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Doing Business in the USA

On this page, you will find a quick description of resources available for companies in Belgium considering investments in the United States and some suggestions for getting started.

As Ambassador Gutman noted in a speech at a Select USA event, "even if I were not the U.S. Ambassador, but simply a Belgian businessman or banker, I would be standing on the highest rooftop screaming to turn your focus to doing business with and investing in the U.S.  Indeed, it is no longer that exceptional companies do business in the U.S., or with the U.S., or invest in the U.S.  It is the case today that unless you are doing business with the U.S., or with the U.S., or investing in the U.S., a Belgian company is falling behind – it is walking backwards while it thinks it is just walking in place."

We invite you to read the full speech, entitled "Investing in the United States: What Has Taken You So Long."

Discover recent Ambassador Gutman's business speeches:

Investing in the USA

President Obama announced the SelectUSA initiative to showcase the United States as the world’s premier business location and to provide easy access to federal-level programs and services related to business investment. SelectUSA is designed to complement the activities of our states—the primary drivers of economic development in the United States.

Why Select USA?

  • World's Largest Economy

    The United States is the world’s largest economy and has the world’s third-largest population, with a gross domestic product of over $14 trillion and a population of more than 310 million people. It is also one of the richest economies in the world.  The country’s per capita GDP of over $47,000 leads all major developed economies. In addition, the United States maintains free trade agreements with 17 partner countries that produced a combined $5 trillion dollars in 2010—giving investors in the United States unparalleled access to diverse markets across the globe.
  • Competitive Business and Investment Climate

    The United States consistently ranks at the top of most major indicators for its attractive business and investment climate. The U.S. is #2 in AT Kearney’s Foreign Direct Investment confidence index rankings, #4 in the World Economic Forum’s competitiveness rankings, and #5 in the World Bank’s “Ease of Doing Business” rankings.
  • Commanding Consumer Market

    With 310 million U.S. consumers and median household income of over $50,000, the U.S. market is highly diverse in consumer tastes, income, and national origin, and thus permits success in a wide variety of business models.  It is no wonder that trends in global consumer markets often start in the United States, and brands are not considered truly global until they penetrate the U.S. market.
  • Vast Internal Markets = Economies of Scale

    The United States provides unique market opportunities, whether you are selling to a niche or have applications all along the supply chain.  In the United States, everyone speaks the same language, is subject to the same laws, and believes that a single business model can reach thousands of miles and millions of people.  Businesses operating in niche markets in other countries can become large, dynamic firms in the United States. And with the size and scope of the U.S. economy, opportunities for those with broader business models are even more expansive.
  • Center of Research and Innovation

    The United States is the world’s center of innovation. The United States was responsible for 41 percent of all expenditures in research and development in developed countries in 2007. And almost half of all scientific researchers in the developed world work in the United States.

    U.S. Companies dominate the World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies Ranking – easily outnumbering corporations outside of America. U.S. companies take all of the top 4 rankings, 6 of the top 10, and 22 of the top 50. [Bloomberg-Businessweek]
  • World's Top Universities

    The U.S. is home to the world’s top universities, boasting all of the top 5 spots, seven of the top 10, and more than half the top 50 places (27). In fact, the U.S. has more than twice as many universities represented in the top 200 as its nearest rival, the UK, which has 29. [Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2010-11]

    The U.S. also leads in access to technology derived from critical basic research performed at its universities.  According to WIPO statistics, all of the top 10 international universities ranked by number of global patent applications are located in the United States. These leading universities also provide the world’s best supply of highly skilled workers, who are trained to develop and use these new technologies.
  • The Global Leader in Information Technology

    U.S. markets are among the world’s most open to new products, ideas and innovations. That is why so many companies located in the United States are world leaders in their product classes.  BusinessWeek’s top 100 information technology firms include 43 U.S. companies, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) list of the top 50 information technology firms includes 18 U.S. companies – which accounted for 35 percent of the revenue of those 50 companies and 58 percent of their market capitalization.
  • Protector of Intellectual Property

    The United States has established the world’s leading Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regime, with nearly a million patent and trademark applications received each year.  Obtaining protection for business assets is simple and cost-effective.  The transparent and predictable legal system resolves disputes quickly, often before significant expense is incurred.  And businesses can rely on the U.S.'s comprehensive enforcement capabilities to protect their IP rights from infringement.  Learn more.
  • Highly Educated and Productive Workforce

    The United States has a highly educated workforce. Over 40 percent of Americans age 24 to 60 have completed a level of education beyond high school, considerably more than the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average of 27 percent and the second highest among all developed countries.

    U.S. workers are also among the world's most productive -- producing $63,885 of wealth per year per worker on average, more than their counterparts in all other countries. "The United States, according to the report, also beats all 27 nations in the European Union, Japan and Switzerland in the amount of wealth created per hour of work — a second key measure of productivity." [CBS News - Associated Press]

    There are more than 150 million workers in the U.S. labor market.  They share the same language, work under highly menable labor laws, and have a long history of following the trail of opportunity and reward.  Americans know how to take advantage when opporunities present themselves -- it's the American spirit.  And that spirit makes the U.S. workforce a desired partner in developing successful businesses.

How To Get Started

  1. Visit the SelectUSA website to obtain general information about investing in the United States.

    seeks to highlight the many advantages the United States offers as location for business and investment.  From a vast domestic market, to a transparent legal system, to the most innovative companies in the world, America is the place for business.  On the website you can browse business incentives offered by different states and territories.
  2. Contact us at the U.S. embassy to discuss your interests and needs.

    The U.S. Commercial Service at the American Embassy Belgium is part of a global network of trade specialists dedicated to supporting U.S. commercial interests around the world. They offer comprehensive, export promotion assistance through a variety of programs and services. Their staff can help you identify potential business partners, obtain valuable market intelligence, and launch your company into the dynamic Belgian marketplace.
  3. Contact the Council of American States in Europe to learn more about state government resources.

    The Council of American States in Europe (C.A.S.E) is an official, state-supported organization in Europe.  It provides initial information, answers questions and identifies partners for those wishing to establish or expand business in the United States.  

    The offices of C.A.S.E. members are located throughout Europe. For a complete listing, see the following file (PDF 19.0 KB).

    Offices located in Belgium are:
    State of Illinois (IL)
    Boulevard de la Cambre 28-30, Bte 2
    1000 Brussels
    Tel.: +32 (2) 646 57 30
    Fax: +32 (2) 646 55 11
    Ms. Sharon L. Stead, Managing Director
    (CASE Treasurer)
    Siobhan Lysaght, Trade Representative
    State of Ohio (OH)
    4 rue de la Presse
    B – 1000 Brussels
    Tel.: +32 (2) 227 27 58
    Fax: +32 (2) 227 27 54
    Mr. Brent Decent, Managing Director
    Ms. Dounia Bakrim, Trade Representative
    State of Virginia (VA)
    Avenue Louise 479, box 25
    B - 1050 Brussels
    Tel.: +32 (2) 647 74 33
    Fax: +1-815-550-2131
    e-mail :
    Mr. Matthias Duys, Director Int’l Investment, Europe


For detailed information regarding business visas please visit and the Business and Treaty Trader/Investor visas pages from Embassy Brussels.

Contact Us

  • Embassy:  Phone: +32 (2) 811 4600
    Embassy:  Fax: +32 (2) 512 3644

    Counselor for Commercial Affairs
    Laurie Farris

    Economic Officer
    Daniel Hutchens

    American Embassy – FCS
    Regentlaan 27, Blvd. du Régent
    BE-1000 Brussels

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