Jim In the News

  • Obama’s Groundhog Day Energy Promises
    Jan 26, 2012  - Obama’s Groundhog Day Energy Promises Obama proposes more of the same, but can’t get out of campaign mode. By F. James Sensenbrenner The president is clearly in campaign mode. In Tuesday’s State of the Union address, he said, “This country needs an all-out, all-of-the-above strategy that develops e... More
  • Radio Interview with Frank Gaffney: 2012 Priorities for Homeland Security
    Jan 17, 2012  - Congressman Sensenbrenner spoke with Frank Gaffney and Fred Grandy on Secure Freedom Radio about his work as Chair of the the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security and priorities for 2012, including the tools of the PATRIOT Act, investigating Fast and Furious, the REAL ID Act,... More
  • Washington Times Editorial: Corn-fueled politics
    Oct 15, 2011  - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wants to shove more ethanol into your gas tank. Obama administration bureaucrats have signed off on a crony-capitalist scheme to boost the corn content of gasoline from 10 percent to 15 p... More
  • Jim's interview with Waukesha Freeman
    Oct 1, 2011  - More
  • Sensenbrenner Discusses Failed Green Jobs Subsidies on FOX News
    Sep 26, 2011  - ICYMI: Congressman Sensenbrenner discusses failed solar subsidies on FOX News Reporting: “Green Jobs: Help Wanted” Watch clip of Congressman Sensenbrenner's interview below: < More
  • Jim talks Debt Reduction with Charlie Sykes
    Jul 29, 2011  - Congressman Sensenbrenner spoke with Charlie Sykes on Friday, July 29, 2011 before the House voted on the Budget Control Act: On Republican Efforts to Reduce the Deficit and Preserve America's Credit Rating Now lets make it clear, it isn’t the Republicans that are the party of no anymore. Because Ha... More
  • A huge step backwards for the USPTO
    Jun 21, 2011  - A huge step backwards for the USPTO By Rep. John Conyers, Jr, (D-Mich.) and James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) - 06/21/11 11:30 AM ET As two former Chairs of the House Judiciary Committee, we understand that reforming the patent system is long overdue. Indeed, the most important reform Congress could ena... More
  • The End to Ethanol Subsidies
    Jun 20, 2011  - Congressman Sensenbrenner spoke with Charlie Sykes today about the Senate's vote to end ethanol subsidies. He also discusses the way forward to turning back the Environmental Protection Agency's regulations that continue to promote ethanol. Listen HERE. More
  • Patent Bill Changes Threaten Economy
    Jun 16, 2011  - Sensenbrenner and Baldwin: Patent Bill Changes Threaten Economy By Reps. Jim Sensenbrenner and Tammy Baldwin Special to Roll Call June 16, 2011, Midnight As we work to rebuild our economy, Congress should do all that it can to foster small-business innovation and investment. Yet provisions in the pa... More
  • Sensenbrenner Speaks with Jay Weber about President Obama Visit
    Jun 30, 2010  - Congressman Sensenbrenner spoke with radio host Jay Weber this morning about President Obama’s visit to Racine today, as well as the failed stimulus package, and the need for President Obama to reverse the Export-Import Bank decision, so that Bucyrus International can create jobs in Wisconsin. Highl... More