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December 11, 2009


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The ARRA has been a great program and renewing it is terrific. The few people who complain about it would have let us go from a recession to a depression. Also, the few who complain never say what they would do to get the economy moving again. But the facts on the ARRA are there and they show it has been a great program even better than the Roosevelt New Deal of the 1930s. It is also being said that the start of a general economic improvement will happen around March. If that happens it will be great news and the ARRA will have played an important role in bringing it about by keeping people working, putting wages in peoples' pockets, letting them buy more of what they need in the stores, and stimulating the economy. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

I really think you hit things on the head as this all relates to the "average" Joe!

In your post you wrote"
Ms. Mayolo, a divorced mother of three living in Maryland, barely made ends meet on public assistance while working two jobs as a waitress and a bookkeeper.

That's exactly the circumstance I am currently facing, and I hope this opens up some opportunities for me!

Thanks for the post and for sharing the resourceful information here.

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