  ______________                          |                                     |                              February 5, 2013
 |              |                         |        MAJOR SHIPPERS REPORT        |
 | SALVADR      |                         |    U.S. General Imports By Country  |
 |______________|                         | Data through 12/2012 in Million SME |

                           Calendar Years       Year-to-Date                 Year-Endings                             YE 12/2012
 Ctrl, Cat, Product        2010      2011    12/2011   12/2012  % Change   12/2011   10/2012   11/2012   12/2012  % Change % Share

       0 Total           862.087   824.001   824.001   819.417     -0.56   824.001   811.390   809.834   819.417    -0.56    1.52
       1 Apparel         819.839   782.192   782.192   789.751      0.97   782.192   779.907   779.140   789.751     0.97    3.33
       2 Non-Apparel      42.248    41.808    41.808    29.665    -29.04    41.808    31.484    30.693    29.665   -29.04    0.10
      11 Yarns             2.049     0.579     0.579     1.255    116.68     0.579     1.138     1.216     1.255   116.68    0.05
      12 Fabrics           3.454     5.117     5.117     6.320     23.51     5.117     6.031     6.043     6.320    23.51    0.06
      14 Made Ups / Misc  36.745    36.112    36.112    22.090    -38.83    36.112    24.315    23.434    22.090   -38.83    0.12
      30 Cotton Products 599.102   553.997   553.997   540.224     -2.49   553.997   533.903   533.053   540.224    -2.49    2.90
      31 Cotton Apparel  593.034   551.342   551.342   537.705     -2.47   551.342   531.571   530.552   537.705    -2.47    4.48
      32 Cot Non-Apparel   6.068     2.655     2.655     2.519     -5.13     2.655     2.332     2.501     2.519    -5.13    0.04
      40 Wool Products     0.419     0.384     0.384     0.938    144.05     0.384     0.949     0.962     0.938   144.05    0.31
      41 Wool Apparel      0.416     0.384     0.384     0.938    144.05     0.384     0.949     0.962     0.938   144.05    0.41
      42 Wool Non-Appare   0.004     0.000     0.000     0.000       *       0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000      *      0.00
      60 MMF Products    261.962   268.669   268.669   277.006      3.10   268.669   275.184   274.545   277.006     3.10    0.80
      61 MMF Apparel     226.056   229.859   229.859   250.603      9.02   229.859   246.851   247.127   250.603     9.02    2.25
      62 MMF Non-Apparel  35.906    38.809    38.809    26.403    -31.97    38.809    28.333    27.419    26.403   -31.97    0.11
      80 S and V Product   0.604     0.951     0.951     1.249     31.40     0.951     1.354     1.273     1.249    31.40    0.19
      81 S and V Apparel   0.333     0.607     0.607     0.506    -16.60     0.607     0.535     0.499     0.506   -16.60    0.16
      82 S and V Non-App   0.270     0.343     0.343     0.743    116.24     0.343     0.819     0.774     0.743   116.24    0.21

Cotton or Man-Made Fiber:
     222 Knit Fabric       0.893     2.511     2.511     3.271     30.24     2.511     2.929     3.186     3.271    30.24    0.20
     229 Special Fabric    0.905     0.829     0.829     0.864      4.19     0.829     0.845     0.834     0.864     4.19    0.04
     237 Playsuit,Sunsui   0.137     0.130     0.130     0.335    157.22     0.130     0.203     0.245     0.335   157.22    0.72
     239 Baby Garm / Acc  19.835    15.934    15.934    15.177     -4.75    15.934    14.920    14.614    15.177    -4.75    2.07

     332 Cotton Hosiery   96.896   115.405   115.405   116.687      1.11   115.405   120.956   118.890   116.687     1.11   20.44
     334 Oth. Coats, MB    1.123     1.705     1.705     1.338    -21.47     1.705     1.332     1.370     1.338   -21.47    0.49
     335 W/G Cot. Coats    3.700     1.486     1.486     0.952    -35.92     1.486     0.990     0.968     0.952   -35.92    0.26
     336 Cotton Dresses    2.523     1.720     1.720     1.355    -21.22     1.720     1.480     1.442     1.355   -21.22    0.24
     338 Knit Shirts,MB  113.627   102.922   102.922    97.881     -4.90   102.922   100.206    98.856    97.881    -4.90    9.14
     339 W/G Knit Blouse  43.390    31.275    31.275    26.520    -15.20    31.275    24.085    24.889    26.520   -15.20    2.33
     340 N-Knt Shirts,MB  15.488    13.479    13.479    14.090      4.54    13.479    13.156    13.644    14.090     4.54    2.17
     341 W/G N-Knt Blous   0.424     0.340     0.340     0.596     75.05     0.340     0.557     0.553     0.596    75.05    0.30
     342 Cotton Skirts     0.650     0.826     0.826     0.799     -3.28     0.826     1.082     0.954     0.799    -3.28    0.60
     347 Cot.M/B Trouser  13.818    17.956    17.956    11.088    -38.25    17.956    10.743    10.874    11.088   -38.25    1.05
     348 W/G Slacks, etc  28.863    22.986    22.986    15.219    -33.79    22.986    14.943    14.266    15.219   -33.79    0.94
     350 Dress. Gown etc   1.241     0.556     0.556     0.931     67.59     0.556     0.936     0.967     0.931    67.59    0.28
     351 Cot. Nghtwr/PJs   3.446     2.297     2.297     1.810    -21.21     2.297     1.873     1.728     1.810   -21.21    0.27
     352 Cotton Underwea 249.899   223.627   223.627   233.911      4.60   223.627   224.998   227.168   233.911     4.60   12.86
     359 Oth. Cot. App.    0.500     0.993     0.993     0.954     -3.97     0.993     0.861     0.916     0.954    -3.97    0.19
     363 Pile Towels       1.194     1.054     1.054     0.920    -12.68     1.054     0.889     0.881     0.920   -12.68    0.33
     369 Oth. Cot. Manuf   3.330     0.969     0.969     0.615    -36.54     0.969     0.690     0.696     0.615   -36.54    0.02

     435 W/G Coats, Wool   0.176     0.172     0.172     0.621    260.58     0.172     0.642     0.631     0.621   260.58    1.25
     438 K Shirts,Blouse   0.002     0.008     0.008     0.007    -22.32     0.008     0.008     0.007     0.007   -22.32    0.02
     440 NK Shirts,Blous   0.005     0.015     0.015     0.103    603.02     0.015     0.101     0.100     0.103   603.02    9.27
     447 Wool Trousers,M   0.086     0.105     0.105     0.082    -22.05     0.105     0.064     0.094     0.082   -22.05    0.50

Man-Made Fiber:
     600 Text Fil Yarn     0.356     0.421     0.421     1.017    141.62     0.421     0.986     0.978     1.017   141.62    0.17
     632 Hosiery          11.087    13.272    13.272    13.384      0.84    13.272    13.870    13.464    13.384     0.84    2.01
     634 Other Coats, MB   2.027     2.843     2.843     3.232     13.69     2.843     3.455     3.322     3.232    13.69    0.86
     635 Coats, W/G        6.064     6.187     6.187     4.815    -22.17     6.187     5.209     5.007     4.815   -22.17    1.00
     636 Dresses           4.980     4.788     4.788     3.639    -24.00     4.788     3.831     3.715     3.639   -24.00    0.28
     638 Knit Shirts, MB  96.631   100.312   100.312    91.667     -8.62   100.312    91.343    90.766    91.667    -8.62   10.39
     639 Knit Blouses,WG   8.046     8.244     8.244    19.975    142.29     8.244    18.177    19.169    19.975   142.29    1.98
     640 N-K Shirts, MB    2.793     3.590     3.590     3.858      7.47     3.590     3.742     3.845     3.858     7.47    2.96
     641 N-K Blouses, WG   1.290     0.796     0.796     0.812      2.01     0.796     0.825     0.826     0.812     2.01    0.27
     642 Skirts            0.484     0.684     0.684     1.116     63.24     0.684     1.077     1.108     1.116    63.24    0.73
     644 MMF W/G Suits     0.001     0.000     0.000     0.131  870175.0     0.000     0.029     0.051     0.131 870175.0    0.71
     645 MMF M/B Sweater   0.020     0.039     0.039     0.185    370.24     0.039     0.126     0.164     0.185   370.24    1.72
     646 MMF Sweaters,WG   2.448     3.176     3.176     2.927     -7.85     3.176     3.072     3.053     2.927    -7.85    1.71
     647 Trousers,etc MB  14.457    12.735    12.735    21.981     72.60    12.735    21.742    22.335    21.981    72.60    4.51
     648 Slacks,etc. WG   18.742    15.952    15.952    22.972     44.01    15.952    22.585    22.088    22.972    44.01    5.16
     649 Bras/Ot Bod Sup   4.396     5.447     5.447     4.560    -16.28     5.447     4.163     4.346     4.560   -16.28    2.52
     650 Dress Gown,Robe   0.858     0.887     0.887     0.122    -86.29     0.887     0.184     0.155     0.122   -86.29    0.05
     651 Nightwear/PJs     1.896     1.288     1.288     2.196     70.55     1.288     2.401     2.413     2.196    70.55    0.31
     652 M-MF Underwear   26.335    21.389    21.389    22.842      6.79    21.389    21.936    22.106    22.842     6.79    3.07
     659 Oth. MMF App.    20.711    25.586    25.586    27.917      9.11    25.586    26.968    27.041    27.917     9.11    1.12
     666 Other Furnishin  29.958    31.297    31.297    15.728    -49.74    31.297    18.105    17.232    15.728   -49.74    0.23
     669 Other MMF Manuf   2.019     2.719     2.719     3.878     42.63     2.719     3.880     3.689     3.878    42.63    0.10

Silk and Vegetable Fiber:
     810 S/V Woven Fabri   0.257     0.332     0.332     0.550     65.56     0.332     0.625     0.580     0.550    65.56    1.58
     836 S/V Dresses       0.020     0.136     0.136     0.138      1.62     0.136     0.149     0.139     0.138     1.62    1.08
     859 Oth. S/V Appare   0.143     0.249     0.249     0.202    -19.15     0.249     0.230     0.205     0.202   -19.15    0.19