Author Archives: Gary Hicks

Pearl Harbor: The Waking of a Giant

It was a quiet and beautiful Sunday morning at Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor—home of America’s Pacific Fleet.  Many of the 60,000 Sailors and other military personnel stationed there were still in their bunks resting after a Saturday night on the town. …

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A Good Idea is a Terrible Thing to Waste

If there is one word in the English language that could be a four-letter word, it’s “claims.” From a Veteran’s standpoint, that six-letter word can be as cringe-worthy as any four-letter word heard while wearing the uniform.  At VA, we …

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Will Blog for Change

VA Public Affairs Specialist; Army and Air Force Veteran

You, the Veteran, can help affect change, and thus shape the future of VA by blogging and also commenting on other blogs. Believe it or not, senior leaders are well aware of what goes on here. This is an opportunity for you to blog for change. VA is listening.

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