  ______________                          |                                     |                              February 5, 2013
 |              |                         |        MAJOR SHIPPERS REPORT        |
 | ITALY        |                         |    U.S. General Imports By Country  |
 |______________|                         | Data through 12/2012 in Million SME |

                           Calendar Years       Year-to-Date                 Year-Endings                             YE 12/2012
 Ctrl, Cat, Product        2010      2011    12/2011   12/2012  % Change   12/2011   10/2012   11/2012   12/2012  % Change % Share

       0 Total           220.001   224.434   224.434   239.063      6.52   224.434   232.967   235.849   239.063     6.52    0.44
       1 Apparel          36.745    39.448    39.448    41.567      5.37    39.448    39.895    40.900    41.567     5.37    0.18
       2 Non-Apparel     183.256   184.987   184.987   197.497      6.76   184.987   193.073   194.949   197.497     6.76    0.65
      11 Yarns            33.914    30.735    30.735    22.620    -26.40    30.735    22.420    22.202    22.620   -26.40    0.82
      12 Fabrics         129.199   131.793   131.793   143.614      8.97   131.793   139.774   141.221   143.614     8.97    1.48
      14 Made Ups / Misc  20.142    22.459    22.459    31.263     39.20    22.459    30.880    31.525    31.263    39.20    0.17
      30 Cotton Products  40.568    36.370    36.370    38.251      5.17    36.370    37.551    38.096    38.251     5.17    0.21
      31 Cotton Apparel    9.756    10.888    10.888    12.163     11.71    10.888    11.683    11.976    12.163    11.71    0.10
      32 Cot Non-Apparel  30.812    25.482    25.482    26.088      2.38    25.482    25.868    26.120    26.088     2.38    0.40
      40 Wool Products    14.123    16.060    16.060    17.852     11.16    16.060    18.206    17.557    17.852    11.16    5.87
      41 Wool Apparel      7.884     9.487     9.487    10.444     10.09     9.487    10.295    10.426    10.444    10.09    4.58
      42 Wool Non-Appare   6.238     6.573     6.573     7.407     12.69     6.573     7.911     7.132     7.407    12.69    9.78
      60 MMF Products    160.105   167.476   167.476   168.175      0.42   167.476   162.352   165.372   168.175     0.42    0.49
      61 MMF Apparel      17.752    17.520    17.520    17.334     -1.06    17.520    16.302    16.895    17.334    -1.06    0.16
      62 MMF Non-Apparel 142.352   149.956   149.956   150.841      0.59   149.956   146.051   148.477   150.841     0.59    0.65
      80 S and V Product   5.205     4.528     4.528    14.786    226.56     4.528    14.858    14.823    14.786   226.56    2.24
      81 S and V Apparel   1.352     1.553     1.553     1.625      4.61     1.553     1.615     1.603     1.625     4.61    0.52
      82 S and V Non-App   3.853     2.975     2.975    13.161    342.45     2.975    13.243    13.220    13.161   342.45    3.77

Cotton or Man-Made Fiber:
     200 Yarns / Sew Thr   0.830     1.177     1.177     1.286      9.24     1.177     1.267     1.285     1.286     9.24    1.02
     201 Specialty Yarns   3.598     3.866     3.866     4.253     10.01     3.866     4.160     4.168     4.253    10.01    0.98
     218 Fab, Color Yarn   9.739     4.613     4.613     4.286     -7.10     4.613     4.213     4.146     4.286    -7.10   11.67
     220 Spec. Weave, Fa   2.728     2.462     2.462     3.384     37.44     2.462     3.313     3.357     3.384    37.44    2.72
     222 Knit Fabric      16.723    17.385    17.385    17.917      3.06    17.385    16.982    17.356    17.917     3.06    1.10
     223 Non-Woven Fabri  68.848    76.957    76.957    87.220     13.34    76.957    82.807    86.064    87.220    13.34    2.98
     224 Pile/Tufted Fab   0.848     0.962     0.962     0.792    -17.71     0.962     0.801     0.786     0.792   -17.71    0.49
     225 Blue Denim Fab.   4.497     2.891     2.891     2.379    -17.71     2.891     2.546     2.458     2.379   -17.71    8.97
     229 Special Fabric   11.051    11.939    11.939     9.901    -17.08    11.939    10.704     9.766     9.901   -17.08    0.40

     317 Twill Fabric      0.933     0.868     0.868     2.470    184.47     0.868     2.363     2.458     2.470   184.47    3.48
     326 Sateen Fabric     0.814     0.306     0.306     0.464     51.56     0.306     0.450     0.472     0.464    51.56    1.60
     332 Cotton Hosiery    0.739     0.779     0.779     0.753     -3.35     0.779     0.761     0.751     0.753    -3.35    0.13
     333 Suit-Typ Coat,M   0.233     0.244     0.244     0.275     12.69     0.244     0.271     0.272     0.275    12.69    1.94
     335 W/G Cot. Coats    0.612     0.692     0.692     0.792     14.52     0.692     0.752     0.773     0.792    14.52    0.22
     336 Cotton Dresses    0.687     1.498     1.498     2.934     95.93     1.498     2.715     2.826     2.934    95.93    0.52
     340 N-Knt Shirts,MB   1.750     1.886     1.886     2.159     14.47     1.886     2.162     2.190     2.159    14.47    0.33
     342 Cotton Skirts     0.108     0.164     0.164     0.239     45.94     0.164     0.214     0.226     0.239    45.94    0.18
     347 Cot.M/B Trouser   1.413     1.641     1.641     1.069    -34.84     1.641     1.056     1.071     1.069   -34.84    0.10
     348 W/G Slacks, etc   1.661     1.149     1.149     0.933    -18.79     1.149     0.951     0.961     0.933   -18.79    0.06
     359 Oth. Cot. App.    0.656     0.696     0.696     0.672     -3.34     0.696     0.687     0.702     0.672    -3.34    0.14
     360 Pillowcases       0.400     0.352     0.352     0.353      0.24     0.352     0.338     0.347     0.353     0.24    0.20
     361 Cotton Sheets     2.219     2.031     2.031     2.248     10.68     2.031     2.153     2.223     2.248    10.68    0.22
     362 Bedsprds/Quilt    1.660     2.520     2.520     1.307    -48.13     2.520     1.264     1.290     1.307   -48.13    0.34
     369 Oth. Cot. Manuf   4.721     5.264     5.264     6.209     17.95     5.264     6.240     6.326     6.209    17.95    0.19

     400 Wool Yarns        3.031     2.884     2.884     3.656     26.77     2.884     3.431     3.551     3.656    26.77   11.47
     410 Wool Woven Fab.   2.500     3.236     3.236     3.088     -4.58     3.236     3.852     2.949     3.088    -4.58   31.14
     414 Oth Wool Fabric   0.232     0.219     0.219     0.419     91.52     0.219     0.385     0.391     0.419    91.52    5.09
     431 Wool Glov/Mitns   0.126     0.088     0.088     0.007    -91.78     0.088     0.007     0.007     0.007   -91.78    0.85
     432 Wool Hosiery      0.268     0.266     0.266     0.325     22.12     0.266     0.325     0.336     0.325    22.12   12.00
     433 Suit-Typ Ct,MB    0.536     0.754     0.754     0.826      9.53     0.754     0.804     0.821     0.826     9.53    4.37
     434 Oth. Coats, M/B   0.306     0.405     0.405     0.425      4.96     0.405     0.433     0.440     0.425     4.96    1.84
     435 W/G Coats, Wool   1.251     1.409     1.409     1.289     -8.53     1.409     1.310     1.296     1.289    -8.53    2.59
     436 Wool Dresses      0.747     1.191     1.191     1.464     22.88     1.191     1.448     1.448     1.464    22.88   12.25
     438 K Shirts,Blouse   0.711     0.878     0.878     0.919      4.67     0.878     0.905     0.920     0.919     4.67    3.39
     440 NK Shirts,Blous   0.036     0.038     0.038     0.034     -8.45     0.038     0.032     0.034     0.034    -8.45    3.10
     442 Wool Skirts       0.096     0.114     0.114     0.091    -19.93     0.114     0.092     0.091     0.091   -19.93    2.66
     443 Wool Suits,M/B    0.998     1.086     1.086     1.158      6.61     1.086     1.152     1.160     1.158     6.61    5.57
     444 Wool Suits,W/G    0.025     0.027     0.027     0.018    -31.08     0.027     0.019     0.017     0.018   -31.08    2.62
     445 Wool Sweater,MB   0.381     0.359     0.359     0.444     23.67     0.359     0.433     0.441     0.444    23.67    6.66
     446 Wool Sweater,WG   0.477     0.767     0.767     0.634    -17.37     0.767     0.650     0.624     0.634   -17.37    2.84
     447 Wool Trousers,M   1.010     1.022     1.022     1.797     75.92     1.022     1.642     1.771     1.797    75.92   11.03
     448 Wool Slacks,W/G   0.220     0.228     0.228     0.168    -26.27     0.228     0.175     0.170     0.168   -26.27    4.29
     459 Oth.Wool Appare   0.673     0.835     0.835     0.831     -0.50     0.835     0.856     0.836     0.831    -0.50    4.55
     464 Wool Blankets     0.334     0.110     0.110     0.091    -17.70     0.110     0.089     0.088     0.091   -17.70    3.10
     465 Floor Coverings   0.112     0.100     0.100     0.105      5.11     0.100     0.107     0.105     0.105     5.11    0.49

Man-Made Fiber:
     600 Text Fil Yarn    22.476    19.030    19.030     7.940    -58.28    19.030     8.186     7.547     7.940   -58.28    1.36
     606 N-Text Fil Yrn    1.565     2.294     2.294     4.005     74.57     2.294     4.024     4.168     4.005    74.57    0.47
     618 Wov Artif Filam   0.648     1.044     1.044     0.931    -10.84     1.044     0.984     0.936     0.931   -10.84    4.14
     620 Oth Synth Filam   0.962     1.441     1.441     1.865     29.49     1.441     1.664     1.703     1.865    29.49    0.17
     622 Glass Fabric      3.659     2.448     2.448     2.774     13.35     2.448     2.742     2.681     2.774    13.35    3.36
     629 Oth Stap/Fil Fa   1.146     0.982     0.982     0.860    -12.41     0.982     0.922     0.912     0.860   -12.41    1.92
     632 Hosiery           5.045     3.292     3.292     2.436    -26.00     3.292     2.134     2.251     2.436   -26.00    0.37
     635 Coats, W/G        0.892     0.868     0.868     0.713    -17.82     0.868     0.683     0.732     0.713   -17.82    0.15
     636 Dresses           1.588     1.738     1.738     1.907      9.78     1.738     1.814     1.842     1.907     9.78    0.15
     643 MMF Suits, M/B    0.015     0.019     0.019     0.023     19.69     0.019     0.025     0.024     0.023    19.69    0.15
     652 M-MF Underwear    0.603     0.647     0.647     0.668      3.15     0.647     0.508     0.491     0.668     3.15    0.09
     659 Oth. MMF App.     7.256     8.315     8.315     9.170     10.27     8.315     8.770     9.145     9.170    10.27    0.37
     665 Floor Coverings   1.056     1.137     1.137     1.262     10.98     1.137     1.202     1.217     1.262    10.98    0.96
     666 Other Furnishin   1.090     1.041     1.041     1.018     -2.16     1.041     0.996     1.013     1.018    -2.16    0.01
     669 Other MMF Manuf   5.092     6.748     6.748     6.733     -0.22     6.748     6.878     6.938     6.733    -0.22    0.17
     670 Flat Goods, etc   1.833     1.553     1.553     1.853     19.32     1.553     1.723     1.824     1.853    19.32    0.13

Other CWM:
     758 SILK Neckwear     1.090     1.135     1.135     1.010    -10.99     1.135     1.058     1.012     1.010   -10.99   10.29

Silk and Vegetable Fiber:
     800 S/V Yarns         0.130     0.152     0.152     0.252     65.58     0.152     0.261     0.260     0.252    65.58    5.63
     810 S/V Woven Fabri   2.170     1.302     1.302     3.009    131.05     1.302     3.260     2.990     3.009   131.05    8.62
     833 S/V S-T CoatsMB   0.079     0.116     0.116     0.110     -4.76     0.116     0.113     0.112     0.110    -4.76    7.08
     835 S/V Coats W/G     0.115     0.138     0.138     0.170     23.03     0.138     0.166     0.165     0.170    23.03    1.38
     836 S/V Dresses       0.123     0.142     0.142     0.163     15.28     0.142     0.135     0.135     0.163    15.28    1.28
     840 S/V Wov Shirts    0.112     0.143     0.143     0.135     -5.80     0.143     0.129     0.133     0.135    -5.80    0.60
     847 S/V Trousers MB   0.090     0.098     0.098     0.093     -5.53     0.098     0.089     0.094     0.093    -5.53    0.09
     858 S/V Neckwear      0.159     0.189     0.189     0.090    -52.56     0.189     0.118     0.111     0.090   -52.56    8.13
     859 Oth. S/V Appare   0.449     0.493     0.493     0.592     20.07     0.493     0.609     0.606     0.592    20.07    0.57
     871 HBags FGoods S/   0.056     0.087     0.087     0.068    -21.87     0.087     0.077     0.066     0.068   -21.87    0.89
     899 Other S/V Manuf   1.438     1.367     1.367     9.757    613.90     1.367     9.569     9.826     9.757   613.90    4.30