6.625     6.625     4.461    -32.67     6.625     4.493     4.449     4.461   -32.67    0.90
     369 Oth. Cot. Manuf  10.988     7.943     7.943    10.240     28.92     7.943    10.372    10.286    10.240    28.92    0.32

     400 Wool Yarns        0.091     0.136     0.136     0.103    -24.39     0.136     0.095     0.098     0.103   -24.39    0.32
     432 Wool Hosiery      0.062     0.146     0.146     0.098    -32.40     0.146     0.108     0.111     0.098   -32.40    3.63
     438 K Shirts,Blouse   0.054     0.044     0.044     0.036    -18.63     0.044     0.044     0.036     0.036   -18.63    0.13
     440 NK Shirts,Blous   0.001     0.006     0.006     0.003    -59.49     0.006     0.003     0.003     0.003   -59.49    0.23
     445 Wool Sweater,MB   0.027     0.023     0.023     0.017    -26.25     0.023     0.018     0.015     0.017   -26.25    0.26
     446 Wool Sweater,WG   0.091     0.090     0.090     0.050    -43.78     0.090     0.053     0.050     0.050   -43.78    0.23
     459 Oth.Wool Appare   0.164     0.122     0.122     0.106    -13.26     0.122     0.114     0.110     0.106   -13.26    0.58

Man-Made Fiber:
     600 Text Fil Yarn    32.463    25.443    25.443    35.782     40.64    25.443    35.083    34.761    35.782    40.64    6.13
     603 Yarn>85% artif.   3.363     3.974     3.974     0.343    -91.36     3.974     0.462     0.343     0.343   -91.36    0.29
     604 Yarn>85% Synth.   2.471     0.794     0.794     1.180     48.75     0.794     1.343     1.192     1.180    48.75    0.49
     606 N-Text Fil Yrn   16.779     9.268     9.268    22.249    140.06     9.268    23.043    22.725    22.249   140.06    2.59
     613 MMF Sheeting Fa   0.085     0.108     0.108     2.953   2637.49     0.108     2.793     2.950     2.953  2637.49   24.22
     617 MMF Twill/Satee   0.445     0.586     0.586     1.954    233.26     0.586     2.019     1.961     1.954   233.26    9.39
     619 Poly Fil Fab     12.176    17.293    17.293    18.360      6.17    17.293    18.630    18.280    18.360     6.17    6.47
     620 Oth Synth Filam  42.661    44.821    44.821    48.790      8.86    44.821    47.619    48.170    48.790     8.86    4.47
     622 Glass Fabric      6.789     4.743     4.743     6.359     34.06     4.743     7.075     6.558     6.359    34.06    7.71
     625 Pop,Broad Stp/F   0.748     0.520     0.520     4.941    850.55     0.520     4.347     5.159     4.941   850.55   29.92
     628 Twl/Satn/Stp/Fi   2.785     1.832     1.832     1.770     -3.42     1.832     1.744     1.690     1.770    -3.42   10.88
     629 Oth Stap/Fil Fa   1.460     1.531     1.531     1.346    -12.07     1.531     1.365     1.359     1.346   -12.07    3.00
     631 Gloves/Mittens    3.616     2.697     2.697     2.277    -15.55     2.697     2.317     2.287     2.277   -15.55    2.30
     632 Hosiery          20.113    19.248    19.248    20.773      7.92    19.248    19.819    20.310    20.773     7.92    3.12
     634 Other Coats, MB   2.324     1.552     1.552     1.165    -24.94     1.552     1.108     1.105     1.165   -24.94    0.31
     635 Coats, W/G        1.089     0.989     0.989     0.792    -19.86     0.989     0.808     0.836     0.792   -19.86    0.16
     636 Dresses           6.702     5.273     5.273     6.008     13.94     5.273     5.694     5.683     6.008    13.94    0.47
     638 Knit Shirts, MB   4.780     4.441     4.441     4.333     -2.43     4.441     4.329     4.290     4.333    -2.43    0.49
     639 Knit Blouses,WG  12.732    10.250    10.250     7.791    -23.99    10.250     8.150     7.842     7.791   -23.99    0.77
     642 Skirts            1.742     1.453     1.453     1.204    -17.09     1.453     1.263     1.241     1.204   -17.09    0.79
     646 MMF Sweaters,WG   1.532     0.859     0.859     0.926      7.78     0.859     0.821     0.916     0.926     7.78    0.54
     647 Trousers,etc MB   3.605     2.083     2.083     2.161      3.74     2.083     2.239     2.147     2.161     3.74    0.44
     648 Slacks,etc. WG    7.638     4.287     4.287     3.765    -12.18     4.287     3.597     3.689     3.765   -12.18    0.85
     649 Bras/Ot Bod Sup   1.184     0.440     0.440     1.093    148.59     0.440     0.825     0.897     1.093   148.59    0.60
     650 Dress Gown,Robe   0.730     0.457     0.457     0.756     65.55     0.457     0.641     0.761     0.756    65.55    0.29
     651 Nightwear/PJs     2.653     2.212     2.212     1.695    -23.38     2.212     1.506     1.503     1.695   -23.38    0.24
     652 M-MF Underwear    2.501     1.665     1.665     1.587     -4.69     1.665     1.470     1.507     1.587    -4.69    0.21
     659 Oth. MMF App.    63.154    55.986    55.986    51.943     -7.22    55.986    54.410    52.089    51.943    -7.22    2.09
     666 Other Furnishin  93.601    66.329    66.329    67.722      2.10    66.329    66.181    66.453    67.722     2.10    0.99
     669 Other MMF Manuf  10.896    11.814    11.814    10.036    -15.04    11.814     9.717     9.638    10.036   -15.04    0.25
     670 Flat Goods, etc   4.108     5.446     5.446     6.321     16.07     5.446     6.262     6.302     6.321    16.07    0.44

Silk and Vegetable Fiber:
     832 Hosiery Slk/Veg   0.089     0.125     0.125     0.364    191.38     0.125     0.350     0.362     0.364   191.38   11.02
     845 Sweaters, Veg.    0.053     0.030     0.030     0.154    410.49     0.030     0.185     0.169     0.154   410.49    0.66
     847 S/V Trousers MB   0.134     0.265     0.265     0.319     20.65     0.265     0.323     0.319     0.319    20.65    0.32
     859 Oth. S/V Appare   0.583     0.550     0.550     0.921     67.39     0.550     0.923     0.909     0.921    67.39    0.89
     870 Luggage Silk/Ve   0.155     0.310     0.310     0.249    -19.45     0.310     0.274     0.250     0.249   -19.45    0.37
     899 Other S/V Manuf   1.031     2.631     2.631     3.809     44.77     2.631     3.204     3.337     3.809    44.77    1.68