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State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System Help

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The STATE System Interactive Maps display data about adult and youth current cigarette use, cigarette excise tax rates, preemption and smokefree indoor air legislation for all U.S. states across multiple years using Interactive Maps, Trend Lines, Bar Charts, and Data Tables.
Click on a section name to view the selected topic:
Play Data by Year Comparing States
Using the Map Downloading Report Data
Using the Legend Changing the Report Color Palette
Using the Data Table Printing
Using the Trend Line Viewing Larger Report Components
Using the State Bar Chart Saving Images from the Report (Exporting)
Selecting State(s) Citing Interactive Maps
Play Data by Year

Interactive Map reports initially display the most recent year of data for the selected Topic & Measure. The data year being displayed is shown above the Interactive Map. Additional years of data can be viewed by using the data player at the top of the report or by selecting a specific year in the data player timeline. The data player shows change in data values over time for all locations in a year-by-year slide show mode.

Screenshot of the data player with an arrow pointing to data year above the map.

To play through available years for the currently selected Topics & Measure, click the triangle/play symbol. If a state is selected while the data are playing, the associated data value for the selected state can be viewed in the Data Table, Trend Line, or State Bar Chart.

Screenshot of the data player with an arrow pointing to the play button.

To select a specific year of data for the report, click on the data player timeline.

Screenshot of the data player with an arrow pointing to the year indicator at 1999.

To step through each year, use the left and right arrow symbols.

Screenshot of the data player and buttons for changing the year in the player.

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Using the Map

The Map displays data for the selected Topic & Measure across all 50 states. The shading for each state in the Map corresponds to the data groupings in the Legend and the colors in the State Bar Chart.

Highlight a State: Hold the mouse pointer over a state in the Map to simultaneously highlight it in the Map, Data Table, Trend Line, and State Bar Chart. Highlighted states will have light blue shading.

View the Data Value for a State: Hold the mouse pointer over a state in the Map to display the state name and associated data value.

Screenshot showing New York highlighted on the Map, Data Table, and Trend Line.

Select State(s) in the Map: See the section on Selecting State(s) for instructions on keeping one or more rows selected in the State Bar Chart.

Change the Map Colors: See the section on Changing the Report Color Palette for instructions on changing the Map shading colors.

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Using the Legend

Depending on the Interactive Map report type, the Legend displays either groups of numeric data or groups of categorical data.

Screenshot of a legend with groups of numeric data.  Screenshot of a legend with groups of categorical data.

Use/Change the Legend Colors: The small colored squares in the legend indicate the data groupings available in the report and correspond to the shading in the Data Table, Map, and State Bar Chart. See the section on Changing the Report Color Palette for instructions on changing the Legend colors.

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Using the Data Table

The Data Table displays data for the selected Topic & Measure across all 50 states. Each state is represented by a row in the table. The small colored circles next to each state name correspond to the data values in the Map and the Legend. A vertical scroll bar will be available if data cannot be viewed within the table dimensions.

Highlight a State: Hold the mouse pointer over a row in the table to highlight the state represented in the Data Table, Map, Trend Line, and State Bar Chart simultaneously. Highlighted rows will have a light blue shading.

Screenshot showing New York highlighted on the Map, Data Table, and State Bar Chart.

Select State(s) in the Data Table: See the section on Selecting State(s) for instructions on keeping one or more rows selected in the State Bar Chart.

Adjust the Table Column Widths: Hold the mouse pointer over the divider between column headings in the Data Table and arrows will appear. Click and drag the divider to adjust the column width.

Screenshot of the arrows between the data table column headings indicating the columns can be resized.

Change Column Order: Click and hold a column heading in the Data Table and drag it and change the location of this column within the table.

Sort Columns: Click a column heading in the Data Table to sort the table data in ascending or descending order. Note that columns with text-based information will sort alphabetically and numeric information will sort numerically.

Use/Change the Table Colors: See the section on Changing the Report Color Palette for instructions on changing the table colors.

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Using the Trend Line

The Trend Line shows change in data values over time for a selected state or a small number of selected states. Note that some Interactive Map reports do not include a Trend Line.

View a Trend Line: Hold the mouse pointer over a row in the Data Table or over a state in the Map to display the multi-year trend line for the highlighted state. The Trend Line will appear in light blue.

Screenshot showing New York highlighted on the Map, Data Table, and Trend Line.

To switch between the State Bar Chart and the Trend Line, click the "View State Bar Chart or Trend Line" button.

Screenshot of the button to switch between the State Bar Chart and the Trend Line.

Select State(s) in the Trend Line: See the section on Selecting State(s) for instructions on keeping one more state trend lines selected.

View the Data Values in the Trend Line: Hold the mouse pointer over any of the points on the Trend Line to view the associated state, year, and data value.

Screenshot showing the year 2000 data point for New York highlighted on the Trend Line.

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Using the State Bar Chart

Each bar in the State Bart Chart represents a numeric value associated with each state listed in the Data Table. The height of each bar corresponds to its associated state data value. Bars are displayed in ascending order based on the numeric data values. Note that some Interactive Map reports do not include a State Bar Chart.

Highlight a State: Hold the mouse pointer over a bar in the bar chart to highlight the state represented by the bar in the State Bar Chart, Map, and Data Table simultaneously. Highlighted bars will appear in light blue.

View the Data Value for a Bar: Hold the mouse pointer over a bar in the bar chart to view the associated data value.

Select State(s) in the State Bar Chart: See the section on Selecting State(s) for instructions on keeping one or more bars selected in the State Bar Chart.

Use/Change the Bar Chart Colors: The bar colors in the State Bar Chart correspond to the data grouping in the Legend and the colors in the Map. See the section on Changing the Report Color Palette for instructions on changing the bar chart colors.

Screenshot showing New York highlighted on the Map, Legend, Data Table, and State Bar Chart.

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Selecting State(s)

Selected states will have dark blue shading in the Map, Data Table, and State Bar Chart, will be represented by a dark blue Trend Line. Selected states will remain selected while the data player is playing and until they are deselected.

Select a Single State: To select a single state, click a row in the Data Table, a state on the Map, or a bar in the State Bar Chart.

Screenshot showing New York selected on the Map, Legend, Data Table, and Trend Line.

Select Multiple States: To select multiple states, hold the "Ctrl" key and click rows in the Data Table, states on the Map, or bars in the State Bar Chart. Or, hold the "Shift" key and click rows in the data table or bars in the State Bar Chart to select a range of states.

Screenshot showing several states selected on the Map, Legend, Data Table, and Trend Line.

Multiple states also can be selected by clicking on a data grouping in the Legend.

Screenshot of the Map and Legend. One data grouping is selected in the legend and the states corresponding to this data grouping are shown in the Map.

Deselect States: Hold the "Ctrl" key and click on a selected state to deselect it. Or, right-click anywhere in the report and then click "Clear Selection" in the menu.

Screenshot showing multiple states selected and the Clear Selection option available from the  menu.

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Comparing States

The data for two or more states can be compared by selecting multiple states and viewing their associated data values in the Data Table, Trend Line, and State Bar Chart. See the section on Selecting State(s) for instructions on keeping multiple states selected in the Map, Data Table, Trend Line, and State Bar Chart.

Filters can be set for a group of states that have been selected in order to limit the amount of data displayed in the report and make it easier to view the data in the Data Table. When a filter is set, the selected states are the only ones displayed on the Map, Data Table, and State Bar Chart.

To set a filter on a group of states, first select multiple states (See the section on Selecting State(s) for instructions). Right-click anywhere in the report and then click "Filter Selection" in the menu to set a filter. To remove an active filter, right-click anywhere in the report and then click "Clear Filter" in the menu.

Screenshot showing multiple states selected and the Filter Selection option available from the  menu.

Screenshot of the Map, Legend, Data Table, and State Bar Chart with filtered states.

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Downloading Report Data

To download the data displayed in the selected report, click the "Download All Data for this Map" link above the report. After the "File Download" dialog box opens, click “Open” to view the report or select the destination folder for the data file and click "Save".

The downloaded data file is in an Excel spreadsheet (.xls) format and contains all of the data for the selected Topic & Measure across all years and states.

Screenshot of the data download link.

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Changing the Report Color Palette

To change the color palette used in the Map, Legend, Data Table, and State Bar Chart, click the blue pencil icon in the Legend and then click on a color in the "Palette" box. To reverse the direction of the color palette shading used in the Legend, Map, Data Table, and State Bar Chart, click the "Reverse Palette" checkbox.

Screenshot of the Legend with an arrow pointing to Legend Settings button.   Screenshot of the Legend Settings window.

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To generate a page formatted for printing that contains the full report or individual report components (Map, Data Table, Legend, Trend Line, and Start Bar Chart) click the "Print" button in the upper right corner of the report.

Screenshot of the Print button.

Or, right-click anywhere in the report and then click the "Print Preview" in the menu.

Screenshot of the Print Preview option available from the  menu.

To select the full report or an individual report component for printing, use the drop-down menu at the top of the "Print Preview" window.

Screenshot of the Print Preview window with an arrow pointing to the drop-down menu.   Screenshot of the Print Preview window with an arrow pointing to the expanded drop-down menu.

The formatted page can be saved as either a Vector or Bitmap image. The Bitmap is the best quality image, but the Vector format will have transparent layers.

Screenshot of the Print Preview window.

There are two print modes available: "Rescale to fit page" or "Resize to fit page". "Rescale to fit page" means that the printed page will contain exactly what is displayed on the screen, rescaled to fit the selected paper size. The quality of the output (especially text) might not be as crisp when using the "Rescale to fit page" option. "Resize to fit page" means that the report resizes all components individually to fit the selected paper size. The printed page will be crisp but text in the report may appear larger than on the screen and different chart axis labels and scroll bars may appear although they are not displayed in the original report.

Screenshot of the Print Preview window.

To show/hide the Interactive Map buttons and background in the printed output, use the checkboxes.

Screenshot of the Print Preview window.

Click the "Print" button in the "Print Preview" window to open a dialog window and select an appropriate printer.

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Viewing Larger Report Components

All of the report components (Map, Data Table, Legend, Trend Line, and Start Bar Chart) can be enlarged .To view a larger version of any report component, click the box in the top right corner of the report component.

To restore the report component to its original size, right-click anywhere in the report and then click "Reset Layout" in the menu. The maximized component can also be restored to its original size and location by clicking the arrow in the top right corner of the maximized component.

Screenshot of the Map with an arrow pointing to the maximize button.   Screenshot of the enlarged Map with an arrow pointing to the restore button.

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Saving Images from the Report (Exporting)

To save an image of the full report or an individual report component (Map, Data Table, Legend, Trend Line, and Start Bar Chart) do one of the following:

  • Click the “Save as Image” button.

Screenshot showing the Save as Image button.

  • Right-click anywhere in the report and then click "Export" in the menu.

Screenshot showing the Export menu.

To select the full report or an individual report component for exporting, use the drop-down menu at the top of the "Print Preview" window.

Screenshot of the Export Options window with an arrow pointing to the drop-down menu.   Screenshot of the Export Options window with an arrow pointing to the expanded drop-down menu.

Images can be saved as a JPEG or PNG format, both of which can be easily added to presentations and report document.

Screenshot of the Export Options window.

Click the "Export" button in the "Export Options" window to open a dialog window. Select the destination folder for the download and click "Save" to store the report image.

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Citing Interactive Maps

The following is the suggested citation for STATE System Interactive Maps:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System. Available at:

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