National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Severe Convection Forecasting and Warnings

PCU 5: Analyzing Structure of Convective Storms to Assess Storm Intensity and Evolution

Producer: Jim LaDue, WDTB

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Determine the structure of convective storms to assess severe weather warning threat.

Description of Need

To determine which storms will be considered for warnings, a forecaster needs to interrogate the four-dimensional attributes of each storm.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

1. Analyze storm structure and determine any associated hazardous weather using WSR-88D output (base data and algorithms) and other observational data.

2. Analyze the four-dimensional evolution of convective storms using all available data sources.

Instructional Components

Instructional Component 5.1 Ordinary and supercell morphology and hazards Instructional Component 5.2 Multicell morphology and hazards Instructional Component 5.3 Review the Pre-brief sections of the Weather Event Simulator (WES) Simulation Guides.

Instructional Component 5.4 Review Anticipating Convective Storm Structure and Evolution (A CD-ROM available from COMET).

More Recommended Information

1. Several good papers on convective storm evolution are documented on the reference guide and associated bibliography section of the DLOC Convective Storm Structure and Evolution Student Guide, pages 189-197.  Or, you may access this references page.

2. The WSR-88D Operator's Guide to Mesocyclone Recognition and Diagnosis (OSF, 1995, 111 pp). This Guide is a large, spiral-bound manual that is PUP-based but still contains some important doppler radar recognition principles that are valid with 88D products on AWIPS. (Limited copies available on request)

3. Mesocyclone Characteristics of Mini Supercell Thunderstorms (AMS WAF paper,1996).

4. Elements of a Strong and Successful Severe Weather Program , an ER technical paper (use your NOAA email user name and password for access).

5. Les Lemon's Severe Thunderstorm Radar Identification Techniques and Warning Criteria.  NOAA Tech. Memo, NWS NSSFC-3  NTIS #PB81-234809 67 pp.   Written before the WSR-88D era and still completely relevant.

6. Rasmussen, Eric and collaborators, 2002 (update): Severe Storms Research.

7. Stumpf, Greg and collaborators, 2002 (update): SWAT's WSR-88D Mesocyclone and Tornado Signature Case Study Page.

Implementation and Evaluation Tasks

Evaluations are achievable via one-on-one training sessions using the Interval or Situational Awareness simulation methods.

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This page last modified 03/2003