  ______________                          |                                     |                              February 5, 2013
 |              |                         |        MAJOR SHIPPERS REPORT        |
 | NEPAL        |                         |    U.S. General Imports By Country  |
 |______________|                         | Data through 12/2012 in Million SME |

                           Calendar Years       Year-to-Date                 Year-Endings                             YE 12/2012
 Ctrl, Cat, Product        2010      2011    12/2011   12/2012  % Change   12/2011   10/2012   11/2012   12/2012  % Change % Share

       0 Total             6.177     7.474     7.474     7.493      0.25     7.474     7.947     7.711     7.493     0.25    0.01
       1 Apparel           4.592     4.807     4.807     3.894    -18.99     4.807     4.261     4.097     3.894   -18.99    0.02
       2 Non-Apparel       1.585     2.668     2.668     3.599     34.91     2.668     3.687     3.613     3.599    34.91    0.01
      11 Yarns             0.005     0.016     0.016     0.042    159.37     0.016     0.032     0.038     0.042   159.37    0.00
      12 Fabrics           0.150     0.074     0.074     0.059    -20.53     0.074     0.065     0.058     0.059   -20.53    0.00
      14 Made Ups / Misc   1.430     2.577     2.577     3.498     35.71     2.577     3.589     3.517     3.498    35.71    0.02
      30 Cotton Products   4.366     5.078     5.078     5.840     15.01     5.078     6.052     6.001     5.840    15.01    0.03
      31 Cotton Apparel    3.289     3.056     3.056     2.795     -8.54     3.056     2.935     2.942     2.795    -8.54    0.02
      32 Cot Non-Apparel   1.077     2.022     2.022     3.045     50.60     2.022     3.116     3.059     3.045    50.60    0.05
      40 Wool Products     1.228     1.657     1.657     1.029    -37.92     1.657     1.278     1.102     1.029   -37.92    0.34
      41 Wool Apparel      1.044     1.424     1.424     0.756    -46.90     1.424     0.993     0.822     0.756   -46.90    0.33
      42 Wool Non-Appare   0.183     0.233     0.233     0.273     16.96     0.233     0.284     0.280     0.273    16.96    0.36
      60 MMF Products      0.312     0.503     0.503     0.321    -36.14     0.503     0.317     0.306     0.321   -36.14    0.00
      61 MMF Apparel       0.167     0.265     0.265     0.192    -27.35     0.265     0.189     0.183     0.192   -27.35    0.00
      62 MMF Non-Apparel   0.145     0.238     0.238     0.129    -45.89     0.238     0.128     0.122     0.129   -45.89    0.00
      80 S and V Product   0.271     0.237     0.237     0.303     28.05     0.237     0.301     0.302     0.303    28.05    0.05
      81 S and V Apparel   0.091     0.062     0.062     0.150    142.30     0.062     0.143     0.150     0.150   142.30    0.05
      82 S and V Non-App   0.179     0.175     0.175     0.153    -12.61     0.175     0.158     0.152     0.153   -12.61    0.04

     333 Suit-Typ Coat,M   0.064     0.061     0.061     0.031    -49.65     0.061     0.038     0.031     0.031   -49.65    0.22
     335 W/G Cot. Coats    0.652     1.105     1.105     0.933    -15.65     1.105     1.063     1.055     0.933   -15.65    0.25
     336 Cotton Dresses    0.983     0.726     0.726     0.543    -25.23     0.726     0.545     0.547     0.543   -25.23    0.10
     369 Oth. Cot. Manuf   0.940     2.000     2.000     3.042     52.11     2.000     3.113     3.056     3.042    52.11    0.09

     431 Wool Glov/Mitns   0.101     0.101     0.101     0.076    -25.04     0.101     0.077     0.077     0.076   -25.04    8.89
     438 K Shirts,Blouse   0.002     0.002     0.002     0.001    -47.06     0.002     0.001     0.001     0.001   -47.06    0.00
     445 Wool Sweater,MB   0.014     0.007     0.007     0.004    -46.37     0.007     0.003     0.004     0.004   -46.37    0.06
     446 Wool Sweater,WG   0.018     0.017     0.017     0.013    -23.71     0.017     0.016     0.015     0.013   -23.71    0.06
     459 Oth.Wool Appare   0.840     1.236     1.236     0.549    -55.62     1.236     0.791     0.617     0.549   -55.62    3.01
     465 Floor Coverings   0.165     0.188     0.188     0.188     -0.43     0.188     0.206     0.195     0.188    -0.43    0.88

Silk and Vegetable Fiber:
     859 Oth. S/V Appare   0.051     0.046     0.046     0.130    182.32     0.046     0.121     0.128     0.130   182.32    0.12
     871 HBags FGoods S/   0.089     0.090     0.090     0.116     28.65     0.090     0.118     0.117     0.116    28.65    1.52