Publications & Maps

USGS Projects in Afghanistan have produced a substantial number of publications, maps, and other documents. These have been grouped here into categories for ease of reference; within each category, they are ordered by date. For official USGS publications, the type of publication is indicated in parentheses behind the title and may be abbreviated as follows: OFR = Open-File Report; DS = Data Series; SIR = Scientific Investigations Report; SIM = Scientific Investigations Map; FS = Fact Sheet. Links to USGS publications go to the USGS publications website at

Hyperspectral Surface Materials Maps of Afghanistan

Surface Materials Map of Afghanistan: Carbonates, Phyllosilicates, Sulfates, Altered Minerals, and Other Materials
Surface Materials Map of Afghanistan: Iron-bearing Minerals and Other Materials
These two surface materials maps of Afghanistan were created using hyperspectral (HyMap) data.

Quadrangle Map Series Viewer

USGS Afghanistan 1:250,000-Scale Quadrangle Map Series Viewer
This interactive viewer makes it possible to easily survey and access 4 series of 1:250,000-scale quadrangle maps (geologic, topographic, natural-color, false-color) covering the entire country of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Index Map Identifying Locations of 1:250,000-Scale Quadrangle Maps
The series of 1:250,000-scale quadrangle maps can also be accessed through this link or through the links to individual maps under Geospatial Infrastructure Development below.

USGS Afghanistan Project Products Summary

USGS Afghanistan Project Products (through July 2011)

Publications & Maps, by Project:

General/Historical References

USGS News Releases

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