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Federal Election Commission

Disclosure Data Weblog

Update on the new "real time" disclosure of independent expenditures and electioneering communications.

We're still working on the full processes for creating data for all 24-hour and 48-hour filings for independent expenditures and electioneering communications, but while we continue to build the final process we wanted to start making data available as soon as possible.

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As we get ready to launch the new data files for independent expenditure and electioneering communication filings during the 2010 general election campaign, I thought it would be useful to talk a little about what we will be including in the files and some of the changes that may come during this campaign season.[Read More]

The reporting requirements for Electioneering Communications (the broadcast ads running within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election that make reference to federal candidates but don't "expressly advocate" their election or defeat) are a little different than most everything else we see, so we're struggling with the best way to present the data.[Read More]