  ______________                          |                                     |                              February 5, 2013
 |              |                         |        MAJOR SHIPPERS REPORT        |
 | KOR REP      |                         |    U.S. General Imports By Country  |
 |______________|                         | Data through 12/2012 in Million SME |

                           Calendar Years       Year-to-Date                 Year-Endings                             YE 12/2012
 Ctrl, Cat, Product        2010      2011    12/2011   12/2012  % Change   12/2011   10/2012   11/2012   12/2012  % Change % Share

       0 Total          1335.792  1292.649  1292.649  1350.422      4.47  1292.649  1352.583  1356.068  1350.422     4.47    2.50
       1 Apparel          91.898    78.801    78.801    67.595    -14.22    78.801    68.309    66.841    67.595   -14.22    0.29
       2 Non-Apparel    1243.894  1213.848  1213.848  1282.827      5.68  1213.848  1284.275  1289.227  1282.827     5.68    4.23
      11 Yarns           312.963   245.629   245.629   309.611     26.05   245.629   301.073   304.989   309.611    26.05   11.26
      12 Fabrics         870.727   903.739   903.739   910.635      0.76   903.739   921.944   922.196   910.635     0.76    9.35
      14 Made Ups / Misc  60.204    64.479    64.479    62.580     -2.94    64.479    61.259    62.042    62.580    -2.94    0.35
      30 Cotton Products 218.230   159.343   159.343   162.373      1.90   159.343   161.706   162.670   162.373     1.90    0.87
      31 Cotton Apparel   50.284    39.463    39.463    35.939     -8.93    39.463    35.644    35.455    35.939    -8.93    0.30
      32 Cot Non-Apparel 167.945   119.880   119.880   126.435      5.47   119.880   126.061   127.215   126.435     5.47    1.92
      40 Wool Products     1.255     1.530     1.530     0.839    -45.19     1.530     0.954     0.889     0.839   -45.19    0.28
      41 Wool Apparel      0.778     1.061     1.061     0.468    -55.84     1.061     0.532     0.503     0.468   -55.84    0.21
      42 Wool Non-Appare   0.477     0.469     0.469     0.370    -21.10     0.469     0.422     0.386     0.370   -21.10    0.49
      60 MMF Products   1110.935  1126.284  1126.284  1183.816      5.11  1126.284  1186.298  1188.987  1183.816     5.11    3.43
      61 MMF Apparel      40.040    37.293    37.293    30.491    -18.24    37.293    31.429    30.186    30.491   -18.24    0.27
      62 MMF Non-Apparel1070.895  1088.991  1088.991  1153.325      5.91  1088.991  1154.869  1158.801  1153.325     5.91    4.94
      80 S and V Product   5.372     5.492     5.492     3.393    -38.22     5.492     3.626     3.522     3.393   -38.22    0.52
      81 S and V Apparel   0.795     0.984     0.984     0.697    -29.19     0.984     0.703     0.696     0.697   -29.19    0.23
      82 S and V Non-App   4.577     4.508     4.508     2.696    -40.19     4.508     2.922     2.825     2.696   -40.19    0.77

Cotton or Man-Made Fiber:
     200 Yarns / Sew Thr   0.541     1.017     1.017     0.129    -87.31     1.017     0.402     0.126     0.129   -87.31    0.10
     201 Specialty Yarns   8.552     9.362     9.362     8.476     -9.46     9.362     7.853     8.108     8.476    -9.46    1.95
     220 Spec. Weave, Fa   3.527     3.535     3.535     3.891     10.07     3.535     3.668     3.888     3.891    10.07    3.13
     222 Knit Fabric     322.406   337.833   337.833   324.745     -3.87   337.833   339.175   334.187   324.745    -3.87   19.94
     223 Non-Woven Fabri  64.961    90.669    90.669    93.001      2.57    90.669    94.916    96.378    93.001     2.57    3.18
     224 Pile/Tufted Fab   8.203     6.155     6.155     6.735      9.43     6.155     6.724     6.606     6.735     9.43    4.16
     226 Cheesecloth,Bat   2.592     2.293     2.293     2.699     17.73     2.293     2.420     2.637     2.699    17.73    1.91
     229 Special Fabric  297.569   288.703   288.703   297.996      3.22   288.703   297.213   298.615   297.996     3.22   12.15
     239 Baby Garm / Acc   2.216     1.839     1.839     1.644    -10.58     1.839     1.634     1.642     1.644   -10.58    0.22

     300 Carded Cot. Yar  10.427     2.061     2.061     0.603    -70.76     2.061     0.743     0.603     0.603   -70.76    0.49
     301 Combed Cot. Yar  74.863    46.862    46.862    51.817     10.58    46.862    51.806    51.803    51.817    10.58   32.90
     313 Cotton Sheeting  58.448    55.258    55.258    58.242      5.40    55.258    58.429    59.208    58.242     5.40   24.69
     314 Poplin,Broadcl.   2.343     1.765     1.765     1.463    -17.11     1.765     1.536     1.500     1.463   -17.11    1.55
     315 Printcloth Fab.   4.864     2.751     2.751     1.742    -36.69     2.751     1.577     1.683     1.742   -36.69    3.45
     326 Sateen Fabric     0.792     0.667     0.667     0.437    -34.46     0.667     0.508     0.476     0.437   -34.46    1.50
     331 Cot.Glove/Mitte   2.686     2.513     2.513     3.370     34.14     2.513     3.569     3.488     3.370    34.14    3.43
     332 Cotton Hosiery   33.490    26.263    26.263    22.623    -13.86    26.263    22.155    22.052    22.623   -13.86    3.96
     339 W/G Knit Blouse   1.101     0.886     0.886     0.832     -6.03     0.886     0.869     0.825     0.832    -6.03    0.07
     351 Cot. Nghtwr/PJs   4.530     4.309     4.309     3.880     -9.96     4.309     3.890     3.873     3.880    -9.96    0.57
     352 Cotton Underwea   0.678     0.204     0.204     0.829    305.61     0.204     0.620     0.697     0.829   305.61    0.05
     359 Oth. Cot. App.    1.578     1.421     1.421     1.047    -26.32     1.421     1.153     1.117     1.047   -26.32    0.21
     369 Oth. Cot. Manuf   2.622     2.259     2.259     1.421    -37.09     2.259     1.469     1.493     1.421   -37.09    0.04

     410 Wool Woven Fab.   0.205     0.187     0.187     0.154    -17.74     0.187     0.174     0.159     0.154   -17.74    1.55
     414 Oth Wool Fabric   0.269     0.275     0.275     0.193    -29.76     0.275     0.223     0.203     0.193   -29.76    2.34
     432 Wool Hosiery      0.468     0.789     0.789     0.281    -64.46     0.789     0.332     0.311     0.281   -64.46   10.35
     434 Oth. Coats, M/B   0.016     0.085     0.085     0.014    -84.14     0.085     0.010     0.010     0.014   -84.14    0.06
     438 K Shirts,Blouse   0.028     0.011     0.011     0.016     39.49     0.011     0.020     0.016     0.016    39.49    0.06
     443 Wool Suits,M/B    0.027     0.012     0.012     0.008    -32.92     0.012     0.010     0.008     0.008   -32.92    0.04

Man-Made Fiber:
     600 Text Fil Yarn     6.119    14.007    14.007    17.772     26.88    14.007    17.940    17.240    17.772    26.88    3.04
     603 Yarn>85% artif.   5.363     2.352     2.352     7.841    233.42     2.352     5.973     6.134     7.841   233.42    6.64
     604 Yarn>85% Synth.   0.585     0.479     0.479     1.579    229.40     0.479     1.448     1.500     1.579   229.40    0.66
     606 N-Text Fil Yrn  199.103   167.141   167.141   217.100     29.89   167.141   211.669   215.718   217.100    29.89   25.30
     607 Oth Stpl Fib Yr   7.410     2.345     2.345     4.279     82.45     2.345     3.225     3.743     4.279    82.45    6.05
     611 Wov>85% Art Stp   3.171     2.957     2.957     1.402    -52.57     2.957     1.646     1.457     1.402   -52.57   10.50
     618 Wov Artif Filam   9.316     7.192     7.192     8.710     21.11     7.192     8.480     8.495     8.710    21.11   38.74
     619 Poly Fil Fab     54.525    61.925    61.925    64.104      3.52    61.925    65.736    65.086    64.104     3.52   22.61
     620 Oth Synth Filam  28.741    32.091    32.091    39.469     22.99    32.091    32.461    35.265    39.469    22.99    3.61
     621 Impression Fab    0.216     2.113     2.113     0.864    -59.11     2.113     1.652     1.406     0.864   -59.11   11.93
     622 Glass Fabric      3.043     3.063     3.063     0.726    -76.30     3.063     0.891     0.700     0.726   -76.30    0.88
     628 Twl/Satn/Stp/Fi   1.673     1.138     1.138     0.874    -23.16     1.138     0.935     0.869     0.874   -23.16    5.38
     629 Oth Stap/Fil Fa   1.321     1.057     1.057     1.167     10.35     1.057     1.299     1.235     1.167    10.35    2.60
     631 Gloves/Mittens    4.577     4.303     4.303     5.067     17.76     4.303     5.103     5.045     5.067    17.76    5.13
     632 Hosiery          14.134    14.391    14.391     8.349    -41.98    14.391     9.696     8.374     8.349   -41.98    1.25
     636 Dresses           2.798     2.547     2.547     1.998    -21.56     2.547     2.095     1.956     1.998   -21.56    0.16
     639 Knit Blouses,WG   2.231     2.243     2.243     2.184     -2.63     2.243     2.067     2.239     2.184    -2.63    0.22
     643 MMF Suits, M/B    0.042     0.006     0.006     0.024    287.86     0.006     0.030     0.024     0.024   287.86    0.16
     644 MMF W/G Suits     0.002     0.030     0.030     0.000   -100.00     0.030     0.000     0.000     0.000  -100.00    0.00
     659 Oth. MMF App.    12.652    11.393    11.393    10.491     -7.92    11.393    10.075    10.211    10.491    -7.92    0.42
     665 Floor Coverings   2.089     2.907     2.907     3.071      5.62     2.907     3.114     3.103     3.071     5.62    2.34
     666 Other Furnishin  17.466    14.917    14.917    14.488     -2.87    14.917    14.611    14.224    14.488    -2.87    0.21
     669 Other MMF Manuf  33.368    39.201    39.201    40.454      3.20    39.201    38.449    39.929    40.454     3.20    0.99
     670 Flat Goods, etc   0.671     1.388     1.388     0.928    -33.14     1.388     1.100     0.954     0.928   -33.14    0.06

Silk and Vegetable Fiber:
     810 S/V Woven Fabri   1.058     0.942     0.942     0.828    -12.13     0.942     0.781     0.844     0.828   -12.13    2.37
     831 Gloves Silk/Veg   0.369     0.217     0.217     0.467    114.95     0.217     0.410     0.398     0.467   114.95    9.78
     832 Hosiery Slk/Veg   0.029     0.236     0.236     0.003    -98.74     0.236     0.008     0.010     0.003   -98.74    0.09
     847 S/V Trousers MB   0.008     0.128     0.128     0.001    -99.51     0.128     0.047     0.041     0.001   -99.51    0.00
     859 Oth. S/V Appare   0.351     0.324     0.324     0.152    -52.94     0.324     0.149     0.158     0.152   -52.94    0.15
     899 Other S/V Manuf   3.388     3.463     3.463     1.785    -48.45     3.463     2.047     1.888     1.785   -48.45    0.79