Intel Report, November 27

For this week’s Intel Report, we’ve got some good links for you to use.

  • Vets will hit the slopes March 25-30, 2012 in Colorado for the annual National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic. If you want to be a part of it, applications are due November 30, with a late deadline of December 15.
  • Minnesota is the latest state to use a Veterans court to help struggling Vets connect with counseling and resources after brushes with the law.
  • The Rochester City Newspaper profiled VA’s Veterans Crisis Line, a 24/7 hotline available for Veterans and active service members. The crisis line has a live chat available also, so be sure to check it out if you or someone you know is in need.
  • Here’s a helpful tip for VA’s website: We’ve got an A-Z Index on health topics, from Alzheimer’s to Women Veteran health care. Okay, so it just goes to W.
  • Looking to head back to school? Check out our GI Bill page to apply for benefits, browse frequently asked questions and read a guide for choosing a school.

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