{Spiffy SDAC logo with ultraviolet intensity and Doppler
velocity images of a loop system on the solar limb} {SDAC acronym in letters of a size large enough to read
but uniform in all browsers} {30.4 nm solar image with large eruptive prominence in SE}

Welcome to the Solar Data Analysis Center at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland USA.

New site design

This site will feature an all-new design starting on October 17. Existing pages will continue to be updated to facilitate automated retrieval of content.

Current Solar Images

{Tiny 17.1 nm solar thumbnail image} {Tiny 17.1 nm solar thumbnail image} {Tiny 17.1 nm solar thumbnail image} {Tiny 19.5 nm solar thumbnail image} {Tiny 28.4 nm solar thumbnail image} {Tiny 30.4 nm solar thumbnail image} {Tiny 30.4 nm solar thumbnail image} {Tiny soft X-ray solar thumbnail image}

{Tiny solar photospheric magnetogram thumbnail image} {Tiny 1083.0 nm solar thumbnail image} {Tiny solar chromospheric magnetogram thumbnail image} {Tiny Ca II K solar thumbnail image} {Tiny groundbased coronagraph image} {Tiny pseudo-continuum solar photospheric thumbnail image}

Click for for the latest ground- and space-based solar images in the SDAC archives.

Click for GIF representations of these images via anonymous ftp.

SolarMonitor and Latest Events

[Thumbnail view of ARM latest events page] [blank filler space] [RSS XML icon] solarmonitor.org now features RSS feeds with active region closeups.

SolarMonitor, the Website formerly known as the Active Region Monitor, offers up-to-date information on solar activity, including images, flare locations, flare predictions, and links to the LMSAL "last events" page, which gives a graphic view of solar and heliospheric activity through soft X-ray, energetic proton, and solar wind data.

Sam Freeland of LMSAL has generated an archive of "latest events" pages from 2002 to the present, at LMSAL.

[blank filler space] [Thumbnail view of LMSAL last_events page]

Navigate to Solar Data Online

[SDAC DataFinder rollover icon] Try the SDAC DataFinder for quick access to space solar physics data held at the SDAC.

Twin comets race to fiery death!

....or words to that effect: see two Kreutz sungrazers barrel toward the LASCO occulting disks, and then watch the CME's and a spectacular eruptive prominence. Check out the:

SOHO EIT eruptive prominence of the week

{Esthetically pleasing 30.4 nm image of the Sun with
an eruptive prominence}
Click on the thumbnail image for a full-size (1024 x 1024) image of the Sun in He II 304 Å showing a large, eruptive prominence.

Image taken 2010 June 14 at 01:19 UT.

Wondering how big these events are relative to the earth?

[Thumbnail image of Sun, eruptive prominence, and earth for size comparison] Click on the thumbnail for an
enlarged view of how the earth
compares in size to a He II 304 Å
eruptive prominence.

1999 March 6 08:08 - 12:48 UT

MPEG MovieGIF movie
[QuickTime movie icon] [MPEG movie icon] [GIF movie icon]
7.5 Mbyte 173 Kbyte 1.8 Mbyte

Click on any of the movie icons to watch the time-lapse movie.

Bonus movie: click on this [GIF movie icon] icon for an MPEG movie of a twisting eruption of the south polar crown filament on 1999 March 5.

Credit: The SOHO-EIT Consortium: SOHO is an ESA-NASA program of international cooperation.

{Research fuel} Solar research opportunities

Find links here to descriptions of current and upcoming NASA research programs in solar physics and related fields and announcements of selections.

Recent news

Last updated: 2011 September 2

[Lots of disks] Solar data sources

Links to online solar data sets, at the SDAC and at other sites

{Thumbnail image of total solar eclipse} Eclipses

The NASA Eclipse Website now serves all NASA's eclipse-related resources, including the NASA Eclipse Bulletins.

[New]Eclipse Bulletin for the total solar eclipse of 2008 August 1

{Famous scientists} Education and outreach resources

Links to solar physics Web resources of general interest.

{Tiny thumbnail of early ESA SOHO poster} SOHO

Access the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) WWW pages.

Access the SOHO anonymous ftp directories.

The MEDOC, the SOHO Multi-Experiment Data and Operations Center at the Université de Paris-Sud in Orsay, France has its own Web pages.

The EIT home page is now available.

Solar links

Other solar Web resources, including professional societies (AAS, SPD, AGU) and research sites

icon Other NASA Web resources

Other features

NASA requires us to have a
Privacy Policy and Important Notices statement.

Web curator: Joseph B. Gurman
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
[e-mail address: joseph<dot>b<dot>gurman<at>nasa<dot>gov]
+1 301 286-4767

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Laboratory / Code 671
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Last revised - J.B. Gurman

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